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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17431171 No.17431171 [Reply] [Original]

uh oh

>> No.17431247

Imagine if another First-World Country announces the quarantine of it's cities. Germany, France, UK, Sweden, there is a lot of cucked places out there where they'd rather die to a virus than to put Chinks on a "racist" quarantine.

Sell now boys, this Bear Marker gonna last for at least few months.

>> No.17431268

This is it boys. Stack up your fiat. The recession is here.

Now is our chance to buy up cheap stocks + property


>> No.17431324
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It's already a fuckin pandemic these faggots are just buying time. The virus doesn't move at the pace of government reports, It moves undetected and silently and then 2 weeks later governments start freaking out. Of course they know this but are not telling citizens on purpose, Because if they do it will crash the markets. Basically we are in a race to see which comes out first, The report that crashes the market or the market actually crashing itself.

>> No.17431348

This isn't the event that crashes the market, lmao. Are you paid to shill that narrative or just a retard?

>> No.17431369
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Did you not read my post. I never said this was the event. I'm said we are in a race for that event that will crash the market or the market crashing itself naturally.

>> No.17431394
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Get ready for a EU dominated by Salvini and Le Pen

>> No.17431414

They are buying time to get a potent vaccine. Either they develop a cure fast, or we're going to see a complete Market Collapse, quarantines everywhere and a global panic. They don't want any of it, that's why the news are 100% cucked, controlled and censored.

>> No.17431441

Isn’t this shit just a new strain of flu?
Why is there such a huge panic over it?

>> No.17431474

If flu wasn't a thing until a few weeks before there would also be big panic.
Now we have this extra one to panic over.

>> No.17431501

There is no cure for it, Not even SARS has a vaccine. Corona is SARS but more contagious and deadly. Even if they do get a vaccine by the end of the year they would have to distribute it all over the world even to every part of china. The world is going into a global depression whether it likes it or not. China makes all of our shit, which is why a global economy is not good.

>> No.17431514


It's a highly transmissible viral pneumonia that makes you infertile. Literally end of days shit.

>> No.17431553

But it only kills Asians, which is pretty based.

>> No.17431555

I'll add even further. Spanish flu took 1 year to infect 500 million people and that was back then with no air travel. Corona virus just in 2 MONTHS has infected almost every single part of the globe and is now in the spreading phase. Governments cannot track it, It's too hard to quarantine. No one is prepared for what is about to come, No amount of money will protect you if you live in the city. Only ones who will survive are people who are isolated miles away from chaos.

>> No.17431561

If there really will be no cure, it means it will spread to every single person on this planet. It will kill those who are not naturally resistant and will spare the genetics with immunity.
This means SHTF Global Pandemic scenario with a reset button on our society. I think you're wrong and some kind of treatment will be developed, but if you're not wrong, then I'm so fucking glad I've been stacking physical gold and silver. If I survive, it should be enough to have a decent life.

>> No.17431572


>> No.17431583
File: 185 KB, 2048x1152, 85D44524-FFC3-4706-9FB9-C621E46AA8A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>warn people about China’s influence over the global market for years and just get laughed off as a looney
>get proven right
Every company that outsourced to China deserves what they’re getting.

>> No.17431600


Didn't want to have kids anyways.

>> No.17431608

It's basically flu symptoms but possibly has some other nasty effects. This doctor who has been covering it keeps mentioning the potential for some heart issues caused by it (speculative). https://youtu.be/IL7oGRKETZM He's also been mentioning that it could mutate into a dengue type disease with multiple variants, with immune reactions being extra fucked up if you've survived one variant but catch another.
I think the smart thing for China to have some would be to let it ride but they are afraid of their own citizens.
I believe Western countries are fully infected and people who currently have "the flu" likely have coronavirus. They'll say you have the flu, they'll say the old people died of the flu, they won't even test. But it will only kill the very old and ill

>> No.17431619

this. You faggots really have no idea the shit that's going down. Italy and Korea are in a full blown panic, more countries will do the same. Have fun going to your grocery stores to buy food in a peak pandemic when the shelves or empty, or if you're unlucky enough to get there at peak looting time, when faggots with guns show up and start robbing or shooting people for money and food because it's fucking America. Many who would normally survive will die because hospitals will become too full and they won't get the treatment they would need to usually survive something minor.

