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17489871 No.17489871 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn’t you run Bitcoin in 2009

>> No.17489895

I thought those threads on /b/ were memes, just like the /DUBSTEP/ ones

>> No.17489902

i was 9 years old

>> No.17489950

>I thought those threads on /b/ were memes, just like the /DUBSTEP/ ones
There were no bitcoin threads on /b/ in 2009, outside of ultra-niche mailing lists and the likes, the mainstream hype started in 2011.

>> No.17489957

because I couldn't get the project to compile and decided it wasn't worth the effort anyway. true story.

>> No.17489961


There 100% were in 2010

>> No.17489970

2009? didn't know of it.
2010/11? it was a botnet broo viral marketing scam bro
didnt know the whitepaper even existed brooo points2shop brooo

>> No.17489971

I heard about it on the DMTnexus in late 2009 of all places....

>> No.17489983


>> No.17489993
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its all so tiresome

>> No.17490014
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I did though

I still have the machine I mined on too, and the original exes

>> No.17490035

I installed the client but was "only earning a few cents per day" off of my SLI GTX 265s. Gave up, and ended up folding@home instead because I wanted to be charitable.

>> No.17490041
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i remember reading articles in 2013 of the "bitcoin millionaires" who sold circa $200, thought it was over and i was late

>> No.17490068


>> No.17490078

Cause I was dumb.

>> No.17490086

Because there was no decent miner and you couldn't buy it since the exchanges were even more dog shit than they are now.

>> No.17490099

True story I wanted to buy ten bitcoin when they were fluctuating over 100 dollars each but balked because I didn’t want to argue with my wife over it

>> No.17490102

nice, how much bitcoin do own now?

>> No.17490124
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oh no no no

>> No.17490161
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not telling

>> No.17490225

I was running world community grid (still do). I specifically remember having a conversation with a coworker how stupid and pointless bitcoin was compared to wcg. Fake internet money that will go nowhere, computers wasting electricity to do math for internet bucks etc.. regret it all the time because in 2011 or so i had enough capital to invest and not miss the money if it failed. Would have retired by now.

>> No.17490298

Unironically I was one of the first few thousand people to read the whitepaper after a friend sent it to me. I was busy gambling, drinking and taking drugs back then. Saw the price go from $0.01>$1.00>$15>$50>$100> and FOMOED back in at $1000.

Friend also told me to invest into ETH ICO and I couldn't be bothered. Yes every day is painful. Yes I have trouble sleeping at night and Yes I have regrets. Also I lost about 3.7 something BTC in an early wallet I had in 2010.

>> No.17490331

Ooohh... nostalgia

>> No.17490333

you would have sold at a thousand
i did
everyone was like holy shit a thousand

>> No.17490366

based. oldfags know BSV is bitcoin

>> No.17490459

Here's a story for you guys

>high school IT nerd in 2010-2011
>actually not an idiot, most tech savvy in class
>download bitcoin mining client at school
>setup on computer at home
>Dad denies me internet for next 3 years
>Work shitty fast food job and save up to buy wifi adapter just to be able to listen to music while im depressed as fuck (lol)
>forget about client, dont hear about bitcoin again until 2019ish

My whole family could be fucking billionaires and he fucked us all lmfao.

>> No.17490508

Join the crypto Discord - 5JMhwnu

>> No.17490586

when i was in middle school i had a friend who's mined 2 btc. they were worth 500 then, shit blew my mind at the time but i was too stupid and broke to buy in. i wonder if he's still holding

>> No.17490621

Same here plus I simply had no use for it and feared that I would be prosecuted if I support that darknet drug market currency.

>> No.17490628

I thought you said you were tech savy? And yet you let a boomer out maneuver you at technology lmao

>> No.17490667

Tech savvy doesnt mean I had a car to acquire resources, money to buy things, or any authority at all in my house as a teenager. Oh well.

>> No.17490770


>> No.17490821

You do realize Public Libraries, Starbucks, McDonalds, have free Wifi, right?

You can blame your dumbfuck Boomer dad but you're also to blame here

>> No.17490890

imo it's all fair in the end anyway desu. i bet a lot of people from 2010 to before 1k when it was all over did that or then thought they missed out and it was too late already after 1k dump. the people that didn't mine or get in early (and stay in) didn't do their research or just gave up at the first problem they ran into.

anyone that got in early must have read extensively and made a decision and stuck with it despite everrrryone saying it was a scam, it was worthless, they themselves maybe thinking it might be worthless/waste of time, program created by anonymous person etc. everyone else gave up, forgot about it, deleted, moved on
recently i saw a youtube video of that guy that first mentioned bitcoin on radio, on some youtube video from like 2009 or early 2010 and there were a lot of people in the comments that probably missed out despite knowing at least something about it extremely early. you needed to further than just "yeah i heard about it" to make it

>> No.17490904

Why do you keep making these threads?

>> No.17490973

chill, he was in highschool in 2010. And who the fuck mine Bitcoin via public wifi??

