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File: 57 KB, 800x550, chainlink-charts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17485437 No.17485437 [Reply] [Original]

Why?Mirin,but why are the most prestigious project charts shit while link is Godly?
Is this really the power of 4chan or what is exactly happening?money laundering?Link is the best cryptocurrency ever?

>> No.17485441

> he doesn’t know link is not a crypto currency
It’s a token for use in a network.

>> No.17485451

The power of memes and social media in a bear market.

Link going to fail hard and everyone who thought they'd get rich will fomo into xrp at $60
Cap this

>> No.17485458

Does that justify Links outworldy performance?
Its like it follows its own market like it wasnt part of the crypto market ,its honestly crazy

>> No.17485464

Link > you

>> No.17485484

Actual use-cases.

>> No.17485488

Sergey is just more patient with dumping his bags than most other shitcoin creators

>> No.17485504


>t. seething nolinker

you had 3 (three) years

>> No.17485527

I wouldn't fomo into XRP if my life depended on it. Utter shit.

>> No.17485529

network effects of partnering with entire crypto and defy sector
plus, staking means an eventual incentive to hoard linkies rather than perpetually trading them for tether

>> No.17485538
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>xrp at $60
how long have you been holding at 20 cents big boy? you realise even a measly 3x for xrp would put it above ETH's market cap?

>> No.17485570

link cant be real, this cant be happening lol. there is just no way the absolute conspiracy tier research you autistic basementers have done is even close to be true

>> No.17485581
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>> No.17485584

>Is this really the power of 4chan

Go back

>> No.17485622

Link is 3rd biggest contract on ethereum. It's not currently being used for anything useful, but it is definitely getting used.

>> No.17485683

>why are the most prestigious project charts shit while link
I'm going to stop you right there.
This is where your bias and assumption are influencing your thought process.

Question for reflection: why do you refer to some projects as "prestigious?"

>> No.17485733

LOL here’s the XRP guy
Big boy

>> No.17486081

Link is the most prestigious project. Why do you not get this? Biz had nothing to do with this. This was going to happen whether or not we got on board early on.

>> No.17486217

Because it fulfills a universal need not only in crypto (external connectivity) but in legacy finance (smart contract automation).

ETH blew up because there was suddenly interest from the industry in the promised smart contracts (see EEA).
Crude, centralized oracles already existed at that time, but people underestimated how these oracles had to take the form of a protocol in its own right.
Enter Chainlink.
(and the best part is Chainlink isn't even limited to ETH)

>> No.17486278

Because your favorite shitcoin is reliant on it. When are people going to realize every protocol suffers from the data connectivity issue and every protocol will be forced to integrate link to maintain legitimacy

>> No.17486736

Everything is a shitcoin except BSV lmao. Imagine holding this.

Here’s the funny this. 99% of you WILL NOT MAKE IT. 99% of you WILL NOT SELL. That’s the best fucking part. Fucking bought 30k of this shit at 50 cents and just sold it all. Putting 50% of it into BSV and the other 50% cashing out.

Feels good to actually make REAL GAINS instead of PAPER GAINS. Keep holding like the little idiots you are. Muh “never selling” until it crashes just like you didn’t sell btc when I told you it’s going to crash at 17k.

Have fun holding worthless bags of a shitcoin that’ll be absolutely annihilated by Craig’s patents. See you at 10k for BSV.

Muh “Craig is a scam”. Yeah he’s such a scam that the “real satoshi” can’t even come out and say it’s not Craig like he did the last time someone was thought to be Satoshi (google Dorian Nakamoto). His keys are unlocked 2020 and BSV still made the highest gains since last month (5x, more than everything in the market despite being high market cap).

>> No.17486924

Congrats. You just sold generational wealth for a measly $120k. What could have been anon, what could have been

>> No.17487021

Smart contracts will become a reality and there is nothing anybody could do to stop it. Chainlink will be $50 soon. Sell everything you have and buy Link. Last time i gave this advice to some frens, Link was $1.6 . None of them gave a shit. None of them bought. You wont buy either.

>> No.17487069

>Bitcoin can't be real, it can't be at $100 already, it's not even backed by anything!
This is how you sound right now.

>> No.17487100
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Chainlink? Not a hope in hell.

>> No.17487135
File: 208 KB, 717x1024, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a true bitcoin system (bsv) is the ultimate expression of the universe's self realization. we are in a simulation of sorts and bitcoin brings it all under control and under market discipline and everything has a central immutable database for every use case you could ever imagine

bitcoin brings us back to source

>> No.17487166
File: 127 KB, 1813x811, linketh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, second resistance backtest now being done. Failing to break through upwards will be oh so bearish for LINK.