>> No.17431624
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SARS has been researched for years, Corona is completely brand new and has NEVER been seen on this earth before. This is something no country is able to contain. People in the USA think they are untouchable from decades of conditioning but things are about to get real bad especially when martial law happens and shelves start going empty.

>> No.17431640

Also R0 is now 7

>> No.17431650

Checked, but the mortality rate is too small to cause a COMPLETE collapse. Best case scenario it destroys Globalism, Chinks and we're going back to Pre-War America Situation. Worst case scenario - Half of the Asian population dies, still causing a soft reset, but without the European/American Government collapse.

Who knows, maybe that's what we needed. A purge to quell the numbers of Chinks that grew out of control. Perhaps Mother Nature herself has implemented this "soft cap" on our population.

>> No.17431660

This. I think the mortality rate is actually sub 1%, however, millions are already fucking infected. Most people who get it don't even get syntomes, maybe a small sniffle, but close contact to others makes it spread. Then some old boomers with heart conditions catch it, they drop like flies, which calles more attention to it, but all the asymptomatic spreaders will probably not be found. Shit, I could have SARS2-CoV right now and wouldn't know it.

>> No.17431674

exactly, who indicated a pandemic would be on the way?

>> No.17431676

I stocked up on whole grain noodles and canned goods yesterday. Bought my N95 mask yesterday. I also have 3 bottles of disinfectant and plenty of latex gloves.

>> No.17431681

>Many who would normally survive will die because hospitals will become too full
Yep, USA doesn't even have enough surge capacity in its biggest hospitals to even treat 100k people. China has way more surge capacity and their hospitals got full in literally one week. On top of all this people in the USA are uneducated or unable to wear masks because it's not normal, So people will get infected easily. At least in china they wear masks but it's still not doing anything.

>> No.17431687

An 11% mortality rate is too small?

>> No.17431689

>Every company that outsourced to China deserves what they’re getting.
Most of the perpetrators of that are already retired. CEOs usually pursue short-sighted gains to get their bonus then fuck off long before their decisions come back to them. Bezos is an exception to this rule.

"In 1965, the average tenure of companies on the S&P 500 was 33 years. By 1990, it was 20 years. It's forecast to shrink to 14 years by 2026."

>> No.17431706

>>Perhaps Mother Nature herself has implemented this "soft cap" on our population.

>some chink eats bat soup
>90% of all people above the age of 60 die
>lul just mother nature thinning the herd

This shit could have been prevented.

>> No.17431722

You cannot separate a chink from his bat/turtle soup

>> No.17431735

2% mortality rate according to the CCP and WHO. I speculate it's around 8-10% in actuality. Babies, Middle age and old people are more at risk. Statistically from all the deaths in china which there are probably 10-20k at this point that is being censored.

>> No.17431744
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sopa de bato uma delicia

>> No.17431747

Stop repeating this nonsense it’s killing people of all phenotypes. Only reason this may be the case is in the west we’re on preemptive damage control and not announcing deaths as being coronavirus. It’s flu or pneumonia etc.

>> No.17431757

It's colossal, but not big enough to shatter the order of things.
I wasn't serious, of course it could be prevented. I'm just happy that it's mostly China and Asians who's gonna get rekt. The world needs cheaper houses and better paying jobs, Chinks and Globalism would be damaged the most by the pandemic.

