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File: 63 KB, 451x442, 1D22CFB1-C367-4C59-965D-74F6AF85BD3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17477322 No.17477322 [Reply] [Original]

Should I tell her about LINK?

Should I tell anyone about LINK?

>> No.17477341

block that crazy bitch

>> No.17477350

If you want to her associate you with crypto atuists, yes

>> No.17477358

Don't tell her about LINK.

>> No.17477372

Cut her from your life

>> No.17477388

you should sperg out about link and don't forget the esoteria surrounding muh chosen coin that is currently mooning because an ancient Egyptian god of chaos and change wants racist incel neets from a Mongolian fly-fishing forum to make it.

>> No.17477393

Tell her to buy bsv and pnk
Then ghost her when her money is gone

>> No.17477399
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>All girls keep the good ones around until the time is right

that's just what i needed to hear, fren.

>> No.17477409

No she’s fucking playing games with you. I am female (I only mention it bc I know what this bitch is doing) and you are never “not ready” for the perfect guy. If you’re not ready when you meet him you’re going to get ready, and fast.

>> No.17477414

I can't believe they think they can just ride dick until they've had their fill then expect someone to commit to them.

That's like buying a used vehicle with extremely high mileage.

>> No.17477416

fuck no, for simply asking, your link privileges should be revoked

>> No.17477454
File: 66 KB, 636x333, 72D0331D-B84B-4B4F-BFD7-E1CA35E0BEC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based femposter

Girls will drop everything for a perfect man. OP is just a hedge/insurance policy in case options A-Z don’t pan out.

>> No.17477480

why do girls do that shit? is it validation? Keeping orbiters around i mean.

>> No.17477523

tell her everything

>> No.17477527

Insurance policy like anon above you said most likely. Some act like this because they genuinely want to keep you as a friend but are scared you will take the rejection and hate them. I guess the younger girls enjoy the attention of beta orbs but it’s never been a personal goal.

>> No.17477544

>wanted to wait for a better time

kek this means she wanted to fuck chads before she settled with a cuck

also don't tell women about how to get rich you retard, thankfully LINK is a scam.

>> No.17477558

If you dont tell her to delete you number and never contact you again, you will experience poverty and grief.

>> No.17477585

If you want them to lose money short term then YES

>> No.17477596

Or is it a bad thing?

I wish women were more honest. Being a 5'5 male lowers your chances more than being a very fat female, and there's not much you can do about height more than a few inches with shoes.

I have a vehicle I've owned since 14k miles and have put 100k on it. I don't ever want to sell it. I think your analogy works well.

If you are a celebrity, would you tell people to stop being your fans?

>> No.17477635

Get a cute little asian!! 5’1 and 5’5 is the same as 5’7 and 5’11 :)

>> No.17477673
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Jesus fuck, why are you wasting a single moment on this retarded roastie? If i wasn't phone posting at work I'd have a million memes to characterize this bitch. Also SAGE for retarded thread.

>> No.17477744

I should move to a nearby college town with many Asians. My city is shit for meeting people and my dating profile pics suck.

Best way to meet normal girls that actually care about their education in a college town? I've mostly met party girls when I'm actually the opposite 90% of the time.

>> No.17477746

When the time is right for her she's a used up hole

>> No.17477761

But BSV will make her rich! Don't trick OP like this

>> No.17477768

>investing in anything right now

>> No.17477786

No. Just cut her normally

>> No.17477819

forget about her, she is not worth your time

>> No.17477854

>Should I tell anyone about LINK?

NO you fucking rap sniffing twar
Listen to this instead


>> No.17478034

OK you pathetic sap here it is.
I have fucke dmore pussy than you have had hot dinners. Don't shit on about crypto to her you spaz

Send her this
Wait ten minutes and then text her...'wanna fuck?'
Congratulations you just lost your virginity incoming.

>> No.17478076

if not larping, you should just give her all your money because your stupid you even consider "teaching" her shit. you got friend zoned for a reason, and believe me, if she was your that good, she would've acted asap. not "wait".

>> No.17478085

Don't tell this bitch shit.
Tits or GTFO

>> No.17478086

and bring some fucking drugs, leave her so she can't walk then forget about her and ignore
Release your inner jokerchad

>> No.17478103

Tell her your LINK is enough for both of you.

>> No.17478105

>or is it a bad thing

of course it is. it's astronomically bad. basically saying that she found you, but she wants to be a slut and suck 50 dicks before she "settles down" with you because she's ""ready"". aka, having her cake and eating it too.

meanwhile you're a good little soiboi waiting in the corner for her royal.higjmess to finish being a cum slut.

fuck her and fuck you for being so dumb.

>> No.17478109

Tits or GTFO
Also watch this

wanna fuck?

>> No.17478122

Good now go stove a broom handle up yourself and hop off like a good little breeding machine with limited AI

>> No.17478128

you got too much testosterone for a modern women dont you? hence the rational reasoning, or your a larping tranny.

>> No.17478149

Stop replying to this thread. It’s a total fucking bait. Please ignore this duck who is baiting all you angry incels.

