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File: 6 KB, 240x200, 0___046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17416009 No.17416009 [Reply] [Original]

stobbit edition

popular brokers:
https://pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (embed)

basic stock market terminology:
https://pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

Risk management:
[YouTube] Warren Buffett Explains the 2008 Financial Crisis (embed) [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp (embed)

Real-time market news:

Live Bloomberg stream:

Educational sites:

Free charting tools:

Stock screeners:

Pre-Market Data and Live data:
https://exhentai.org/g/1059887/c29740a14a/ ->This is important

Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101:

Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:

Basic rundown on lean hogs:

List of hedge fund holdings:


>> No.17416017
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>> No.17416021

Anybody caught selling American equities will be shot by snipers.

>> No.17416024
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>> No.17416035

some cozy theme music for short-term traders who went long on Friday:


>> No.17416041

>Risk management:
>[YouTube] Warren Buffett Explains the 2008 Financial Crisis (embed) [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

>> No.17416045

you're well embedded
I like that in a man

>> No.17416047
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Remember when you said today would end green?

>> No.17416048


>> No.17416052

Gonna gamble on AMRN earnings tomorrow. Already lost a lot of money gambling on them, might as well keep it going lol.

>> No.17416055


>> No.17416056

should i buy NVDA & AMD now or wait a few days/weeks?

>> No.17416060
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is this what being a neet is all about?

>> No.17416061


>> No.17416063

buy gold, gold futures, gold mining stonks

>> No.17416066

>BREAKING NEWS: Stock market trading volume drops to 0
Now what, Mr Genius?

>> No.17416069
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>buy the dip

>> No.17416068

wait for power hour, the whole market is being held down, by degenerate short sellers. They're going to cover and well, you'll see what happens. I'll be green soon enough.

>> No.17416071
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I'm done using stop losses on long holds.
Shit was pointless and it didn't even trigger until well past my sell.

>> No.17416076


Always a solid strategy might even make a couple hundred after losing a couple thousand

>> No.17416077
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>> No.17416078

the free money train rolls on

>> No.17416090

>tfw woke up to having lost $3000 since opening bell

Not having a good morning

>> No.17416103


I’ve got bad news for you

>> No.17416105


>> No.17416106

you haven't lost anything unless you sold and closed out positions. relax.

>> No.17416109

Write off losses as donations to charities on taxes.

>> No.17416117


You haven’t actually lost anything until you’ve sold it’s not even a set back it’s an opportunity to average further down in your holdings and be rich in the future

>> No.17416119

Tempted to dollar cost average into AMD over the next 2 months about $5,000 or half my cash holdings. Any thoughts?

>> No.17416120
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is the point, she reiterates everything your typical bearbrain has said the past decade to this day
All American Golden Bulls have been winning for centuries, Just buy the dip

>> No.17416121

Actually regretting selling half my SPCE before the bell. Should have just kept holding all of it.

>> No.17416130

man I have an urge to watch margin call again, great opening today.

>> No.17416134

Meanwhile people who bought at the bottom of the SPCE dip are still up.

Comfy here on the rocket ship. Get on while you still can. Also enter AMD.

>> No.17416137


>> No.17416156


You could do much much worse. Go for it

>> No.17416158

>everyone saying the market was going to crash today and to open a put
>market crashed today
wtf it can't be this easy bros???

>> No.17416163

are we tripling down on BGS right now or nah

(too late I bought)

>> No.17416171
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thinking emoji

>> No.17416176


It literally is having the balls/stomach to pull the trigger is the hard part

>> No.17416179

The secret they don't tell you in school is the best strategy is to listen to random internet strangers.

>> No.17416198

Kids can't go out to the street so they have to study online.

>> No.17416209
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>he doesn't hop into iron condors and leg out as the market sways to and fro

>> No.17416230
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I blew my load on earning gambles too fast this year, so Im not allowed. Unless you want me beaten by headmistress

>> No.17416232

Selling at a loss, its what you do

>> No.17416234
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>dow down a thousand
>check my picks
>still up like 10% from my original cost basis
>tfw today's a good day to add on to my positions before divvys roll out

Thank you coronachan for making both my wallet and waist bigger.

>> No.17416251


>> No.17416275


>> No.17416281


>> No.17416282

You missed buying puts on the SPY and calls on GOLD, that's fine, it happens to the best of us. Don't miss out on the eventual rise of the S&P and demise of gold. Buy puts on the SPXS and GOLD dated 3-6 months out. Wait a bit and enjoy your easy money.