>> No.17431766
File: 65 KB, 1024x615, 1582463066452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.17431780

Here's a fun video guys

>> No.17431811

I think I have it, honestly. My entire family has "the flu" which has turned into a pneumonia like I've never had with an insane cough. We have each had fevers coming and going for 7 days straight. It's a huge inconvenience, especially if this is going to become a yearly endemic type disease, but it's not that bad.
Maybe I'm wrong, but they aren't testing people. They won't start now either. In a few months we are going to read articles about how "the flu" you got in the winter was actually coronavirus, and how it was soo silly to overreact.
I think the market is a huge bubble right now so we will have a recession over this, but it will be used as an excuse for it. The real issue is the fed target staying near zero for a decade. Time to pay up

>> No.17431852

Where you from?

>> No.17431862
File: 25 KB, 783x509, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Big enough to shake the order of things,
you have absolutely no idea what is about to happen do you? Adorable

>> No.17431876
File: 69 KB, 720x457, 89394FDE-C111-4EB4-9201-0217FD7505E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China literally destroying the human race because they tried to manipulate germ warfare like the fucking insane totalitarian regime they are
Can the world just agree to invade China at this point?

>> No.17431891

Where are you from, please tell me right fucking now.

>> No.17431901

I bought 3 extra packs of chicken nuggets because they were on sale. I also bought an extra pack of mushrooms because there is a new alfredo recipe I want to try out. Am I going to make it brews?

>> No.17431935


>> No.17432023

North Dakota Access Pipeline Protests 北达科他州接入管道抗议 Ferguson Riots 弗格森暴动 2017 St. Louis protests2017年圣路易斯抗议活动 Nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll 比基尼环礁的核试验 Unite the Right rally 团结右集会 Charlotte riots 夏洛特暴动 Attack on the Sui-ho Dam 袭击穗河水坝 Milwaukee riots 密尔沃基骚乱 Shooting of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile 奥尔顿·斯特林和菲兰多·卡斯蒂利亚的射击 Occupation of the Malheur NationalWildlife Refuge Malheur国家野生动物保护区的占领 death of Freddie Gray 弗雷迪·格雷的死 Shooting of Michael Brown迈克尔·布朗的拍摄 death of Eric Garner, Oakland California 奥克兰奥克兰市埃里克·加纳(Eric Garner)逝世 Operation Condor 神鹰行动 Occupy WallStreet 占领华尔街 My Lai Massacre 我的大屠杀 St. Petersburg, Florida 佛罗里达州圣彼得堡 Kandahar Massacre 坎大哈屠杀 1992Washington Heights riots 1992年华盛顿高地暴动 No Gun Ri Massacre 无枪杀案 L.A. Rodney King riots 洛杉矶罗德尼·金暴动 1979 Greensboro Massacre 1979年格林斯伯勒大屠杀 Vietnam War 越南战争 Kent State shootings肯特州枪击案 Bombing of Tokyo 轰炸东京 San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing 旧金山警察局公园站爆炸案 Assassination of MartinLuther King, Jr. 小马丁·路德·金遭暗杀。 Long Hot Summer of 1967 1967年炎热的夏天 Bagram 巴格拉姆 Selma to Montgomery marches 塞尔玛到蒙哥马利游行 Highway of Death 死亡之路 Ax Handle Saturday 星期六斧头 Battle of Evarts 埃瓦茨战役 Battle ofBlair Mountain 布莱尔山战役McCarthyism 麦卡锡主义 Red Summer 红色夏天 Rock Springs massacre 岩泉大屠杀 Pottawatomie massacre 盆大屠杀 Jeju uprising 济州起义 Colfaxmassacre 科尔法克斯大屠杀 Reading Railroad massacre 阅读铁路大屠杀 Rock Springs massacre 岩泉大屠杀 Bay viewMassacre 湾景大屠杀

>> No.17432149

haha, this is fucking based. The mandarin should be in wingdings

>> No.17432156

California, near a college with many Chinese national students

>> No.17432173

Oh look, all things that can be looked up in the US because we don’t have a totalitarian government.