>> No.17491041

In the end the ones that probably ended getting the richest were the drug dealers on the silk road since they probably didn't want to cash everything out all at once to hide the money.

>> No.17491084

Lmao I lived 20 miles from any nearest downtown/city center. Ain't nobody driving my ass to a fucking library, I took the bus home and the bus to school, that was it.

Never could have seen the bull run coming especially as a 16 year old kid. If it was easy to do, I'd have done it. The first problem I ran into stopped me

>> No.17491136

lucky bastards

>> No.17491151

hey man, i don't think it's too late to long on crypto or Bitcoin in particular. Just be smart and selective.

>> No.17491186


It was a thing people paid for child porn & meth over TOR. I was morally against it, also didn't buy through all these years.

I might be stupid & weird, but it is how it is.

>> No.17491701

Shit like this makes me wonder how much Bitcoin is just sitting around bricked. The amount of Bitcoin available to buy has got to be so small. This run up is going to be just as glorious as the last.

>> No.17491754

this. i heard about it through counter strike source. i asked mommy to buy 50 dollars worth but we where too poor. i'm from a 1st generation immigrant. bought it at 300 though when i got older :D

>> No.17492212
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based. oldfags know BSV is bitcoin

>> No.17492428

read the whitepaper when it came out in 2008
installed the wallet in early 2009
checked the "mine" box and let it mine overnight
it didn't mine anything before morning
deleted it and went back to running SETI@Home
fuck me

>> No.17492456
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>> No.17492472
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>> No.17492821

somethingawful called them autismcoins so I figured it was a meme

>> No.17492870

i recall a coworker shilling bitcoin to me around that time, when it was basically worthless, and he got in trouble (datacenter job) for setting up a mining rig at work.
i was looking into buying some bitcoin at the time, but i was discouraged because the process to actually buy it seemed like a pain in the ass

>> No.17492914

SA forums was always pretentious idiots with a veil of sarcasm

>> No.17493007

That’s a good strategy though because it dropped to $200 after

>> No.17493031

>Why didn’t you run Bitcoin in 2009

Because I ran it in 2010.

>> No.17493275

>"Why didn't you buy Kleros in 2020?"

>> No.17493958

Downloaded the software in 2009 but unfortunately didn't set it off running. There was a warning that it would potentially kill the computer and I was a poor kid who couldn't afford to replace it. Biggest regret of my life haha!

>> No.17494019

I was 10 yrs old

>> No.17494047

Because I thought it was stupid pointless crap
I could have fucking mined it on a toaster in 2009
Just think of how many fucking toasters I could have bought today

>> No.17494084

I was 9 years old. By the time I had an income the bubble had come and gone. It pains me every day

>> No.17494119

i was 15 but i hadnt heard of it. i was more focused on anime and vidya. fuck me

>> No.17494170

I did, but I forgot the password to my wallet

Probably worth like 500k USD now or something but I try not to think about it

>> No.17494193

do you still have the wallet file?

>> No.17494231

Yes, and no I won't send it to you for a cut of it

>> No.17494233

itt people replying to a bot

>> No.17494361

dude just keep trying it, you will figure it out. if i were you, id spend as much time as it takes. id make it my mission to crack it.

>> No.17494622

Believe me man, I've tried absolutely everything I can think of. I remember what I did, I made one of those secure passwords that are just a string of seemingly unrelated words that you make some consistent story for in your head so you can remember them but it would seem like nonsense to anyone else. Like you might take horse, book, lamp, moon, Brazil, and then make a story in your head to remember. Problem is I forgot the story, and I lost the piece of paper I wrote it on.

>> No.17494629

You can't run a whitepaper you absolute retard.

>> No.17494691

I bought the eth ico and sokd at 10$ so no eaven if you bought the eth ico chances are you would have sold. Stop regreti g the past and move on, life is a one once in a lifetime opportunity

>> No.17494696

whitepaper was October 2008
first working client already released in January 2009

>> No.17494791

Hey anon i had the same situation from the eth ico.....paid a guy called "bitcoin dave" (you can just send him a part of the wallet where he cant take you money)....gave him 20% and then sold my eth (at 10$ fml)

>> No.17495115

>be me in 09-10
>somebody offers me bitcoin
>I humiliate him
it cost me millions and millions of dollars.

>> No.17495926

I first heard of Bitcoin in 2014 when I was a Taylor Swift and not Lily Allen 22

>> No.17495977

Well at least you learned your lesson and bought a fat stack of LINK

>> No.17495979

I've only first heard about it in 2011, and I did try to solo mine it with my notebook cpu in 2012... I didn't know about pools, gpu mining etc

>> No.17496000

I was a preteen. The only thing I had was a eBay account when I turned 13.

>> No.17496024

bought btc to order mdma on silkroad in 2012.
mdma never arrived. either got scammed or the customs snorted it.

>> No.17496133


I've been coming to this shithole of a site since 2004. I didn't believe.