>> No.17416300

I don't know how to go about doing puts and calls, so I just stay the fuck away from them.

>> No.17416311
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>> No.17416314

Jesse Chris did fucking StockTwits ring the bell at the Nasdaq? That is not a great sign to me.

I guess they’re putting out a trading app, now that the space is already getting crowded. Fuck anyone using ST as their broker.

>> No.17416316

smart move desu, but you're also kind of a pussy then

>> No.17416323
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Bit late for that. Market has a strong tendency to rebound off this really brutal days for at least a day or two after. Possibly to a lower high in to crash, yes, but I don't see a reason to jump ship here after all this. Selling or shorting right now is much higher risk than holding, statistically.

>> No.17416330
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>> No.17416332

It's incredible how fast people decided coronavirus wasn't a great concern anymore because they wanted to go back to making money.

>> No.17416340

ST is a broker? I thought it was a shilling website

>> No.17416342

Just hold and shut the fuck up, faggot

>> No.17416351

I can't wait for SPCE to dump and all you getter bagged

>> No.17416352

What do you guys think about sdgr and gnpx

>> No.17416357


>> No.17416367
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>> No.17416370

I've sold more shit for gains than losses, so no, no it isn't.

>> No.17416371
File: 59 KB, 536x677, es - 2850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deciding which of 90000000 stocks to buy and hope it goes up
>oh it's wrong I'll buy more and hope this is still an uptrend
>hit up or down button on the index with leverage and close stops oh I'm wrong get the fuck out
One day some of you will get it

>> No.17416376


>> No.17416378

Very true
Top sip

It is a shilling and delusion website. But now it’s also a trading app.

>> No.17416380

Smart money is front loading their orders ahead of Powell's blank check.

>> No.17416389
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Didn't sell in the morning.
It kept going down.
Major bagholder here.
I might try to average down a bit before market closes and hope for a bump tomorrow, so I can sell.

>> No.17416392
File: 180 KB, 960x1200, mYmMIPq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck aren't you guys trading futures options?

>> No.17416399

meanwhile spce to the moon

>> No.17416400
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>> No.17416411

Anyone using E-Trade native app here on Android?

Shit keeps crashing Everytime there's a sudden drop on the indexes.. annoying af.. could be a sign of panic sellers

>> No.17416412

which "futures options" are you holding fren

>> No.17416421

oil is recovering, gold is falling, only a matter of time till the market short squeeze starts.

>> No.17416425
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, happywojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW 70% of my portfolio is in DRDgold and Pan American Silver.
Where's the nigger who was on here a week ago asking for dividend producing companies who said DRD didn't meet his standards but that Norwegian bank did?

>> No.17416426

The problem is... he's been using the blank check for months, like when he had to save the REPO market. It's losing its effectiveness

>> No.17416432

Most took their profits & sold by now. Theres only a couple brainlets left who bought the top who are still hanging on to hope

>> No.17416448
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>> No.17416449
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I love when retail faggots sell everything at the drop of a hat and then smart money scoops everything up for cheap before the cycle repeats.

>> No.17416462


>> No.17416478

VWAP 1 std turns into resistance and fucks the breakout boys shocker.
Still, you have to think there will be some short rape soon.

>> No.17416493

I'm comfy and have a decent life but I really, really want this coronavirus thing to be worse than we think (it won't be).

I just love how people come together when faced with a challenge, whether it's war, disease, or a natural disaster.

>> No.17416497
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>> No.17416502
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honestly I just trade IV against each other, very short term holding

>> No.17416511
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>> No.17416513
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Sold everything within 3 minutes on thursday and went bear.
Stupid me.

>> No.17416526

embrace the pain
the headmistress will have plenty of other people to punish anyways

>> No.17416535
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>> No.17416540
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We said there "might" be a bloodbath tbf.
But hodling this weekend was just beyond retarded. Even if you just stayed in 100% cash it would have been better than hodling

>> No.17416544
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this is all your fault asshole

>> No.17416549

I have great opportunity at 4:00 to see how I'm doing at calculus 2. The test will let me know how I'm doing and what I need to work on when I retake the class next semester. I'm stoked

>> No.17416554


>> No.17416577
File: 23 KB, 740x367, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I do to recover, I feel so demotivated, all my hard word this past month gone in two days... I just hope TMDX really moons one day, the level of manipulation is clear (just look at the 3-month chart) I really hope this works out

>> No.17416578
File: 765 KB, 485x437, sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maaaan, i missed my timing on BIMI
didn't lose anything but missed some juicy waves

>> No.17416593
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>> No.17416595
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Don't worry guys, I'm buying gold calls, so the market will pump tomorrow.

