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File: 206 KB, 1214x696, Screenshot 2020-02-26 at 11.27.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17473809 No.17473809 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that stocks went up in conjunction with the number of H1N1 cases, but are now going down as COVID-19 cases multiply?

What's different, what's changed?

>> No.17473824

because this is the collapse of the global financial system masked behind virus fears

>> No.17473839

Interesting, do you think it could also perhaps be due to the increased reliance on the Chinese economy in the past decade?

>> No.17473858
File: 729 KB, 710x593, finnish 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this virus cannot be cured and it's very real and deadly regardless of drumpfs "everything is okay, It's just the flu" speech. It's obviously not the flu and is infected at a alarming rate all over the world. China is collapsing. Commiefornia has 10k suspected cases that are untraceable. Considering millions live in commiefornia. it is essentially impossible to contain the spread to other states, Hence the markets are showing the impending fear people have about this knowledge.

>> No.17473870

Because the price of stocks is uncorrelated with virus cases.

>> No.17473892

It can be cured. You wait until you get better.

>> No.17473895
File: 1021 KB, 931x633, finnish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to add, China is collapsing as I've said which affects the whole global economy. Our economy in the USA relies on china. This is not even counting the social and political implications which include the destruction of the USA if enough anarchy breaks out.

>> No.17473914

China is collapsing because of the virus hysteria, not the virus itself.

>> No.17473917
File: 1.12 MB, 1227x641, finnishbeauty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It cannot be cured with medicine, It always stays in your body like aids. Sure if you are young and have a good immune system you can recover, But you still can infect other people like babies and old people. It never goes away. Even if you get better you can still infect and kill people.

>> No.17473939
File: 704 KB, 854x622, finnish4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False, Factories are closing, Food and water is becoming a shortage right now. This paired with the economic hysteria. If you are implying china is going to recover from this in less than 2 years, You are dead wrong.

>> No.17473956

The stock market is full of unprofitable businesses which only exist to scam investors. The collapse was inevitable.

>> No.17473957
File: 196 KB, 496x466, Screenshot 2020-02-27 at 22.23.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps, it is weird how volatile markets seem to be in the face of epidemics

>> No.17473974

Factories are closing and food and water are running out because of government overreaction to the virus.

>> No.17473998

The attention span of most news-consuming trading account holders has changed quite drastically.

Literally hodl, anon.

>> No.17474001
File: 875 KB, 1154x615, finnish2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, It was always inevitable. Inevitable since the federal reserve. Debt based economies don't work forever. No society lasts forever. It either succumbs to disease or political unrest until it collapses. China however is too far gone, They may not be able to recover ever. I speculate it will take them 5-10 years before they get in control if it doesn't destroy their regime in the process.

>> No.17474004

KEK immunelets BTFO

>> No.17474032
File: 1.05 MB, 1177x593, 21323123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to China. Anyone with high IQ knows that china has flu seasons every year and even deals with H1N1 and can deal with it. They don't quarantine millions of people for no reason if it's "not a problem and an overreaction".

>> No.17474046

h1n1 was a nothing burger

>> No.17474065


Would I get rich by watching the news and buying when they move on to something else, knowing that's when the NPCs will stop panicking? Knowing when to buy the dip is so hard.

>> No.17474068


>> No.17474077

>chinese arent on twitter bc the Chinese government banned them so you should trust the Chinese government

>> No.17474086

They've murdered millions of people for no reason multiple times. Why wouldn't they quarantine millions of people for no reason?

>> No.17474096

You can catch it again after you've recovered. Do some research.

>> No.17474116

Low IQ thinking. Why would the rich want to lose money by tanking their economy? They shut everything down (a month too late) because this is the big one, and the higher ups know it.

>> No.17474153

I know, I've caught it many times. I call it a "cold".

>> No.17474167
File: 706 KB, 806x604, whitefinnish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they be reporting such low numbers in a country of 1.3 billion. Scientists in china admit that the numbers are much higher. Why would they do this? To save face of their regime. If they were lying they wouldn't go out and say
>"Hey guys MILLIONS are infected and It's spreads faster and deadlier than any flu we've ever had!!!". It's very easy to see what their endgame is and it isn't keeping people safe, It's keeping their economy afloat, Which they are struggling to do right now.

