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17444355 No.17444355 [Reply] [Original]

how to profit of the modern woman's bubble?

>> No.17444358

Find a wife, disregard the rest

>> No.17444367

If you have a hard time getting pussy in 2020 you are one ugly son of a dog.

>> No.17444371

More like feet tower hehe

>> No.17444382
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>> No.17444386

the girl at the bottom has to have some serious calves. 5 girls including herself would be equivalent to 300 kilos or so.

She probably invested in Hex desu

>> No.17444387

how in the fuck did the bottom girl support 500 lbs of ass on top of her? is she some kinda powerlifter?

>> No.17444400

All women are whores.

>> No.17444414

I call women sluts as much as the next guy but literally nothing was here incel

>> No.17444416

Modern women bubble pop will be the result of economic collapse
Not a bubble in it self

>> No.17444449

The wall/window is they're leaning on is providing support as well.

>> No.17444475

That's quads and core there bud. Calves are just stabilization and extension/retraction of the feet.

>> No.17444504
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>wall providing support

>> No.17444555

unironically this

>> No.17444566

>projecting this hard

>> No.17444665

let's examine what you're asking

a "bubble" is the idea that a certain class of asset is artificially overvalued. in this case the asset that you believe is overvalued is sex appeal.

to profit off of a bubble there are two ways

the first is to simply buy and trade the asset in question and sell before the "pop". in this analogy an easy way would be to open a brothel (in a legal jurisdiction of course)

the other way is to short the asset near the top. you could do this by shorting social media stocks for example

but let's also examine the idea that sex appeal is overvalued. in order for that to be true there would have to be some catalyst that is going to make the average man less of a slave to pussy. unless you have a plan for mass chemical castration i don't see that happening ever. as long as men have balls women will be exploiting us en masse.