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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 96 KB, 606x729, SergAyNeymaUND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17479258 No.17479258 [Reply] [Original]

I tried, biz. I really tried. I had one too many whiskey sours with Neyma and I stumbled up to Sergey like a frightened deer. He told me they had been doing meth all day, wrestling bears, and showed me the scars on his arms. They were still bleeding. I asked him if he was worried he was going to ruin his flannel, and I shit you not, he looked me dead in the eyes and told me "YOU KNOW HOW MANY OF THESE SHIRTS I BOUGHT WITH YOUR STUPID FUCKING MONEY?"

Sergey grabbed my arm. It hurt. He knew it hurt. That shitty smirk is when you know Sergey is about to do something truly terrible. His hand ran down my stomach slowly, and touched my belt. "I could fucking kill you and leave you in the dumpster outside and not a SINGLE person would ever come looking for you or even care", he whispered into my ear.

I was freaked to shit, but too drunk to say anything, and I know the crypto dudes I was with would just say "Oh, that's just Sergey, you should be lucky he even talked to you."

Sergey leaned back, and told me he was dumping 70,000 Link for UND in the coming weeks. When those dumps began to happen, UND was about 0.006 cents, and now it's fucking 3x from there.

WHAT IS SERGEY'S PLAN? Is he literally about to jump ship and crash the whole ponzi to make UND 1,000x?

I am mentally scarred. Some day, I hope Sergey goes to jail for his deeds.

For now, I market-buy UND whenever I see more than $1K up for grabs.

>> No.17479320

wen patrnership? LINK+UND sir.

>> No.17479341

UND doesn't need LINK as a partner because they will win their share on their own. That said, Sergey should be grateful if they decide to let Link bend the knee.

>> No.17479351

The fuck is UND? Underwear?

>> No.17479375

sergey parntenership UND $1?

>> No.17479380

>premined shittoken partners with premined shittoken


>> No.17479394


$1 is FUD

you again? snore.

>> No.17479397
File: 37 KB, 599x441, ITISTRUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ser its tru

>> No.17479479

Not only will this hit $1, it should well exceed that. I know something you (probably) don't know.

>> No.17479861

>He doesn't buy underwear token

Ngmi. Have fun going commando in the post apocalypse

>> No.17479915


>> No.17479949

Send this shit back to 5 cents already so we can have a proper "It's only $1M cap!" moon cycle. C'mon Ney Ney. Main Net me, my mouth is open.

>> No.17480265

If you don't have the patience to hold a year without sweating, you will never hold past the first 10x. Relax and let the money come to you.

I'm staking until 2022. No exceptions.

>> No.17480594

want to hire a man to punch sergey in the face when UND hits $1

>> No.17480639

God he is so fucking handsome. Fuck.

>> No.17480872

You really dont know?
This is some sort of weak FUD

>> No.17481108

Neyma? Indeed.

>> No.17481136

BASED UND will be my 1,000x of 2021.

>> No.17481318

this thread is getting a little /b

but really - lots of similar signals and an obvious
synergy (not to mention shirts - however me thinks, UNDman has better shoe game than Sergey)

LINK is interesting, but aside from up/down trading it is priced in. That is the reality of it. Maybe if we hit another proper retail bull run, it will hit the sky, but so will lots of things

UND is interesting because it is a similar caliber of team and literally the token is 2 fucking cents right now. I have heard about their upcoming 90% burn which gives room for the token to easily move to $1 which is 50x from where we are.

Honesty - Ill take the 50x bet over the priced in industry token.

>> No.17481463
File: 81 KB, 1030x1019, bizfomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lulz - someone from biz fomoed in hard

>> No.17481608

you mean someone from biz has an IQ that is at least on par with the average population?

color me surprised

>> No.17481678

that was me. want in heavy under 3 cents.

>> No.17481810

I hate this scamming fat fuck so much

>> No.17482412


>> No.17482873

shitcoin, but it will 30x easy by 2021. i can wait.

>> No.17483187
File: 25 KB, 700x300, Once-Upon-a-Time-in-Hollywood-Rick-Dalton-freak-out-700x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had one too many whiskey sours

>> No.17483362

Upon further evaluation of this picture I have put more money into UND

Neyma clearly has a plan.

>> No.17483387

Flash Flash


doooon't stop.

be-lieeeeevin. bananana

>> No.17483497

If Main Net isn't launched by end of March I am contracting a hit on Neyma. ENOUGH.

>> No.17484496


not cool, we are going to make it, just chill if it doesn't happen by the end of next month.

>> No.17484511

the time is NOW

>> No.17484783

no bro just chill out let me buy some more pay is on hold from some weird corona virus shit sell everything now

>> No.17484931

Everybody just relax. We're all gonna make eeet.

>> No.17485880

bullish autism itt

>> No.17486529


(I would never sell my undies