>> No.17487201


>> No.17487248
File: 266 KB, 640x628, zzzzzzzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire world market crashing
>LINK/ETH is quite literally only going up
>this is bearish for LINK

its all so tiresome, you had 2 years.

>> No.17487256

Posting LINK/BTC would be pointless here wouldnt it. No point posting a parabola that every shrimp is already having their eyes on right now.

>> No.17487330

traders are going to start taking profits into vitaliks
it'll probably break through next month if eth doesn't start a rally

>> No.17487362

>why are the most prestigious project charts shit
because those projects are actually dogshit
the only 3 projects worth caring about are btc, eth, and link

>> No.17487471

Hahahaha what a fucking moron. If I were you I would neck myself so fucking hard from a 120m bridge using a 115m rope. Jeezuz christ imagine missing out on all these gains because you fell for a Twitter shill army. Fucking grade schoolers are more savvy then the XRP bagholders. It truly is amazing

>> No.17488453

ChainLink is a fraudulent token
The real decentralized oracles are NuLink (NLINK)

>> No.17488729

Lmao BSV and XRP shills coming out of the woodwork, you fuckheads are delusional

>> No.17488807

Are you guys telling me Link is a better project than those listed above?

>> No.17488848

Read the white paper, i’m done argueing i’m gonna keep buying more linkies.

>> No.17489090
File: 65 KB, 640x480, 4984271904_7820f304a3_z-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most prestigious project charts shit
what "prestigious project" lol

>> No.17489127

>not BTC

>> No.17489204

If even 10% of "crypto investors" were informed enough to understand the implications of the arbitrum news then we would be at $50 already. The market is just very, very slowly catching up with reality.

>> No.17489240

They don’t need to know
That’s the best part about link
No hype
Adoption === 10,000$ USD/link without investor money

That’s the big game.

>> No.17489268
File: 2.97 MB, 570x2427, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I know. I am fully aboard the $10k LINK train as well.

>> No.17489286
File: 136 KB, 577x507, 1533505519383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but why are the most prestigious project charts shit while link is Godly?

>> No.17489292

Mein nigga
See you on the yacht

>> No.17489302
File: 53 KB, 500x551, google-braind-wojek-ll-images-news-e-s-the-absolute-state-54280082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17489341

Why does LINK make plebbitors seethe?
Go post anything that isn’t negative about LINK in the Crypto sub and they bombard you with hate and down votes

>> No.17489355 [DELETED] 

Chainlink dumped by 80 cents within the past week, Yes Godly lol.

>> No.17489419

Get out of your personal bubble my friend and look into other coin charts

>> No.17489465
File: 154 KB, 500x500, 1582829872774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link has already flipped ada and monero you reddit mongoloid

>> No.17489638

Bitconnect pumped even harder than LINK.

>> No.17489805

This is bait right? A year ago I wanted to build a bot that bought XRP at .24 and then sold at .28. I'd be a millionaire 10x over by now lmao Get fucked XRP EOS BCH BSV are such shitcoins I get hard thinking about LINK over taking them

>> No.17489824

it's because once you buy link you never want to sell. there's literally no one selling this.

>> No.17490131

I can't wait until LINK overtakes BSV, The fact alone will be better than actually making money in the process

>> No.17490144

>Last time i gave this advice to some frens, Link was $1.6 . None of them gave a shit. None of them bought. You wont buy either.

Same anon, I gave one of my friends a 45 minute explanation over brunch, he said it sounded legit but he needed to “build up his savings”. LINK was about 30 cents then.
There’s literally no point explaining LINK to nolinkers because they won’t buy and even if they do they won’t have the understanding to hold through dumps and pumps. They’ll panic sell during a dump, fall for fud, or sell for a small profit and gloat about it thinking they’re so clever for making a 50% profit

>> No.17490312

What are you? A nigger? Go read tge fucking whitepaper instead of expecting being constantly spoonfed like a faggot

>> No.17490442

Do not underestimate the power of positive thought!

>> No.17490475

will it dip to $3?

>> No.17490499

>55 replies
get fucked

>> No.17490609

>many millions od money from the ICO
>most of it goes towards marketing the fuck out of LINK, mainly on 4chan
>pumping their own bags
it's a scam and everybody saying it ain't is a retard or a shill

>> No.17491168


>> No.17491935

You had two years

>> No.17492046

You're probably considered one of his dumb friends.

I shilled my friends and Dad on link hard at .20-.60 cents. They all bought on my word and have a few thousand link each, but they all know I'm intelligent so they trust me.

>> No.17492103

i'm sitting on 140 link for almost a year now i will never sell it