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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 1024x768, SUTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17460945 No.17460945 [Reply] [Original]

If you aren't buying this SUTER dip and staking, you are not going to make it.

People complained about the original website not having team photos. He called the new site goin up and posted a photo. People still called larp + complained.


He said "Next Week" (last sat / sun? i can't find the original)


Insider Info


"Don't get KUcked out of your position before 5 cents. ;)" -> immediately followed by a KUCOIN listing. Twitter loves KuCoin more than any exchange. It's only a matter of time before they get on this.


These fuckin' Trips of Truth


Suterusu looks to be a beast of a spec buy. Private sale was 0.006, and with Alphabit + FBG ties they obviously have the money to keep it above that now that there's traction and a KuCoin listing.

"Suterusu brings ZCash level privacy to any blockchain platform or application. This is new tech, and still very, very early. I suspect $1 will be quite easy in time, but we will see."


My sell targets : 5-7 cents for bag 1. Staking bag maybe 20-30 cents in a true clown world bull run.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime. Let's fucking go.


>> No.17461086

oh fuck the bastards actually went and listed on Kucoin

good shit whoever called that
biz is unironically still alive

>> No.17461226

insider bro is based. this non-larp should signal a bull run on biz volume, as it's been uptrend lately.


>> No.17461280
File: 41 KB, 934x790, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes hello dear sirs!!!
please kindly buy in anticipation the moonful
delefate the daily readwards for many profits!!!

>> No.17461307

hahaha i bought pre listing and when the kucoin trading competition crashed it. all set up and earning more from a validator node

>> No.17461377

I'm staked up too
not even worried
long game in crypto is like 6 months, I can wait

>> No.17461383

games are bullish.

glad i waited on this. 750k reporting.

>> No.17461387

you bought a validator node? it's 1M? Ffffff. how easy was it to set up ?

>> No.17461413

i think a lot of people bought to sell at like 4 cents but i like the project. i'm holding some DERO too. i've been looking for a privacy coin minting platform to pop up somewhere. DERO would do that. but i guess if something like this comes along and grows it could steal the show

>> No.17461428

lol no i have like 100k. im not running a node. im delegated to one. i like the project but i like a lot of projects.

>> No.17461442

is this an erc-20 token and if so what's its etherscan ?

>> No.17461443

oh, earning "from", okay. sorry. word. i'm staking 75% of this until 10 cents or 0. no in between for me.

>> No.17461481
File: 92 KB, 967x572, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello to all satsgang pajeets itt

>> No.17461499

Tachyon provides a new-generational and transparent DNS platform for all.

>> No.17461508

there are like 5 or 6 SUTER handles on etherscan. just look for the one will the logo

>> No.17461626

found it and checked uniswap but sadly no liquidity in the pool and cant put any in. seems its one of those odd forced to buy it on a specific exchange types.

>> No.17461631

stay poor.


>> No.17461700

Got my bag filled with this dip. Upcoming AMA with NEOs community today btw.

>> No.17461704

ok please explain
how can it anonymize a transaction on a public fucking blockhain?

>> No.17461706

>Twitter loves KuCoin more than any exchange. It's only a matter of time before they get on this.


>> No.17461710

its listed on MXC and just got listed on KuCoin. its not "odd" its just really early so it isnt listed on many exchanges. thats how small-cap works. if you want sure things, that everyone holds, then buy ETH. small-cap stuff isnt for everyone

>> No.17461711

Read the whitepaper you newfag. Its a layer 2 solution.

>> No.17461713


>> No.17461716


>> No.17461721

i will pay you 69 corona coin if you go read the whitepaper

>> No.17461731

I've read both the whitepaper and the yellowpaper, and it doesn't explain shit
it just says it will magically convert the token to suter and back???

>> No.17461732


>> No.17461740

significantly advanced technology will seem like magic to the average man

>> No.17461747
File: 9 KB, 720x800, _10_Calendar_2019_October_by_nail.ans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you make alot of assumptions about me. I buy almost nothing but microcaps for my wallet. I just thought it'd be listed on uniswap but its one of those rare ones that doesnt show up on it so you have to get it on the exchanges its on currently.

>> No.17461756

Why is this funny? It's completely true. Go look at Twitter.

>> No.17461758

ya its asian as fuck so uniswap prolly isnt on the ball yet

>> No.17461764

here, I'll lay it out for you
Take BTC for example
It's a PUBLIC blockchain
All the transactions are public
It's in the code
How the FUCK will your "second" layer make the transaction private? lmao keep buying the "dip", i have good news for you, the dip will never end so you can buy even more SUPER

>> No.17461766

whats your favorite microcap at the moment?

>> No.17461776

they are having two AMA's today. maybe they will have enough patience to walk you through their protocol

>> No.17461777

This. explain.

>> No.17461791

trips have spoken
lmao yet another vague and dismissive answer, 0 concreteness

>> No.17461796

In a brief sense, the Suterusu platform acts as a privacy launchpad, allowing other projects to add privacy features without needing to make any changes at the protocol level. Instead, these projects can simply launch a sidechain on Suterusu and inherit confidential payments and smart contracts with little effort.

The main innovation here is Suterusu’s ZK-ConsSNARK, a type of constant size zero-knowledge proof that is used to obfuscate the core information of a transaction, including the amount sent and transaction participants. Though the hows and whys are rather technical, this essentially enables private payments and cross-chain asset swaps.