>> No.17432201

kys doomer

>> No.17432370

OK Winnie

>> No.17432413

shut the fuck up

>> No.17432448


>> No.17432480

>Spanish flu took 1 year to infect 500 million people and that was back then with no air travel.
spanish flu killed so many people because of secondary infections. we didnt have antibiotics back then that's why so many dead

>> No.17432529

what the fuck i thought that crypto and the stock market were inversed

>> No.17432554

Italian ledditor has ithttps://www.reddit.com/r/China_Flu/comments/f99w4m/you_might_have_an_insider_here_in_a_bit_boooooys/
is this the end /biz/?

>> No.17432591

this guy will make holy shit...he'll have a bad flu and that's about it

>> No.17432600
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>> No.17432627

between those 2 people they’ve probably infected 10 others. it’s game ogre in Italy at this point

>> No.17432837

>this thread

You scaremongers are retarded, this is a particularly nasty strain of flu that kills the elderly and those with impaired immunity.
Thousands are recovering from it every day. The mortality of it is maybe twice the average of all seasonal influenza.

>> No.17432857
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>> No.17432885

>I'm not built for worse case scenarios
That's alright. Enjoy nubiz for the rest of the day

>> No.17433166

Not enough masks for healthcare workers in the US. CDC confirming that people should prepare.

>> No.17433482

I bought face masks normally used in construction cause the medical type was sold out.

will i even make it with those, bros?

>> No.17433553

How do I profit in a global depression?

>> No.17433575

>flu VIRUS

>> No.17433746

What a waste of money

>> No.17433814

Imagine being this ill prepared for anything. America really has conditioned everyone to be unafraid retards with no sense of danger, because nothing bad ever happens. The 2009 flu and SARS were the only illnesses in recent memory that had this impact, and people in America weren’t exposed to the latter. This shit is bad, current R0 of 4-7, asymptomatic spreading, it’s going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better as the disease cycles through other countries

>> No.17433853

yeah still waiting for swine flu to kill me

>> No.17433903

I unironically got swine flu. It was a rough flu but after I had a couple rough nights I was good to go.

>> No.17433909

People aren’t dying from the flu from this, they’re dying from the diseases the coronavirus causes. Pneumonia can kill a perfect healthy adult, it happens all the time. The R0 for that flu as well was only 1.2-1.6, this is like 2-4x that lmao, it’s not even close, this is much more infectious. When hospitals are overloaded (which America has a low number of volume they can take for patients), the previously healthy with no preexisting conditions will die. Cope in your fantasy world, this will affect you too

>> No.17433913

It is really crazy how hard people overreact, in 2 month everyone will forget it

>> No.17433953

i dont think the virus is the real problem, but the ensuing chaos and economical halt.

>> No.17433955

Nothing Happens... We can argue in 2 month then this nothingburger will be over.

>> No.17433960

33% crypto
32% stocks
27% cash
8% gold

how would you re-weight this and what would be optimal at economic collapse? I conceptually do not trust fiat.

Any safe havens from economic downturn as well as fiat system collapse? (Except crypto?)

>> No.17433978

I had swine flu, not kidding. Was cool to get 2 weeks off my wagecage

>> No.17433997

99% crypto
1% cash

>> No.17434001

Well played anon.

>> No.17434025

99% LINK
1% cash

>> No.17434035

At least people like you care about our health.
You are a saint Mr.

>> No.17434041

100% broke

>> No.17434075

The Economy might tank Worldwide due to people freak out about 2-5k dead people within 2 a month timeframe

>> No.17434081

Not a single healthy young white person has died yet

>> No.17434082

Either everything goes back to normal in a month, or we have a real Pandemic and the Market collapses. Why not liquidate half of your stocks and crypto, keep some cash and buy gold for the rest of it.
If market dumps because of quarantined cities, you should be able to buy cheap in the near future, even if the situation gets under control. If SHTF, you have gold and cash to thrive in the new Paradigm.

>> No.17434177


Thats not true man a 32 year old surgeon who had it all going for him has died in a tragic accident on the way home from the hospital

>> No.17434184

We are about to not have antibiotics now. All the factories are closed and have been closed.

