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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17483739 No.17483739 [Reply] [Original]

They had the perfect opportunity the past few days and they blew it. They could have used this to pump BTC with perfect timing to spread a meme "safe haven" narrative to the general public. Instead their short term greed on their shorts outweighed the long term potential bull run they could have easily sparked by capitalizing on this timing. They blew it. They risked killing the golden goose for short term greed. Opportunities like these do not come along often.

>> No.17483756

LINK is the safe haven

>> No.17483757

you realize the majority of BTC holdings are owned by communist china who is desperate for liquid cash right now right?

>> No.17483771

bitcoin is easier to dump than to pump
Just dump it enough to trigger stop losses
Whereas to pump it itd take billions of dollars

>> No.17483774

>Whereas to pump it itd take billions of dollars
Nah they could have easily pumped it with far less than that.

>> No.17483795

Which is why this dump happened to send the message it did with tons of media pieces questioning btc as safe haven. It's a big club and you ain't in it.

>> No.17483882


Seems like Bitcoin is a trading tool, nothing more. There will never be a fairly distributed coin to stop this, Bitcoin was the best shot and it failed and nothing that comes next has any chance.

>> No.17483953
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>> No.17484284