>> No.17416599


Fuck me just how much social value do I have to have to get a gf like this? Instagram with 20,000 follower?

>> No.17416603
File: 185 KB, 768x1038, Kantai-Collection-Yuudachi-Shigure-(Kantai-Collection)-2118428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil moving! Oil making moves!

>> No.17416612
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New to options trading, any risk of being assigned if I sell this right now?

>> No.17416615


Please stop posting perfect girls

>> No.17416618
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niknik I just got WAY too much BWL/A, all my orders filled at once wtheckies!

>> No.17416622

>Gold is falling
Because it already went up 1.5% today.

>> No.17416623




>> No.17416642

it is

normies are retarded

>> No.17416650

Stop looking at line charts. Get a candle chart. With volume. Learn how to use them both.
If a market butts against a level twice then three times it's probably breaking out. If that breakout fails which your meme chart clearly shows, it's probably going down.

>> No.17416656



>> No.17416659

Is this place always like this?
A one day decline is just a technical glitch - at least wait until SPY -10% before panic and all the SELL SELL SELL nonsense.

>> No.17416663

they're just greasing the gears for another big dumparino

did you get enough shares to get the platinum bowlie pass? once you hit that level of ownership you might as well hold, the perks are just too good

>> No.17416666
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Why do things always hit my stop loss and then immediately jump back up? I don't understand...

>> No.17416668

And SPCE just turned positive. Never under-estimate the ability of the masses to delude themselves
>(which is why I got into SPCE in the first place @9)

>> No.17416672

spce green

>> No.17416673

This is the move, shorts will be screaming soon.

>> No.17416681

its almost as if... the entire website was programmed... to give you exactly what you

>> No.17416683

should I buy some apha?

>> No.17416690

everything on 4channel is laced with hyperbole, why would this general be any different

>> No.17416703
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>> No.17416704
File: 224 KB, 952x810, ttrtt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I got Yangs of the stuff this morning for 14.04
Good thing its the greatest stock in the world

>> No.17416706


Probably because the market is rigged against you.

>> No.17416712

I feel good about buying SDGR Friday. It's a bloodbath out there. Wished I had bought uvxy though.

>> No.17416716

back in highschool i used to date a girl that looked like the one on the right.. we broke up but would fuck around for around 4-5 years after even if we had partners.... one time she came over and i fucked her brains out a day before her wedding lol.. true story

LCI to $60

>> No.17416718

Retail money exiting is buy signal

>> No.17416720


Usually if it's a long option, no risk. Only short options have call risk. You do have to sell the contract though, closer it is to expiration and/or further from the stock's market price the harder it is to get rid of it.

>> No.17416721
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>he fell for the sell high meme

>> No.17416727

>one day dip

3% index move for people with option leverage is a huge 10%+ account swing

>> No.17416731

Why the fuck is SPCE green?

>> No.17416737

Wtf SPCE is going up now. Truly clown world

Actually lots of shit is going background up. And I’m losing my gold gains WTF

>> No.17416743

>Live Action Role Playing

>> No.17416744

Stonk go up.

>> No.17416751

>one day
This is the third day of the dip retard.

>> No.17416754

I dare you mother fuckers to short this market right here.

>> No.17416758
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>they're just greasing the gears for another big dumparino
There is a mildly bullish case for oil right now that was in place prior to Corona dump phase 2. OPEC wants to cut production. They would have already if not for Russia stalling. All other member countries want to cut except for Russia. If market does a rebound and the March 6th OPEC meeting results in a temporary production cut, oil should move to mid to high $50 territory. Also, longer term, once Corona chan tapers off and Chinese factories get back in to swing, their oil demand will be insatiable. I am very bullish on oil this year for this reason. I'm not going to long hodl it but it's tippity top of watchlist for swing trading.

>> No.17416765
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road to infinity

what are you holding today mr bags?