>> No.17434248

>33% crypto
>32% stocks
>27% cash
>8% gold
>how would you re-weight this and what would be optimal at economic collapse? I conceptually do not trust fiat.

Go all-in on an Ally money market account until we hit the bottom of the recession next year at DOW 15,000

>> No.17434283

>Corona is completely brand new and has NEVER been seen on this earth before
no, it's just a new strain. The viral family is pretty common

>> No.17434355


>> No.17434528

imagine letting 3rd worlders control the supply of important drugs
but now AI is on our side. thanks who? thanks high IQ West, as always.

>> No.17434549

forgot url

>> No.17434565

Same 'flu' symptoms here and im also in cali. So far 10 days of erratic fever and sweats, very painful breathing and coughs (but minimal expectorate). Wiped me out, had to call of work a few days even after tons of sleep and dayquil. Even though it's probably not corona, it's the worst flu i've had in like 15 years.

>> No.17434597

based Scorsese banging that piggy

>> No.17434622

He's talking about secondary infections, peabrain.

>> No.17434893
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>mfw North Korea will be the next superpower
enjoy your free market cucks

>> No.17434914

Thanks for giving China AIDS to all your fellow burgers

>> No.17434968

11% is high enough that if I had a job I'd straight up not go the moment it became obvious in the u.s. that it was spreading bigly even if it meant I got fired.

>> No.17434991

>in 2 month everyone will forget it
Just imagine that in 2 months every country on the world has their birders sealed off.

>> No.17435024

Considering their borders are sealed off pretty well they actually have a good chance of avoiding much damage from the virus should it spread worldwide.

>> No.17435053

Even the minimum of 2% is too high. The seasonal flu is only 0.02%

>> No.17435057

>Can the world just agree to invade China at this point?
I ain't setting a single foot there.
Nuke it for orbit, idgaf

>> No.17435100

God I love laughing at these doomsday retards. They've been doing this same shit for decades.

>> No.17435118

Statistically, yearly flu strains continue to be far more deadly yet everyone is retarded like the doomsday posters in here.

>> No.17435268

>hates marvel's woke capeshit
>has a cute chubby gf that sucks his dick every night
yeah, i'm thinking he's based.

>> No.17435387

I think I had it in early Jan. Worst two weeks cold ever. Tested neg for flu, of course coronavirus was unherd of in the us in early Jan, so they wouldn't have tested it.

>> No.17435403
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ctrl + F "Coronaoken"

0 results

Its like /biz/ wants to stay poor

>> No.17435418

>get ready for closed borders
>get ready for market crashing

>> No.17435496
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sigh... when will you pol/k larpers just fuck off already

>> No.17435653

k that's unironically a funny meme in the context of a response to the china pasta, hey wait a minute the death toll of all of things outside of military conflicts is like under 100 whereas the death toll of the tiananmen square protests alone, (even) in estimates from the chinese government, reach 241 (and reach as high as 10,000)—and hey wait a minute, i can actually search all of this stuff because i don't have to get approval from the chinese government to look it up. w ow it's like you're a slimy subhuman communist who wants to expand state power for his own perceived gain, when in reality he's working against himself as a result of causing humanity to self-destruct by endlessly pooling the resources and earnings of productive, generally high-iq people into the possession of unproductive, generally low- to middling-iq parasites


>> No.17435687


you gold fags need to stop this shit

>> No.17435702
File: 2.88 MB, 700x394, smoke em if you got em.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. never had the misfortune to live around NIGGERS

>> No.17435711

Yeah rebuild back to civilization where we trade with gold and silver will take hundreds of years, gl with that

>> No.17435920

i honestly don't understand how you can think for one second that carrying a firearm is a bad idea when utter thugs such as those in >>17435702 whose prime directive is to take all that you have in this world could very well make you their target
it really is not a hard concept to grasp—some people simply are not good people, and regardless of the legality of firearms, they will wish to inflict harm on you, either to take what isn't rightfully theirs or for sport

also get the fuck off of /biz/

>> No.17436028
File: 1.91 MB, 610x360, and_the_swiftness_of_the_ranger_is_still_talked_about_todaaaaaaayyyyyy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17436164

NPC detected

>> No.17436179


>> No.17436183

Already far too late to care about closing the borders.

