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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17455770 No.17455770 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17455785

yippie :D *upvoted*

>> No.17455828
File: 59 KB, 717x376, reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17455855

WSB has been better for making money than /biz/ for the last 2 years. If youve lurked r/new for the past month and see a stock getting gilded/attention with limited comments and everyone’s commenting the same exact put or call, it’s literally printing money. WSB has successfully manipulated the market many times or made the right decisions

>> No.17455876

they spelt soi bois wrong

>> No.17455882

N-NO but reddit was supposed to be for midwits NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

holee phuck redditchads keep winning while /biz/ is contemplating suicide over their internet funny money crashing and preparing for le collapse

>> No.17455902

you should go back there immediately then

>> No.17455957

I fucking hate reddit with a passion but there’s no denying that you go to WSB to make $$. Too many low IQ newfags and pajeets with their own agenda here. Everyone there just wants to make quick money and move on to the next stonk, people here get emotionally attached to some erc20 shit token and want to dump their bags on your face. This place comparatively sucks, but LINK fags will tell you that /biz/ won. Everyone else will agree that stonks have had better and safer returns

>> No.17456044

you may make money anon, but at what cost? i've seen people who blab about WSB online who make the most retarded plays, i'm not convinced that WSB is anywhere near the money making place you claim. like /biz/ if you're smart you make money if you're a moron you lose it, but if you go on reddit you also get the cancer experience that reddit provides as an added extra.

>> No.17456162

Why are the Jews so mad about this?

>> No.17456294

>giant black bull
>little white aliens
What’d they mean by this..?

>> No.17456297

Coronacoin is a /biz/ coin which is surviving this bloodbath 2

>> No.17456341

Massive bear signal

>> No.17456507


Picking up pennies in front of a steamroller is not a sound long-term strategy.

>> No.17457169

they're always concerned about things they can't control