>> No.17478167

Just friend zone her back. Tell her about the dates you are going on, the women you are pursuing. The more you make it clear you don’t view her as something worth pursuing, the more she will want you to

>> No.17478172

Just old lol
Well, older than most of you

>> No.17478180

How is Rammstein going to help?

>> No.17478206

unfair I like excuses to insult failed hookers, nothing better than ordering an escort that thinks she's 500 bucks and when she shows up going...no sorry...you won't do at all

>> No.17478210

>bsv and pnk
Checks out

>> No.17478228

>Tell her about the dates you are going on, the women you are pursuing.
I have neither of these

>> No.17478229

rammstein and the prodigy help in virtually every situation. Try listening it to it discretely the next time your at a funeral. Its magic - try breathe with me.

>> No.17478250

>Putting 100k into a car

>> No.17478259


stand a bit back at when you are at the graveside and hold one hand up to your head

>> No.17478260

Also you have to really know what you’re doing to pull this off. I’ve had a guy try it before but I could tell it was larp and kind of pathetic. If you really want to just fuck her start acting like a fuck boy. Respond to her “I wanna be with you eventually” and be like “ok can we fuck until then?”

>> No.17478262

lmao checked this is how i shill chainlink to anybody that asks me how my portfolio is doing/what to buy. I legit like to pretend that I'm 42 and just say a bunch of skitzo shit, but with a serious look on my face so I know that they'll never ask me for financial advice again and definitely won't buy link.

>> No.17478293

8,099 (18%)
Serious or Critical

Rapening incoming. Free pussy all round. Arhar me hearties. I like it when they don't struggle.

>> No.17478316

>also don't tell women about how to get rich you retard, thankfully LINK is a scam.
checked and kek i love this board i love all of you except for the bsv shills and satsgang

>> No.17478318

Slap. STDupid bipolar cow.

>> No.17478588

100k miles numbnuts


Hard to pull off with someone deep in your social group.

>> No.17478735

shut up you fucking retarded newfag. OP's fucking picture is old copypasta.

FFS why is /biz/ the worst board for OC Nothing but newfaggotry here

>> No.17478824
File: 221 KB, 600x400, TheRationaleMale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are her emergency money tree...
Please read this book as soon as possible.

>> No.17478834

lmao @u new fags !!!! SAd! xD

>> No.17478895

is being boring one of the worst thing for men for young women/girls?

>> No.17478934

>that's just what i needed to hear, fren.
oh so you're going to wait while she fucks niggas, then when she gets bored she knows you'll be waiting like a dog

>> No.17479142

Women have the brains of children. Do you think children like being bored? No. You give them a fun experience then keep it on a string the next time.

>> No.17479177

Young girls have no fucking idea what they want. If they can pinpoint it, it’s likely to change next week. We really don’t even out until mid-twenties.

>> No.17479206

Ted bundy pilled

>> No.17479218

Your thinking patterns are weird

>> No.17479235
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Checked. Feel it, frens

>> No.17479372
File: 9 KB, 232x250, 1581646411378s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17479395

kek doesn't specifically want a group of racist incel neets to become rich. On the contrary, a group of racist incel neets were the only group open minded enough to activate the power of positive thought and speak to Him.

>> No.17479418

Tell her nothing. Also, she’s been fucking randos left and right and now she wants you. Tell her you found a decent girl who is a virgin and has a good relationship with her father.

>> No.17479464

the amount of people that are replying to OPs image is fucking disgusting
if you replied to OPs image in this thread, you need to stop posting on this website because you are what makes it worse. you are a tourist, and you need to recognize that and stop posting.

>> No.17479471

lmfao fucking weirdo

>> No.17479565

How much link are you holding, also why do young girls play games like that? It’s just mean.

>> No.17479610

I have a small stack and I don’t believe they do it intentionally. Young girls are just selfish and dumb and insecure. If you’re lucky you grow out of it. I was a fucking eeeeeeediot psycho. I was 25-26 when I started to come out of it. If you’re young just date a little older.

>> No.17479614

>if you could just wait when i fuck chads. i'll tell u when they've used me enough and no one wants me anymore and we can hook up then.

>> No.17479623
File: 28 KB, 500x500, DnTeKuvXgAETbvD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the idiots in this thread who think the OP image has anything to do with him or the girl in question.

>> No.17479646

you can tell them about tech stocks and things like that.. or some shit like "paleo diet is the craze so I don't recommend buying any dairy stock"

when it comes to something like this, THEY WILL END UP LOSING MONEY because they don't feel the same way that you do, so they will fomo at bad times or sell at even worse times..

no, unfortunately, this is something you have to keep to yourself or just leave very subtle breadcrumbs that they might sort out on their own

I've told 3 people that I hold this but I'll never try to convince them to buy it

>> No.17479727

I told 1 friend in Jan 2017 about Ripple and Ethereum. Another one I showed them how I trade them on my laptop. I had a measly $600 in XRP. Guess who got in? Neither.

>> No.17479753

Tell her about UND - it is the LINK of 2020 (link already is at top, UND will go 100x still)