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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 429 KB, 1200x800, learn-code-e1455713167295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17473226 No.17473226 [Reply] [Original]

>get 4 different software dev jobs paying 70k each
>spend 2hrs/job and pretend each job took 8 hours of work

what are the problems with this?

>> No.17473270

You are given 4 jobs which take 8 hours each to complete.

>> No.17473289

that code looks like a mess

>> No.17473326

If you could do 8 hours of work in 2 hours without your shit looking like absolute garbage, you could get a software dev job that pays more than $280k.

>> No.17473338

If you're good, you might be able to juggle two. I say this as a remote dev who only works half a day at most. A large part of why I'm efficient as fuck though is because I've been with this project for a long time and know it better than anyone. I have considered taking on side work....but then I'd have to give up biz and shitcoin trading.

>> No.17473346


>> No.17473375

Burnout syndrome

>> No.17473383

no problem
take the money
leave move on
fuck everyone

>> No.17473387


This. Work for FAANG and make half a milly a year if you’re that good. Tons of people here make 200k and do like 2 hrs of actual work per day

>> No.17473405 [DELETED] 

I did that once.. I was going to leave one remote job where I made like 115k, and for a couple of month I worked my new one for like 125k and was stacking. not very sustainable, and possibly fraud but whtever.. fuck em

>> No.17473439

I did that once.. I was going to leave one remote job where I made like 115k, and for a couple of month I worked my new one onsite for like 125k while sustaining the other one remotely. I was stacking but it's not very sustainable, and possibly fraud but whatever.. fuck em

>> No.17473476

I did that once.. I was going to leave one remote job where I made like 115k, and for a couple of month I worked my new one onsite for like 125k while sustaining the other one remotely. I was stacking but it's not very sustainable, and possibly fraud but whatever.. fuck em

>> No.17473496

LOL usually I actually work for like 2-3 hours per day, rest is watching videos, reading, generally procrastinating. Nobody ever questioned quality of my work or how much I get done. I've been a software developer for almost 20 years and one thing I'm sure if is that all software developers dramatically overestimate how much time their tasks take. This is like an open secret among ud

>> No.17473620

I'd rather it remain readable. This just looks like a disaster waiting to happen.

>most corporations have their code minified
>most of the original programmers are gone
>"Sorry can't remove any of this code to revamp it, I don't know what it handles and remove one chunk could break the whole system down"
>Stock market algorithms are left untouched due to the risk and now the markets are literally controlled by preprogrammed code that is difficult to decipher and can't be shut off due to greed.

>> No.17473635

What happens when both jobs want you to be in a meeting at the same time?

>> No.17473667
File: 31 KB, 760x430, 1156151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sit back and enjoy the collapse, friend.

>> No.17473673

Now don't you feel silly?

>> No.17473676


>> No.17473692

what are you talking about
I refuse to believe any serious company doesn't have repos upon repos of source files from all kinds of periods and versions

>> No.17473714


Nobody fucking commits minified js code it’s LITERALLY just for browsers to read

>> No.17473728

this is true. talented developers either are ambitious and want to lead and run the show in some capacity, or they are like this guy who claims a 2 hour job will take 8 and dicks around every day. i haven't decided what i am yet but i guess i'm more the ambitious type despite myself.

>> No.17473746

lol what the fuck. lmao. code is kept in source control and in un-minified state.

>> No.17473758

There is always the development version and production version (minified), anon...

>> No.17473771

Junior dev detected. Dude, minified code usually isn't even commited to repo and is generated on deployment. This particular image is of frontend js, which is usually accompanied by source file and a source map. Read up on it

>> No.17473778

5 mins into meeting - Check phone
I'm so sorry I have to go. Then make up some bullshit excuse like your stepmom got her hand stuck under the bed and have the meeting later.

>> No.17473819

nothing. ive unironically done it - but only 2 at once. The 2nd one is best being a contracting position though.

>> No.17473833

Could everyone stop being assholes, just a little bit.

>> No.17474461

you're a moron. studies show that office workers on average also only work 3.5 hours a day the rest is dicking around.

the only difference between you and a cubicle slave is your "dicking around" probably includes death gripping your cock to bbc threads on /gif/

take it from me man i learned the hard way that working from home means you need to be your own boss and if you want to do well your boss has to be tough with you.

You just got a lot $$$$ in the form of good advice bitch. take it. don't waste it.

>> No.17474494

What are you even talking about, anon?

>> No.17474702

Dude, you have zero clue what you're talking about.