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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17455590 No.17455590 [Reply] [Original]

What satsgang crews are: Discord organized pajeets, they hit during the bullrun phases
What pajeets do: They take a low market cap random coin, and they start spamming it everywhere, since it has low market cap it grows fast if shilled, so they can have a pump which is similar to legit alt-coins.
They convince as many newfags as they can to jump in, then they suddenly drop the shitcoin with huge gains.
The shitcoin comes back at shit-tier levels, and the newfags find themselves with useless bags and high losses.

So far there are several shitcoins that have been shilled on the board, this is a list of certain PND scams going on:

> ---- the king of curry floating on a lake of boiling spicy liquid shit, more than 60 threads/day
> Kleros (exit scammed)

> ---- mild shilling, 5-10 threads/day
>Nu Link *NEW ENTRY*

> ---- low shilling, less than 5 threads/day
>Akropolis *NEW ENTRY*

> ---- out from pajeet zone / not shilled anymore
> Chromia
> Zenon
> Hedera Hashgraph

> Chilliz
> Grindercoin
> Arpa

Many shitcoin shilling started and stopped at the same time
If you jump into this curry garbage you'll lose your money.

>> No.17455629

Good research, but still I unironically have faith in the potential for Kleros

>> No.17455663

Chainlink should be at the absolute top of that list, with a sticky

>> No.17455676

jesus nulink trannies easily spam 30 threads a day

>> No.17455688

You also shit in streets

>> No.17455722

Forgot VIDT and LIT

>> No.17455730

so? are you mad you didn't get an airdrop to make a few bucks yourself?

I'm having fun being a NuLink NuChad. Just try it out and stop being so fucking serious asshole. It's fucking 4chan, not a dick, don't take it so hard

>> No.17455757

Nice $5 there Ranjesh

>> No.17455758
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>exit scammed
Literally dumber than a sack of shit. 5 seconds of research would prove otherwise. Not to mention their 5 speeches in the main theatre with Vitail at ethcc. NGMI FAGGOT

>> No.17455963
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Here is a (you) for you. So with Kleros you are unironically saying e.g. The investment bank of France, International Champer of Commerce and many French top universities are all falling for a pajeet pnd?

>> No.17455965

fuck off spastic. you mad people are calling out your obvious scam?

>> No.17456000

how is it a scam? Please enlighten me?

>> No.17456232

>more than 60 threads/day
already starting off with lies shiddeet poounloo
looks like you got shit on your face with that

>> No.17456259

I also noticed you failed to mention scamstink which is the #1 shilled token on this board next to bitshitv
Strange you'd forget to mention scamstink considering it has no irl uses and is a scam coin. Could it be you purposely left out scamstink because you hold it? no no that wouldnt be it this OP is honorable and trying to protect everyone from scams cuz he was appointed the honorary crypto cop of nu-biz and thus he would NEVER ever be dishonest and purposely leave off a scam token he holds tons of. no no no

Add scamstink and bitshitv to the list curry boy

>> No.17456291

How the fuck did you not mention the biggest shill mission they've done yet, RSR

>> No.17456314

bumping good work

>> No.17456316
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>tfw you hold coronacoin and you realise its not a shit pajeet pump & dump

>> No.17456334

Don't forget fantom. That bhuna is still being pushed here quite a bit.

>> No.17456366
File: 474 KB, 1094x1497, 20BA81EC-8564-4049-A3BE-B835BDE3B250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could’ve just said ftm and chromia and cruzbit and been ok but you started with a blatant lie

>> No.17456375

its a token that was only made to drain the hard earned cash of some nufags
there is no development, no network, no future
just a plain and simple a scam
there you go nigger

>> No.17456382
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>> No.17456398
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>> No.17456467

It's clear that you didn't understand how a pnd works.