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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1742955 No.1742955 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/, I am a programmer and I was wondering if anyone here was interested in my software. Basically it automates drop shipping, so you could set your website and products, and it would automatically fill out orders for you. The code is transparent (anyone can read it) so you won't need to worry about security and you could even edit it yourself if you really want. Just wondering if you guys are interested, and if so, how much would you be willing to pay. Ty.

>> No.1742958

Give it away for free

>> No.1743036

what do I get out of it?

>> No.1743719

Doesn't this already exist?

>> No.1743725

Isn't that Oberlo already? Although I'm looking forward to their Woocommerce plugin.

You can still try and compete if you think you can do better, why not?

>> No.1743830

satisfaction of knowing you didn't fail because you were too much of a pussy to take risks

>> No.1743918

Free chance to advertise.

Prertty much your only option here as we can already achieve that functionality for free

>> No.1744610

Oberlo has several flaws which I think I could improve on. For example the specific product on Aliexpress would not need to be added, it would automatically seek the cheapest.

>> No.1744618

Thats a good way to start "selling" scam items

>> No.1744714

How so? It would still be checking the item to make sure that it matches the product being sold, it wouldn't just go off price of course. It would also be able to check the Aliexpress sellers reputation.

>> No.1744724

Reputations can be faked. Theres a reason people personally order the items themselves to test it first.

>> No.1744741

Depends the drop shipper, some prefer to test and others don't. You can automate for a specific supplier or the cheapest supplier very easily so both can be catered to.

>> No.1745012

Does overlooked take affiliate commission? Is there a way to add your affiliate link to the automated process? It's like 7℅ on ali so a pretty big deal.

>> No.1745014


>> No.1745302

What do you mean by adding your affiliate link? Oberlo doesn't take any commission, however multiple accounts using their service is 29.99 a month. I would be charging a flat fee for a fully featured program, with updates available.

>> No.1745364

AliExpress has an affiliate program. If you use a site like giving assistant for example you get 7% cash back for everything you buy there. If I was dropshipping from AliExpress I would want to make sure I was claiming this affiliate money. I imagine Oberlo is taking it for themselves, they would be retarded not to.

>> No.1745467

It's already automated you tards. No one is going to access your bullshit sites

>> No.1745523
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This thread is why most of you idiots will always struggle financially. Go back and trade shitcoins. Op clearly sucks and e-commerce and understanding the process. Fuck off.

>> No.1745627

what do I not understand about the process, I currently have a dropshipping site doing pretty well

>> No.1745636

I probably would not buy something like this, cause I have a decent semi-automated workflow already. However, if I grew, I might be interested.

My requirements are usually:
1. Not only integration with one platform, but with all of them. That means Shopify and Ebay, as well as WooCommerce.

2. Automated shipping notices. That means tracking numbers moved from the PP API or confirmation email, to customer notified via email.

3. Different levels of automation. From fully automated, to a semi-automated version where you'd have to click a confirm button when you see that the address is filled out the right way.

etc etc.

>> No.1745637

Oberlo already basically does this. It's semi-automated in that you have to confirm the orders but some people like having that additional control.

Personally I wouldn't pay for your app since I'm satisfied with Oberlo but some people who want total automation might. You just better add a feature that checks whether or not the supplier has the item in stock before ordering.

This is a bad idea. I source all my products from the same supplier on Aliexpress and I don't want to use anyone else.