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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17425336 No.17425336 [Reply] [Original]

All the leading experts agree that it's time to short BSV. Have you listened to Peter McCormack on CZ? It's time for us all to short BSV.

>> No.17425443


>> No.17425482

It's a dead end shitcoin but Calvin is going to just keep injecting liquidity to short squeeze it and liquidate shorts so he can send his team to /biz/ and Reddit to dunk on "the people who doubted Satoj", I wouldn't touch this Pajeet coin one way or another. It's going to exit scam once the hype dies down and the Pajeet shills outlast their usefulness.

>> No.17425527
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>It's going to exit scam
This poster gets it. All the things Craig and Co are doing is smoke and mirrors to build up so they can dump their exit scam bags.

>> No.17425555

Just because it's going to exit scam doesn't mean you should short it though, like i said they purposely pump it to liquidate shorts and then send their Pajeet attack dogs to places like this to gloat about it when it happens.

>> No.17425569
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Nice numerals

They can't liquidate all of us.

>> No.17425599

She you in two weeks fags

>> No.17425607

this guy is right just long the real bitcoin and leave ShitCoin SV alone

>> No.17425619

>Vague hint at some near future date where nothing will happen, as always

kys pajeet