Beyond this, the system also avoids some of the issues faced by other privacy coin protocols, such as the need for a trusted setup and long proof-verification times. The SUTER token is used as gas to power private smart contracts operating on the Suterusu blockchain and is also used for voting as part of the on-chain governance system.

>> No.17461808

get bigo token its free except for gas

>> No.17461809

if you dont understand it after that then i cant help you>>17461791

>> No.17461871
File: 24 KB, 600x800, 1555780673138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FREE!? wow no way this is literally le gem!

>> No.17461900

> including the amount sent
sidechain won't hide the amount sent
It will separate the participants from one another, that much is true, but the amount sent will be loud and clear
>Though the hows and whys are rather technical

>> No.17461920

Excellent answer. Into the trash it goes good luck on the scam

>> No.17461927
File: 42 KB, 720x3008, avg-angela.ans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's tons of tokens I just posted that one cuz it amused me. Anyone that saves those types of pics is an underage and/or mentally underage and almost always low IQ

>> No.17461930

Who cares about amount sent?

>> No.17461941

Further, if you can't track the source, who cares about amount sent? Regardless, I think this will be debunked. Let's see.

>> No.17461943

guess they didnt understand it after that

>> No.17461967

also, it's encrypted anyway, so LITERALLY WHO gives a shit.

>> No.17461974

this guy fucks

>> No.17462020


Retards. Main Net + zKSNARKS will make the transaction amounts private.

You guys are dumb money.

Buy the dip.

>> No.17462193

this. how new are these people.

>> No.17462196

kek I'm glad at least one person here uses their brains a little bit
>if you can't track the source, who cares about amount sent?
oh you can. the sender and the amount will both be public, it's just there's a sidechain involved

>> No.17462207

no, you can't. main net + snarks will BTFO this theory.

>> No.17462279

I'm not doubting the privacy of the sidechain
but the main chain is still involved
say sender (S) wants to send bitcoin to the receiver (R), so that receiver can cash out at the local ATM once he receives the BTC
S sends 157.35945 btc to whatever's the sidechain lockup address, sidechain privacy magic happens and R has 157.35945 btc in the account. there's no link between S and R on the blockchain. But the block explorer shows that S has 157.35945 less than what he originally had, while R now has 157.35945 in his account. "GEE I WONDER IF THESE TWO COULD POSSIBLY BE RELATED" - says anyone who can use block explorer

>> No.17462351

again, main net and zK-SNARKS will fix this. not even a "oh, they'll fix it? and i'm supposed to trust you?" type of situation.

literally what the tech does.

>> No.17462363

the best tech in the world can't fix this

>> No.17462369

literally not even considering the possibility of anything happening between sender and receiver that would make the 157.35946 more difficult to trace

>> No.17462377

name one
name one possibility that makes:
1) S: -157.35946
2) R: +157.35946
difficult to trace

>> No.17462415

All this tech talk is bullish desu
If they pull this off we are literally 1000xing

>> No.17462445

literally just doing this would help
1) S: -157
2) R: +23
R: +72
R: +47
R: +15

>> No.17462454

S +157
R - 157
thanks for the kek

>> No.17462478

so your saying that not being able to trace the address's and having different numbers at the start and end point with the numbers at the end point showing up at random times would provide no additional privacy? not even saying thats what suterusu is doing...but good luck tracing that shit, desu

>> No.17462493

This. Look I'm not 100% convinced on this project but it does seem like one to throw a couple hundred bucks at for a moonshot. Most of all for me is how they're working with Neo, so am expecting a crazy chink pump eventually. This is gonna be Howdoo 2.0 (including the dump afterwards, but you know by now to take profits surely)

>> No.17462537

this is another great point. there is definitely great potential here and thats enough to get some price action. im not even arguing that its the end all of privacy protocols. its at a penny...there's no telling what is going to happen, but until they fail, its worth taking a small position

>> No.17462949

Just bought 61k. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.17463009

i think its an appropriate position for a small-cap. i dont think your objective should be to "make it" off of one crypto though

>> No.17463458

250k suicide stack desu. even then, that's pretty poorfag status.

>> No.17463493

There is an AMA in their telegram right now

>> No.17463566

Question : Can you hit $1 by EOY? lol

>> No.17463952

Answer : Yes

>> No.17464203

oh fuck based and good vibes
dubs but seems pretty high, 50 cents, ez.

>> No.17464288

>he doesn't know
anon.. I

>> No.17464293

This is easy fucking money. Had stink bids at 0.0048 and they actually filled. KEK. see you on the moon faggots

>> No.17464511

lucky fuck

>> No.17465090

Hey hey heyyyy who's gonna be back at 0.012 soon.

>> No.17465142

Bullish as fuck on this lil baby.

>> No.17465251

Yeah, welcome to the club anon. Feels fucking comfy.

>> No.17465343

30% spike ups in March as Twitter gets on board.

>> No.17466296

This guy 2017s
This thing has Twitter pump all over it, remember ALGO?

>> No.17466889

0.01 again by tomorrow.

>> No.17467073


>> No.17467633


>> No.17467964

Biz actually giving some good low caps. Is Biz back? Suter should give us a nice ride up.

>> No.17468665
