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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17463093 No.17463093 [Reply] [Original]

Help guys. I've been longing corona since the 15th. should i be scared? i almost finished my bunker by now filled all essentail supplies. don't tell me it's gonna go unused and roasties won't be lining up in front of my gate in hopes i let them survive.

>> No.17463103

Dont worry anon, europe is next, now is the time to double down.

>> No.17463111

whales are quietly accumulating casualties under large sheets of tarpaulin

>> No.17463114

Just wait till it hits india

>> No.17463117

how many normies could we make seethe if someone made a coronacoin crypto

>> No.17463127

It's just the sniffles bro

- Trump

>> No.17463126

wow anon corona crypto! i'm sure nobody thought of that before! you have one sick mind dude! upvoted :)

>> No.17463134
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but how will we maintain the public's belief in markets being unpredictable?

>> No.17463140

Indias maybe too hot
corona-chan effectivity near equator still unproven thus far. Pajeets may inherit the ruins. And Africa

>> No.17463143


>> No.17463164

where is it then faggot

>> No.17463241
File: 3 KB, 203x181, _39210088_weekly_sars_260603_203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until spring when sick season is over. That's when the real crash happens.
Just like the previous cycles (SARS, MERS, ...)

>> No.17463261

Pajeets are used to those kind viruses

>> No.17463277

Its a bear trap. LONG

>> No.17463310
File: 290 KB, 517x714, Deal_With_It.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST realized, the orange madman has put Mike Pence in charge of corona-chan. lmao.
Now, this is extremely bullish

>> No.17463541


This is how evolution works.

>> No.17463554

if you take chink numbers at face value you will be severely dissappointed

>> No.17463561

Yeah, like how SARS never actually collapsed because Chinks were lying about it.

>> No.17463595

the only reason cases are getting rarer in China is because over half the population is quarantined and all of the population is at least wearing masks to stop the spread

meanwhile cases are surfacing all over the World, the worst is yet to come

>> No.17463609

>the only reason cases are getting rarer in China is because over half the population is quarantined
Not anymore.
They've been cleared to go back to work two weeks ago.

>> No.17463628
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>> No.17463639

suit yourself

>> No.17463648

I hope this doesn't happen, this dump is too good to be stopped so soon

>> No.17463698

what's with the corona shadow fork?

>> No.17463714
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Try cashing out to fiat. Just try it.

>> No.17463739

Lol real number of infected is near 100 thousands. Just wait. Infected people that recovered can be reinfected and be transmit able agian

>> No.17463743

Happeners btfo
>muh spanish flu
>muh black swan

>> No.17463756

Chekt and kekt

>> No.17463759

Giga cope.
Coldst weeks of the years are coming to an end, it's over for dumb happeners

>> No.17463772


>longing a virus that only kills sick old fucks

Why is /biz/ so bad with trading?

>> No.17463789

/biz/ is mostly panicking retards.
Hence the old /biz/ motto: buy high sell low.

>> No.17463801

It hit upstate new york earlier today. Just wait for it to hit NYC, that's when the real magic happens

>> No.17463807
File: 304 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200227-200731_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global pandemic active in singapore, thailand, vietnam, egypt, okinawa malaysia
you must be a burger

>> No.17463825

Doesn't change the fact that it's sick season in those places you dolt.
For example: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3045387/hong-kong-enters-winter-peak-flu-season-23
>Hong Kong enters winter peak flu season

>> No.17463843

long panic
no position on deaths

>> No.17463918

and when you do it like this then you do it like that
and when go with it like this then you SHKW SHAKE SHAKE NOW shake shake shake shake now shake shake

>> No.17463960

>Believe in science
I didn't know I became a priest when I got my degree

>> No.17464587

Retard less than 100 persons infected in a country don't make a pandemic.
Besides Asia and SEA are extremely humid during the winter.

Literally nothing will happen in the west.

>> No.17464614

Fact Australia has still less than 50 cases.
Corona chan btfo by basic hygiene and hot dry temperatures.

>> No.17464668

>Fact Australia has still less than 50 cases.
Only 23 actually.