>> No.17436196

>human race
We're a species not a race.

>> No.17436214

>because it's fucking America
I don't live in a nigger neighborhood. Anyone with murderous intentions gets murdered back. I prepped a month ago.

>> No.17436249

A culling of the herd is absolutely needed. Far too many socialistic parasites. This also will btfo open borders and the nigger love the West had had for the past 60 years.

>> No.17436275

inverse etfs

>> No.17436367

I never gave a shit about those and yet the CDC and WHO were claiming it was the end of the world. This time around I stocked up supplies and the CDC and WHO are telling us it's a nothing burger.

Keep earning shekels, goy.

>> No.17436416

>Same 'flu' symptoms here and im also in cali. So far 10 days of erratic fever and sweats, very painful breathing and coughs (but minimal expectorate). Wiped me out, had to call of work a few days even after tons of sleep and dayquil. Even though it's probably not corona, it's the worst flu i've had in like 15 years.
Yep that sounds EXACTLY like what we have
Did you have a runny nose? I just heard a rumor that coronavirus should not cause one. We all hand one.
Worst flu I've ever had if it's not corona. Some of us have had fevers for over 7 days in a row and I have coughed so hard I can't swallow my own spit without pain (no sore throat just straight up damage from coughing non-stop)

>> No.17436433

People who compare a wide spread virus like the flu and its total dead to a new virus that hasn't spread yet are peak retard.

Ya fucking retard.

>> No.17436481

This. We have no idea what to expect. If Italy is any sign, we need to prepare for the worst. People there are freaking the fuck and every government in the world is watching to see how it plays out. R0 >5, kills healthy adults, asymptomatic spreading. Prepare your butts for the worst

>> No.17436495

He's just a based cynic who never makes a wild prediction because he gets high on being right 95% of the time without any logical framework to his thinking besides "humph, it's NOT happening folks! be reasonable!"

>> No.17436508

please go walk through a nigger infested area with no method of self-defense. I'll see how it turns out in the news.

>> No.17436545
File: 1.31 MB, 1087x4409, around_blacks_dont_relax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're just like us
>racists only hate them because of the color of their skin

>> No.17436602 [DELETED] 

i was really young at the time and god the vaccine—contracted mild autism
had a bizarro fever-daydream where i hallucinated that i was in the call of duty: modern warfare universe, on a raft in the middle of a humid ocean with extremely high-volume waves under a dismal sky; they were all equipped with p90s and were telling me that all was going to be alright while really great ambient military background music was playing behind the sounds of background wind and thunder
*sounds* great when you're reading it, but i felt like death was hanging over me, going in and out of the consciousnesses of the real world, the wiggles world, and sleep; in the real world i was always reaching for my bowl to vomit in, in the wiggles world i was being consoled by burly children's show actors with top-tier military training, and sleep was like purgatory

>> No.17436619

>closed borders
fucking based, all we needed was a pandemic to destroy the liberal world order

>> No.17436622

they would be doomed if it got in, starving people dont survive through a virus

>> No.17436630 [DELETED] 

i was really young at the time and got the vaccine—contracted some mild autism, along with a fucked up case of the flu that the vaccine was supposed to prevent
had a bizarro fever-daydream where i hallucinated that i was in the call of duty: modern warfare universe, on a raft in the middle of a humid ocean with extremely high-volume waves under a dismal sky; they were all equipped with p90s and were telling me that all was going to be alright while really great ambient military background music was playing behind the sounds of background wind and thunder
*sounds* great when you're reading it, but i felt like death was hanging over me, going in and out of the consciousnesses of the real world, the wiggles world, and sleep; in the real world i was always reaching for my bowl to vomit in, in the wiggles world i was being consoled by burly children's show actors with top-tier military training, and sleep was like purgatory
by far the worst flu i've ever had