>> No.17416767

they pump it up to dip it again tomorrow

>> No.17416768

Dips seem to happen gradually first, to get people to think they can hold it out, then suddenly with a bang, to scare them into sellling, then it recovers

>> No.17416770




AAPL GOT LOADS OF BUYERS AT 300?????!!!!!???!?!??!!?

>> No.17416771

isn't the obvious choice to short the nikkei?
if the current pace of the virus holds, it would obviously have a huge impact on the olympics, no?

>> No.17416775
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Thank you CoronaChan

>> No.17416776
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Wow, If you add them all up I'm green... And I even bought the SPY call meme.

>> No.17416792

which I did and seeing all these pink wojacks im thinking to myself that it was not the dumbest idea

>> No.17416794

Because, Satan, you put your stops in the obvious places so the market runs your stops then reverses. Nothing personal kid, they do it to everybody. A lot of forex dweebs end up crying about this and think it's the evil brokers. In reality entire small funds are getting fucked by big funds and central banks. Stocks are probably worse.

Put that MA on 34 and you might see something useful. 8 is good for the short term waves. There are pricefags who trade with just an 8 WMA and the trend and go with the waves. It takes experience though.

>> No.17416797

SPCE is green because the only way to avoid the pandemic on earth is by going to fucking SPACE

>> No.17416800

You’re probably setting your stop loss to close to a round number. Chose .41 or something random

>> No.17416803

ok bro.. just thought it was a funny story.. my friends and i always joke that she had an affair before she was there.. it was literrally right after their rehearsel.. she then moved out of state.. the guy was a marine.. but then years later my gf and I went and ate sushi and she was there with her family and the way we were sitting we could both see each other the whole time.. it was toooo funny

>> No.17416811
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Because it's cool and Richard Branson is a fucking Chad. Shit doesn't have to make sense yo it's gotta have strong meme energy, that is what makes a good stock. This is a cool economy now, no one cares if a company makes profit or not or if their CEO has a mid life crises on Joe Rogans show and smokes weed. Shit just has to be cool for it to have value.

Remember that movie Idiocracy, where the president is a wrestler. Well we are here, president Trump is the only president to have been recognized by WWE and won an award too.

>> No.17416812

Ok lads, I just sold everything. All my gold calls, my silver calls, my Nikkei puts.

Netting me a great 25% return for today. I am just really uncertain of what might happen next and I am rather safe than sorry

Retreating into cash when you are unsure is not a bad move.

>> No.17416819
File: 49 KB, 653x800, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing keeping me going is the fact that there are rich people that are losing exponentially more money than I am.

>> No.17416824
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But it's fun

>> No.17416837

This same thing happened to me

>> No.17416841

Don't worry, the government will bail them out for their losses

>> No.17416843

What happened to MNK?

>> No.17416846
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Boomer retirement accounts

>> No.17416859

Nice story autismo. Glad you can live out your fantasies by LARPing on the internet to anonymous strangers. Not pathetic at all

>> No.17416866
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>> No.17416868

majority of girls are sluts

>> No.17416869

Alright boys so all of the stuff we make to keep us healthy like face masks and anti bacterial soap is made in CHINA and they banned shipping it to America

So 3m, unilever, johnson&johnson are fucked as hell, but theyre going to be getting u.s. government loans to fix this

How do the loans affect this situation for these companies

>> No.17416878

>One day
Third in a row
Means -80% for a lot of people leveraged beyond recognition

>> No.17416880
File: 147 KB, 583x1200, 1582403462764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I'm staying in. Greed is good.

>> No.17416882

any recommendations on dividend stocks?

>> No.17416884

when should i start putting my savings into index and etf's? (i would be using BINCK)
have gottrn a few thousand dollars from someone a few months ago and did not want to put it into the market yet. now i feel like i should time the corona dip

>> No.17416889

all the people that when there and bought all that food after everbody already came in and breaked on the food. not going to make it.

>> No.17416891


I wonder how many index/broad market fund memers panic sold today. 15% annual gains my ass, they probably never held it for more than 15 days before a shake and squeeze.

>> No.17416894

Long coke with some money in sqqq for the short term

>> No.17416896

AMRN puts tomorrow?

>> No.17416904
File: 889 KB, 756x715, thinking question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No market place is accepting my Nikkei puts though
Im apparently forced to stay in


>> No.17416906
File: 804 KB, 1102x1200, E3F2F0CE-E342-4595-8366-645AD4100D44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg what a cutie


>Selling for a loss
C’mon man. Often a bad move.