>> No.17464672
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extremely bullish, second chance of Jackpot:
>Doctors now admit, they have no fucking idea if 'cured' patients are cured
JUST as well they released them all back into the wild anyway, isn't it

>> No.17464691

>first tested positive on 29 January
>discharged after recovering on 1 February
yeah ok

>> No.17464714

shut the joint down

>> No.17464729
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Genuinely curious, why is it so hard for people to comprehend what incubation time means? There's a two week delay of case numbers for all measures that are being taken. The decline we see now is the result from the high-point of quarantine. Now that factories are open again, cases will bounce back up two weeks from today. This is so very simple to understand.

>> No.17464737

I had similar symptoms like that last year. Fell ill got fairly well and then bam right in the lungs. Fucked me royally.

>> No.17464735
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I had to double check this, can anyone verify my math is correct here?

>> No.17464744

I was corroborating what you said.

>> No.17464754

This would not explain the dip in numbers.

>> No.17464769

I am not >>17464614 but don't worry I'm just shitposting

>> No.17464776

Dumb kike nobody believes you

>> No.17464830

You are the lying kike spreading this panic shit everywhere like the medias so you can sell some shit to dumb goyim, just like you scammed frenchgoys in 2009 with H1N1

Not going to fall for your tricks this time you lying shit

>> No.17464848

if you are stuck indoors how is anyone going to get infected by you? Of course the cases would drop if no one else is getting it either people are getting better or dying so the infected go down. Fucking retard its simple math you take some away numbers go down

>> No.17464868

The incubation period isn't that long by default you moron.
Many/most actually got sick within days.

>> No.17464879

i want this one to thin the herd so we don't get something worse down the road you should want seath if anything I'd sell something that would make it more likely to kill not for the money just to lower the population

>> No.17464888

Happrniggers will all be vanished by April, mark my words

>> No.17464908

https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN20G06W is it fun being retarded?

>> No.17464919

Yeah we'll be jerking off at mass grave sites

>> No.17464926

The incubation period isn't that long by default you moron.
Many/most actually got sick within days.

Some never even have any symptoms and just heal without even a cough.

>> No.17464934


>> No.17464937


>> No.17464950

Fake news

>> No.17464955
File: 896 KB, 872x872, re-up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh....my girl CoronaChan.....heh

>> No.17464989

Ok let's review the two points I made:

>The incubation period isn't that long by default you moron.
>Many/most actually got sick within days.

Source: The incubation period (the time between infection and symptom onset) ranges from 1 to 14 days, though is most commonly 5 days.[66][67] However, one case is reported as having an incubation period of 27 days.[68]
(Wikipedia, check the sources yourself)

>Some never even have any symptoms and just heal without even a cough.

Source: "the other two family members—a 33-year-old woman (patient 2) and a 3-year-old boy (patient 3)—were both asymptomatic"


>> No.17464996

First sell-off

>> No.17465019

Ok jew

>> No.17465066
File: 205 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200227-112759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek this the main volume of casualties is OTC


>> No.17465086

heh... the young but talented youngster just needs some time...

>> No.17465102

You believe Chinas numbers? China would murder half its population before those chinks admitted they were wrong about anything. China is all face and no backbone.

They probably have over a million cases considering they have 150 million people under quarantine. Then let those bug people travel to other countries. Globalism will be our downfall.

>> No.17465186

>You believe Chinas numbers?
Well you believed them when they were going up.

>> No.17465196


>> No.17465206

Don't worry OP, it has just reached africa and south america, you did the right move.

>> No.17465207

ask yourself, what is more likely?
that they exaggerate or downplay this

>> No.17465220

There's a difference between "downplaying" the numbers and outright inventing a reversal.

>> No.17465232

The first case in Japan was a month and 10 days ago which is much more transparent and with actual hygiene standards.
They don't even have 3 deaths.

>> No.17465244


>> No.17465301


The people in the primary provinces have been going back to work for two weeks now, and apparently they aren't dropping dead en masse.

>> No.17465381

I was trying to tell pol that Corona clearly has hard time in sunny countries now because Vitadmin D is essential for immune system and lung mucous membranes.

This is why in cold northern countries, Pneumonia wreaks havoc with out much fanfare.

>> No.17465398

Nobody attends funeral of happening fags because they just lived in virginity caves.

>> No.17465629

Bullish flag

>> No.17465902


>he thinks corona peaked while we're just getting started

>he prob didnt buy any coronacoin ($ncov) to make some money of this fact

Stay poor OP

>> No.17466033

i was watching the news and the guy was like


gtfo you fucking retarded doomers.