>> No.17474172


Id like to add that just because you can't see the reason doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The Chinese are very good at information control.

Nothing happens for "no reason" in politics.

>> No.17474188

That's not quite clear yet. Viruses can still be detected in the body long after 'recovery', which doesn't necessarily mean that these people have been reinfected, more that the virus is simply taking a long time to leave.

>> No.17474198

fear porn? I tried to save you guys money. Don't shoot the messenger you fucking mong.

Oh, you got quarantined every time? When's the last time China shut down like this you blind motherfucker. You blind, blind fools. God.

>> No.17474214

But since it spreads asymptomatically that means they're still infecting others around them.

>> No.17474234

>Oh, you got quarantined every time?

Yeah I usually stay home and shitpost on 4chan about how the latest headline is the apocalypse. Don't want to infect my fellow wagies.

>> No.17474258

Can you show me how your entire company got shut down for weeks?

I must have missed the part where your entire neighborhood wasn't allowed to leave the house.

Hubris. The hubris of man.

>> No.17474269

Not only asymptomatically, It's also uncurable. Not even SARS has a vaccine. This virus only can be suppressed not cured. Which means if women get infected they basically cannot have kids anymore as they will infect them. This is why governments are shitting their pants right now, This is just the beginning of the stock market crashing. People in the USA have been conditioned like sheep for the past 10 years, So they are unable to grasp or believe it is happening. Many people will die.

>> No.17474295

Because H1N1 was a media hoax and this shit is real

>> No.17474311

>They are unable to grasp or believe it's happening.
That's the entirety of this board.

I've literally never sold a stock in my short 5 years in the market. This was the exception. Things have been very fishy since January. We all had time to prepare.

H1N1 spreads once you're sick. This shit spreads for a whole month before you even begin to cough.

>> No.17474347
File: 484 KB, 566x656, 1122233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please believe the chinese government

>> No.17474358

I'm prepared, I live in rural nebraska and have lots of food,water and guns. I live 20 miles from my town of 10k. Unfortunately most people in the USA especially old people will perish. This all started at the end of December of 2019. It's been spreading for a little over 3 months and has infected most if not all countries in the world with rapid deaths. Not even the spanish flu killed this many people in this short amount of time. Just the statistics show how bad this will be. It took it 2 years to kill any significant amount of people. Most likely the government and china is lying as well but no one knows for sure.

>> No.17474435

what the fuck are they giving him a bag of incense to stink the Coronavirus away

>> No.17474450

>I'm prepared, I live in rural nebraska and have lots of food,water and guns.
Do you also have a companion that stands guard while you're asleep? If not then you're not as prepared as you think. Get a group set up if you haven't already. And be quick about it.

>> No.17474629
File: 1.80 MB, 1247x689, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand nightwatch is a problem I have alarms on my house, All the windows and the doors. There will be only 1 entrance that people can come from which is my long hallway corridor. Back door and windows will be plated with steel and reinforced which I've already done. I trust my skill with my ar15 and red dot, If not I will die then. I don't live around many people. My house is enclosed in the woods off a dirt road about a quarter mile. My nearest neighbor is a farmer who lives about 2 miles from me.

>> No.17474689

videogame sales have nothing to do with this

>> No.17474725

i dont have an argument so i’ll respond with a meme

you have to go back

>> No.17474737

>10k suspected cases that are untraceable
[citation needed]

>> No.17474862


And counting. Suspected doesn't mean confirmed. These are people who could potentially are at a high risk. If the government cannot even track 8400 cases there is no way they will be able to track millions.

>> No.17474891

Coronavirus is not the cause
Coronavirus is not the cause
Coronavirus is not the cause
We are on top of a popping bubble. The largest one in human history

>> No.17474925

lol nobody gives a fuck about measles. Third worlder here. Had measles got to stay home from school for a week playing THUG.

>> No.17474976

Just a catalyst.. an excuse if we're being more honest. You didn't honestly think you could prop up the world economy with funny money stock buybacks indefinitely, did you?

>> No.17474998

>please believe the Chinese government
Best kek I've had all day ty op

>> No.17475048

Allah only loves ak47 owners

>> No.17475773

Bruh moment, shaved rhino penis will not create antibodies