The president in idiocracy was also a pornstar. Meanwhile DRUMPF STILL WONT RELEASE THE PEE TAPE RETURNS

America deserves to see the truth!!

Fug off
JNJ is fine

>> No.17416916

im not buying into these research laboratories until one of their anti cancer drugs clearly hits the expectations of its phase 3 clinical trial.

>> No.17416926
File: 19 KB, 134x288, +_dc13716854511e164b13f80bca505924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNSS and SPCE are green

>> No.17416929

>C’mon man. Often a bad move.
If you bought on wednesday and sold on thursday for a loss thta was not a bad move.

Cut your foreskin short and your losses shorter is what the rabbi says.

>> No.17416935

OK frens... is there an ETF that is 3x+ leveraged on the dow?

I know there's going to be a bump tomorrow (at least a little bump), and want to grab a few crumbs.

>> No.17416936


>> No.17416940
File: 95 KB, 750x746, 1582292994293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America deserves to see the Pee-pee Tapes. Let's call this what it is, Pee-pee Gate!

>> No.17416947

You immature fucking retard you are the lowest scum alive to both discount reality AND post anime at the same time

Fuck you

>> No.17416949

So, how many other companies that have all their manufacturing based in China, have earnings reports in March?

>> No.17416951

I'd rather see Bernie's medical records.

>> No.17416960
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Another green day for me

>> No.17416963

Tons can we compile a list please

>> No.17416967


UDOW is 3x leveraged iirc. Not a big fan of proshares and if you get caught in a rebalancing you're fucked.

>> No.17416980
File: 10 KB, 320x254, 4L_yIhpzDyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s our patriotic duty to start buying here bros

>> No.17416982
File: 98 KB, 570x946, big chungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K. Recession over. Buy KO.

>> No.17416984

and you sold half of it on market opening


>> No.17416993

Reminder that Richard Branson has just had his railway line taken off him by a conservative govt. Anybody getting on a rocket anything to do with this meme cunt is clinically retarded.

>> No.17417002

>Actually lots of shit is going background up
What happened last time we had a huge sell off like this? Near end of Jan right? Looks like the selling is over, we have reached it for today. Could see a rebound now.

>> No.17417003

I wanted to see a circuit breaker flipped today, fuck you bulls. I've never seen a real life one, you're denying me my bucket list you Jews.

>> No.17417006
File: 147 KB, 1000x1000, 1517054155685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i'm thinking we're back

>> No.17417007

Over £10k in savings, lads. I know it's not much to you guys, but I'm on close to min wage as a delivery driver for UK's Walmart (Asda). 100k doesn't feel like a pipe dream anymore.

>> No.17417008
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>> No.17417014

Lmfao DOW will close down 800 points and I might not even lose money today

Times have changed, a sell off like this would have wiped out my entire portfolio a year ago

>> No.17417032

Better sell SPCE before it dumps again
Who am I kidding, you're going to be greedy

>> No.17417035

>be me
>sitting in my comfy chair on my day off
>”I wonder how /smg/ and corona virus are doing.”
>see that literally only 700 people on the other side of the planet died from a cough.
>get out of my blanket so I can turn up the heat a little bit, then get comfy in my blanket again
>buy a few shares
Such is the life of a bullchad

>> No.17417033

I think i'm never buying anything but large cap megastocks again

>> No.17417045

Richard Branson is a highschool dropout that memes his way into success

Unfortunately you can think its dumb as fuck, it doesnt mean it wont work. We live in a joke.

>> No.17417046

aaaand right after i sold everything, the market rebounds

fucking hell cant seem to get anything right

>> No.17417052

This never gets old
>spread is 10 ES points wide when it really starts moving

>> No.17417060


No there arent. The overwhelming majority of rich millionaires (not upper middle class) are hedged against this sort of thing or have cash on and to go balls in on the dip and are very likely green today and only getting richer. They’re rich for a reason.

>> No.17417066
File: 25 KB, 540x316, Wholesome+_51bda3f8662baa329e677b89c81bb47b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNSS broke 0.9

>> No.17417070

Go back to 2008 crash and look at the daily chart. Observe the daily candles and see what happened. It was not a straight down maneuver. The worst red days came a ways later in the cycle when it became clear a return to previous highs was not feasible.