>> No.17436636

>haha market is just fine

>> No.17436640

NK has the border open for China. NK citizens can travel freely in between

>> No.17436678

fucking stupid goddamned lack of post editing, have to keep deleting shit and re-posting it

i was really young at the time and got the vaccine—contracted some mild autism, along with a fucked up case of the flu that the vaccine was supposed to prevent
had a bizarro fever-daydream where i hallucinated that i was in the call of duty: modern warfare universe, on a raft in the middle of a humid ocean with extremely high-volume waves under a dismal sky; they were all equipped with p90s and were telling me that all was going to be alright while really great ambient military background music was playing behind the sounds of background wind and thunder
*sounds* great when you're reading it, but i felt like death was hanging over me, going in and out of the consciousnesses of the real world, the wiggles world, and sleep; in the real world i was always reaching for my bowl to vomit in, in the wiggles world i was being consoled by burly children's show actors with top-tier military training, and sleep was like purgatory
by far the worst flu i've ever had

>> No.17436702

Go back to red dit

>> No.17436707

>Corona virus massacring boomers AND their portfolios

What a time to be alive

>> No.17436710

Its 3% bud. Its 11% for the elderly, those over 60.

>> No.17436727

There will be a civilizational collapse in the future but it won't be over something as tame as Corona virus.

>> No.17436735

>Its 3% bud. Its 11% for the elderly
And way less than 3% for the non-elderly.

>> No.17436757

Because bad news spreads

>> No.17436775

First we gotta wait til enough people are infected before they'll close the border.

>> No.17436885

>le having a 30-minute window to edit poasts is SO R*DDIT, but lliek having the option to delete them in the 30-minute window and then having people replying to a deleted poast is SOOOO 4CHAN!!!!! xDDDDD
not an argument
not having the option to make minor edits but allowing them to delete posts and re-post a corrected version just makes it so that people have to go about doing something in an infinitely more shitty and convoluted way to achieve roughly the same end
the potential for fucking up a train of conversation is way higher

>> No.17436974

wahhh waahhhhh waahhhhhhh

edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.17437002

The CDC is testing a human vaccine in 6 weeks. It being in the same family as SARS is one of the reasons we're pumping one out so quickly.

>> No.17437005

>chinks BTFO
>globalists BTFO
>offshoring corporations BTFO
>boomers BTFO
>boomer retirement BTFO
Based Coronachan. Hopefully its creators can come out with a sequel that targets Africans next.

>> No.17437598

Depends if you are a chink or not.

>> No.17437711

>all those extra shots after he was already down
yeah this guy went to jail

>> No.17437725

Didn't read, stay mad ledditor

>> No.17437746

They never vaccinated SARS and the vaccine they tried in animals killed the animal.

>> No.17438023

It's shameful for heros to be imprisoned

>> No.17438117
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>n95 masks sold out everywhere

>> No.17438147


>But if the outbreak does get worse, it could deal another savage blow to the system of global frictionless exchange of people, goods, services and capital, by making countries more suspicious of allies and enemies alike.



>> No.17438230
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>> No.17438238

I’m a zoomer and I’m getting an inheritance thatll serve nicely in these coming times.

>> No.17438295


This is the same people who made Shipthu(or whatever the fuck it's called) articles about debt forgiveness and the cycle of markets exploding. I convinced my entire family the financial world will fall apart, stopped going to college and made everybody buy toilet paper, gold, and ammo.

I am still ridiculed to this day.

>> No.17438379

hahaha based. well this one is about a NYT article... for better or worse

>> No.17438401

>Trump talks shit on Parasite
>Parasite's Twitter account >implies Drumpf is illiterate and that's why he didn't like the movie
>the next day Coronachan arrives in South Korea
Trump Curse is still active

>> No.17438416


>> No.17438426

God you are beyond retarded

>> No.17438511

>buying food is a waste of money
>buying isoprpyl and gloves that cost maybe $5 total is a waste of money

>> No.17438523

Source on it making people infertile?

