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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17437294 No.17437294 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf is this shit? More than doubled in price in over 2 years.

Any anons use this? Also where the heck can you buy it?

>> No.17437306
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>> No.17437314
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>> No.17437549

bump where u at bros

>> No.17437593

I get mine from nootropics depot

>> No.17437661

cheers thanks will check it out

>> No.17437737

I still have some of my 5g sample. Only tried it twice and felt kinda decent, nothing crazy. Heard withdrawals are nothing to fuck with though. I have no idea why the price would be going up other than just inflation/increased regulation on substances.

>> No.17438057

Doesn’t do anything

>> No.17438142

its basically vodka for russian astronauts

>> No.17438143

'Happy Stack' changed my life. Best Nootropic.

Uridine + Fish Oil + Choline

Also I quit caffeine which was a major anxiety inducer.

>> No.17438207

damn i bought a kilo a month and a half ago and it's already gone up like 15%

>> No.17438212

>'Happy Stack'
I built up a tolerance to it fast. I might try it again.

>> No.17438257

I abuse it for the alcohol like effects, just took 4g and destroying my liver right now. Its overrated and won't be buying anymore after my current supply runs out.

>> No.17438283

>Its overrated
not for people with anxiety disorders. literal wonder drug for me

>> No.17438568

personally, i had to double what was the recommended dose. i felt nothing with 500mgs the first several times i tried it

thanks anon, I will look into this. sometimes i get anxiety from caffeine but i cope because it helps with work

really? a kilo? where did you buy? yeah i was shocked at the prices over a year.

yeah i find it very potent actually. it is really too good which is why I gave it a break. however, maybe I should have kept buying seeing as the prices have more than doubled...

>> No.17438608

I’ve taken up to 4g and tried several different guides and sources. It’s snake oil.

>> No.17438622

i got a kilo for like $290 at liftmode. it'll last me like 5 years probably

>> No.17438706

The withdrawals are fucking gnarly. Took me 9 days to get over them after a 3g a day habit for a month. No sleep for 4 days, seizures when I tried to sleep, shakes, anxiety, hot and cold flashes.

>> No.17438720

Had a nightmare I was out of phenibut last night.

T. Ausfag, it's illegal here and I stocked up pre ban

>> No.17438853

nice man that's what i'm doing here in the US. fully expect them to ban it here too because it disrupts the xanax cartel. blows my mind that they prescribe that trash that destroys minds when phenibut works so well without intoxication or memory loss

>> No.17439004

fair enough. empty stomach + coffee seemed to potentiate it just FYI. solid buzz, but yeah no clue why you can't feel it. wouldn't waste my money either.
damn nice - yeah that'll be a good while. liftmode is solid. they definitely have solid product
mane fuck that shit - sorry to hear about the ban

>> No.17439054

>go to a doctor complaining about some nerve pain
>because they're too chickenshit to prescribe opiates any more they'll likely start you on pregabalin
Much stronger and cheaper

>> No.17439069
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>not taking superior etizolam

Who here /benzo crew/

>> No.17439515
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ayyy lmao senpai

>> No.17439546

I love benzos so much I don't do them. Better than opiates, weed, anything.

Don't do phenibut unless you want to fuck up your neurotransmitters. Nootropics that work are not benign

>> No.17439689

yeah man phenibut is powerful. honestly it reminds me of adderall a little.

>> No.17439704

mondialk is good

>> No.17439804

>I love benzos so much I don't do them
i know what you mean. i love them because i have absurdly bad GAD that basically prevents me from functioning properly. i got addicted to xanax because i thought it helped me feel normal, but it killed my memory. that was 5 years ago, and i dealt with my anxiety very poorly up until about 8 months ago when i discovered phenibut. i have my own photography business and it was nearly impossible for me to deal with new clients before. now business is booming out of control and i'm struggling to hire enough assistants that meet my needs. i mean, it's dangerous for sure but for me it's been totally worth it in ways that are hard to describe.

>> No.17440625

congrats man. very cool.