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File: 644 KB, 1730x2592, JoshuaAshely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17424499 No.17424499 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17424516

Is prostitute? How make money from?

>> No.17424536

kek probably. I also can't believe she post that shot to Twitter

>> No.17424571

looks like some tranny corpse

>> No.17424746
File: 112 KB, 379x607, blockchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




I don't know anon she can be somewhat important. I wonder whats in this book that she contributed to.

>> No.17424774

She could have (((connections))) dig with me you dumb niggers

>> No.17424782
File: 1.93 MB, 1656x1226, 1560235964552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain please

>> No.17424787

forgot to linkkk

>> No.17424820

From the other thread:
Ari Juels + Joshua Ashley Klayman (legal chair WSBA) + MONAX (ISO20022 SWIFT PoC) @ 2016 WSBA event

Nov 30, 2016
>A group of Wall Street insiders and blockchain innovators took to the stage yesterday at the New York Law School in Manhattan to sort through when a smart contract is a bad idea, when it's a good idea and what stands in the way of widespread proliferation of the technology. "There are some looming grand challenges," said Ari Juels, professor at Cornell Tech and co-director at the Initiative for CryptoCurrencies & Contracts (IC3). Speaking on a panel about implementing legally sound, secure smart contracts, at an event hosted by the Wall Street Blockchain Alliance Juels broke down the key obstacles into two main categories.


>Global message network SWIFT has developed a proof of concept with Monax Industries on how the ISO 20022 message standard can be used in blockchain technology to express specific data content in financial instruments and functions between multiple parties. The smart contracts, written in Solidity. represented asset servicing across the full lifecycle of a bond trade.



>> No.17424836

100-yard stare

>> No.17424861

She's got the body of a 170 lbs-er, but the face/neck of a 110 llb-er.

>> No.17424880

Calling a woman who you've never met in real life a "bitch". This shit needs to stop it's so fatiguing

>> No.17424884


Bet this book has crumbs and her chapter is coming soon. The book is $350 (92 linkies) so im not buying this shit. Anyone have an idea where i can find it?

>> No.17424894

go back

>> No.17424927



>> No.17424946

Shut up bitch

>> No.17424949

>fat deposits are uniform over the whole body
Do you know what hormones are, retard?

>> No.17424992

A woman that fat would show it in the face.
Sorry you're retarded?

>> No.17425016

Yo this bitch is named Josh wtf?

>> No.17425325

Biz is dead

>> No.17425415

eat shit fagboy cunt
anyway OP, who is this WALL'd bitch

>> No.17425467


>> No.17426111


>> No.17426115
File: 77 KB, 749x936, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not fucking understanding how hormones work
>never seen a woman with a giant ass, big breasts and huge thighs that has a slender face
>being this much of a shut-in handicap

Here's an extreme example for you, seeing as you literally don't understand shit about the human body. On the other end of the spectrum there are meat head pork shoulder women who have zero thighs, ass or tits. There is no such thing as 'showing it in the face' you dumb fuck.

>> No.17426392


>> No.17426591

>monax industries
literally who??

>> No.17427499


>> No.17427656

>do you belieeeeeve in life after loooove

>> No.17428438

''She is active in many industry groups, including the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance Legal Working Group, IC3, ISDA’s Smart Contracts Legal Working Group and the Accord Project''.

She just got the position of Head of FinTech and Head of Blockchain & Digital Assets at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linklaters

>> No.17428897

yeah looks like a weird shop, very weird artefaction if not

>> No.17429807

Do the needfull sir

>> No.17429855
File: 6 KB, 225x225, yupanogn991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whos dat bich I only trust in Yu Pan.

>> No.17430744

nice desu, she night be the one to shill link to ((()))
but also the on that tries to regulate it.

>> No.17430940

she gets on flight, gets infected with corona, spreads it to eth devs, all devs die of corona, eth fails. in short. no. never value women, they devalue what value is given.