>> No.17438601

Italian here.
All this alarmism is cringe and blue pilled.
There are a little bit more than 300 cases (that are a lot for Italy, I agree) and 11 people died (old people or people already sick for othe diseases), mostly in the north, near Milan.
But In Rome, for example, except for avoiding chinese restaurant, and "all at 1€" chinese stores people barely give a fuck about Corona.

Off couse there will be a lot of repercussion in the markets, that are already crashing, but people is a little bit overreacting.

>> No.17438623


>> No.17438658

Shall not infringe.

>> No.17438713

At this point it'd be better to simply treat the symptoms. Btw I also got a very bad flu around Christmas time, didn't abate for a couple weeks

>> No.17438755

>RIP printer

>> No.17438771

Heh, my superior isolated town of 12 DEX forest people will surely beat and survive the max STR Citymooks who got coronad
And when you all cucks are dead, me and my 11 mates will trade bitcoins between us at increasing prices and become rich.

>> No.17438849

Damn, Sal from impractical jokers is a good shot

>> No.17438880

the ones with the money will be buying the cheap stock and property loser. ie not millennials.

>> No.17439102
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>> No.17439246

Corona is such an obvious scapegoat for the long overdue market crash. And so this time instead of going against the bankers, normie cattle will believe it's all because of batsoup...

>> No.17439400

This guy fucks

>> No.17439432

>Corona is such an obvious scapegoat for the long overdue market crash.
my concise statement on this whole thing. meanwhile we have people arguing about the lethality of the virus. pathetic that even here we fall for it

>> No.17439491

I'll survive on water and eating the dust I've been collecting under my bed for years.

>> No.17439499
File: 234 KB, 960x1280, canada_dry_tonic_water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the announcing agency had it's funding cut recently by the president who's market they want to damage in return
>the announcing doctor is a trump derangement syndrome tard with a twitter full of whines he's "anti-science", most of them post-funding-cut
>conflict of interest on every level
>no change in conditions prompted the announcement
>Trump announcing a 2.5 billion endowment to coronavirus research was snubbed in the media because it doesn't fit their narrative

I think I can hear George Soros shorting stock from here.


>Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

Oh hey look, something else the media snubbed. I guess a virus that gets murdered by gin and tonic isn't scary enough, huh?

>> No.17439562

This doomsday cucks are always crying about muh boogaloo and martial law and nothing ever happens. This was chinks fucking around trying to engineer biological weapons and then it getting spread on accident. The earth probably needed a culling and the Chinese and governments need to learn a lesson not to act like such niggers all the time.

>> No.17439577

Its slowing down now as you can see https://thevirustracker.com

>> No.17439674

tf did the nog throw on the counter? idgi

>> No.17439760

>Corona is completely brand new and has NEVER been seen on this earth before
God you people are fucking retarded

>> No.17439812


>China announces SARS 2

Agreed it's a bioweapon, probably an early experiment on SARS 1. Infectivity has increased marginally but otherwise the virus is eerily identical.

>do you have proof?


>The genomic features described here may in part explain the infectiousness and transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 in humans. Although genomic evidence does not support the idea that SARS-CoV-2 is a laboratory construct, it is currently impossible to prove or disprove the other theories of its origin described here, and it is unclear whether future data will help resolve this issue.

Seems like we won't be told either way.

>> No.17439838

this lmao

>> No.17439866


https://www inquirer.com/news/metro-pcs-robbery-elmwood-permit-nra-20190831.html

No charges

>> No.17440006

They often teach in self defense classes that if you are in a position where you need to actually shoot someone you shoot them and you keep shooting until they are 100% no longer a threat. If your life is truly in danger magdumping their ass is the way to go.

>> No.17440006,1 [INTERNAL] 

you literally couldn't make an argument against me you peameal-brained cuntnozzles
is everything you do based on what reddit is or isn't doing? fucking bugmen