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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17481293 No.17481293 [Reply] [Original]

When I told you about Corona, you called me a doomer and a shizo for telling the truth. You told me to take my meds. Now you get what you FUCKING DESERVE.

>> No.17481316
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Schizos were right again. That shaman blood is strong stuff.

>> No.17481322

Didn't take a genius to understand it you're just dumb

>> No.17481338

Was saying the exact same OP

the only thing that astonishes me is that the markets took this long to react after it was well known how bad this was going to be

>> No.17481349

Biz always lags behind they think it’s just another Ebola or swine flu. When the normies start panicking and grocery stores are empty for a couple of weeks they’ll see

>> No.17481359

/pol/ is always right

>> No.17481408


The writing was on the wall from the get go. Normies still say it’s not as bad as the flu but that’ll change within two weeks, max.

>> No.17481409

I have 4 months of supplies and a few thousand rounds of ammunition get fucked. Worst case scenario I have until october 2021 to eat all my soup.

Prep now if you haven't yet. You have literally nothing to lose. Do it while their are still supplies on the shelves and public places arent infected. The normies are still asleep to the fact that its already infected 60 people in the U.S.

Remain indoors limit contact towards all individuals. Dont go out to eat or order food in. Disinfect your hands frequently and avoid touching your mouth and eyes.

>> No.17481434

Babies first outbreak /thread

>> No.17481458

How the fuck is ammunition going to protect you from a virus? What does that have to do with anything? This isn’t some zombie outbreak here

>> No.17481477

There hasn't been an outbreak of this magnitude in literally a century. SARS, Ebola, Mers etc. etc. all remained regional. Corona has already spread to virtually every nation on the planet. Even if you believed that it is less dangerous than the flu, you'd still have to acknowledge that the spread is completely different, quality-wise.

>> No.17481492

>The normies are still asleep to the fact that its already infected 60 people in the U.S.

you realize this means nothing, right? one million people travel between the US and China on a daily basis. If it's taken a month and change to infect 60 Americans, that is a slow moving disease.

>> No.17481529


Guns and ammunition protect me from looters. When people are starving and the supermarkets are empty people start going door to door violently stealing supplies.

>> No.17481546
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>> No.17481592

Look: Most nations are not testing people with symptoms, only people with symptoms AND direct contact to people from China. The CDC has made it ILLEGAL to test for Corona. The only nations outside China who are testing all people with symptoms: Italy and South Korea. The two nations with highest number of cases outside China: Italy and South Korea.
This, my friend, is what is called a coincidence. There are hundreds if not 1000s of Corona cases in the US right now.

>> No.17481596

Infected persons are asymptomatic for 2 weeks upon being infected. Meaning they have the virus and are spreading it without their knowledge. 60 is only the confirmed cases so far I suspect their being many more than that. Imagine how many people you come within 20 feet of everyday. At work, the supermarket and gas stations alone its over 250 people easily and the virus survives on surfaces for over 2 weeks. This virus is very fast and you underestimate it greatly.

>> No.17481619
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Insider whistleblower here.
Mutations of benises into baginas preceded by high pitched voices and incongruous speech are to follow in the next developmental phase of the Booobooo virus.
You heard it here first.

>> No.17481635

Give it a couple of weeks...

>> No.17481640

Bunch of loser faggots praying this is the end of everything, just rope yourself already, nothing ever happens

>> No.17481683

Commercial fisherman here. I've stocked up on fuel lead and vitamin c so I don't catch skurvy. I figure I can float n catch food for 1-1.5 years.

>> No.17481693

If this virus is another nothingburger like all the rest I eat and drink what I bought over the course of the next year.

If the virus is really as bad as I expect it to be my family can wait it out in relative comfort eventually resuming life as normal.

Its a win win situation.

>> No.17481705
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>> No.17481710

imagine being this retarded. anon, you will never make it if the shit actually hits the fan

>> No.17481711

I prepped a month ago, niggerfaggot.

>> No.17481720
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>I'm smarter than morons

>> No.17481728

Because society is going to turn to total anarchy with people shooting up their surrounding houses for a piece of bread. You watch too many movies

>> No.17481730

Shelves are still full in my relatively rural town (60,000 population). Prego and canned beans and shit stocked all the ay up. I saw some preppers earlier today but most of the people are still doing their average grocery shopping

>> No.17481735

Shooting looters.

>> No.17481740

Anon's let this be a lesson. You are smarter and wiser then you think you are.

>> No.17481761

shaman blood?

>> No.17481763

Clearly you never read about the fall of the U.S.S.R. because thats exactly what happened because their was no food on the shelves.

>> No.17481770

You mean niggers anon.

>> No.17481773
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This whole corona virus thing just makes me realize how much the media doesn't understand how much control they have over behavior. All they'd have to do is report that the only deaths have been in third world countries and the panic would be over. That the whole thing was blown out of proportion because the area of the world that the outbreak started in just so happened to be one of the least equipped to deal with offering medical care to its citizens -- that if you live in a developed western nation, you can just go to the doctor if you get sick and there'd be literally nothing to worry about. The economy would be fine. But they just keep going all in on the scare tactics and making it worse.

>> No.17481819

I'm doing another round of stocking still. This next round should get me up to three months or longer.

>> No.17481826

Everyone who didn't prep willl become a nigger once the hunger kicks in.

>> No.17481831
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>scare is incidental
>he doesn't know

>> No.17481853
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NOt me and my friends anon. We believe in you. What other visions of the future do you have?

>> No.17481876
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If it bleeds, We can kill it.

>> No.17481926

You are long on everything, aren't you?

>> No.17482288

what is the source of this?

>> No.17482907

>that is a slow moving disease.
Wrong. It spreads extremely fast AND it is stealthy. 60 confirmed cases actually mean hundreds of infected people may be around.

>> No.17483662
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they delayed so the richfags in the know could offload while the boomer geezers are left with their dicks in the wind

>> No.17484227

You don't know what you are talking about. Yours is a surface level view that most plebs have. Go deeper and understand whats happening in regions impacted.