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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17432983 No.17432983 [Reply] [Original]

>A fucking FLU
>some stocks fell lower than after 2008 crysis
Oh, c'mon.

>> No.17434377

Zoom out

>> No.17434409

>>some stocks fell lower than after 2008 crysis

>> No.17434422

Fucking retard

>> No.17434457

Oh vey Gluckstein. You were supposed to wait until the market actually crashed to post this to the goyim. Head back to headquarters asap and come to my office.

>> No.17434458

It's the end of days

>> No.17434476


>> No.17434593

>it's just the flu bro! 60k in the USA die from seasonal flu every year!
People don't die from seasonal flu. The numbers smooth brains are referring to is P&I (Pneumonia & Influenza) deaths, that is, all deaths directly attributable to pneumonia. My grandfather died of pneumonia. Did he die from seasonal flu? Of course not, he was 95 with a half dozen cancers and a failing cardiovascular system, he did not have seasonal flu at the time of hospitalization, pneumonia was merely the opportunistic infection that broke the camel's back. P&I deaths are not "old and/or weak get flu, die" they are "old and/or weak dying, get pneumonia on way to grave"

To put Corona into prospective, it has a higher mortality rate (even if we use the optimistic 0.4% figure) than seasonal flu's hospitalization rate (0.0475%)

>> No.17434697

corona also kills by pneumonia

>> No.17434778

>even if we use the optimistic 0.4% figure
Bruh it's literally 3.5% using the "official" numbers, and the overwhelming majority of those cases haven't finished running their course - the infected hasn't fully recovered/died.

>> No.17435598

>North of 3%
Very likely. I'm hammering home that even using the most bullshit optimistic numbers it's still orders of magnitude worse than the flu