>> No.17417083
File: 48 KB, 640x400, 1531063778912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it over yet?

Time to buy?

>> No.17417085

Please stop posting this mentally ill transvestite. Pre-puberty hormones are a hell of a thing. This thing has problems.

You don’t belong here

>> No.17417087

im down 64%

done with stonks fuck this shit. gonna go buy crypto

>> No.17417090
File: 22 KB, 334x506, BullInvestor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.17417092

>market rebounds


>> No.17417097

God bless you SNSS Anon you are a real one.

What do you have your limit sell set at? I've got mine at 1.1 but how are you feeling?

>> No.17417103

And when you fail with that, just go to the casino.

>> No.17417108

The market takes turns. The bears got a turn, not the bulls get a turn. Their momentum drags more bulls into the trade.

It's not complicated guys. This is the moment for all the people doubting coronachan to move in and buy the dip.

It's never smooth.

>> No.17417114

If we've learned anything from TSLA, it's that traditional investing methodology doesn't stand a chance against the irrational hopes of the masses.

I never bought TSLA because I don't buy companies that don't earn profit, and I don't buy companies where I don't trust the CEO. But, because I didn't buy, I missed out on making some serious coin.

It's going to be the same with SPCE. Yes, there is a good chance that it will eventually crash. But in the meantime it will shoot up as people buy it on faith, hope, desire, all of of the other useless emotions.

But in the meantime...it will go up so high that even when it does crash you'll still be further ahead than if you didn't get in. I was able to get into SPCE @9. I will simply wait. And if it eventually hits 400, then "crashes" to 300, I'm still further ahead than if I hadn't played at all.

>> No.17417115

>muh dip
cope harder bullfags, we've already had the dead cat bounce, it's over

>> No.17417117
File: 114 KB, 625x505, AF73E529-F531-40A2-9263-C382A9FC0D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on getting in on Facebook under $200?

Also whoever the fucker was that told me AMD was a bad purchase at $17 can go fuck themselves

>> No.17417118

recession is over, see you guys next monday

>> No.17417120
File: 15 KB, 600x315, WybxO5n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNSS broke 0.92
I'm somehow up more than a grand today
Ironic after someone posted 2 threads ago about me being down more than a grand.

>> No.17417122

I would forgive this entire day once my KO goes back up

>> No.17417134

Tesla is a forced meme

>> No.17417140

I'm not selling until the company gets bought out, except maybe a small portion of my shares to recoup initial investment when it breaks $3

>> No.17417146


Nigga today is Monday there’s a whole week left to make and lose money

>> No.17417157

I bought the OGI dip

>> No.17417162

i already get my gambling fix with online betting. believe it or not, ive never lost money. only have a net gain.

>> No.17417163

Who else /bull/ here? Bought calls on literally everything an hour ago. Italy, iran and Koreas extinction has now been priced in and we can continue our regularly scheduled mooning.

>> No.17417166

I want to believe you, I have seen many people talking about possible buyers, but are we talking 1h2020 or what?

>> No.17417174
File: 71 KB, 630x420, coca cola cans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your KO cost basis is so low it will never become unprofitable

>> No.17417178
File: 162 KB, 1920x1080, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some more GORO while it's on sale

>> No.17417191

Youre big time wrong

Kill all anime fags

>> No.17417196
File: 1.51 MB, 189x392, xvxc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought QQQ and UPS at the /daily bottom/

>> No.17417199

Perhaps, but that doesn't mean you can't make money on it. So much time is spent on teaching people how to invest based on reality (profit, PE, balance sheets), that it's easy to overlook the fundamentally irrational nature of people.

It's like the Monty Hall problem or Prisoners Dilemma. People have proven over and over again their ability to overlook reason for emotion

>> No.17417203

>Thoughts on getting in on Facebook under $200?
I actually live FB. They have like 3 billion people using one of their products daily. But Mark has somehow not appeased the king jews or something that he is the target for political hammering. I suspect after the election if Trump wins again the enthusiasm to find a target to blame outside the DNC will start to fade.

>> No.17417208

I would say that is likely, but not certain. It is possible that instead of being bought out, SNSS does a partnership to begin phase 2 testing, in which case the buyout will be another year out, but the stock price will likely climb for a long time before that. However I think if we get any partial remissions (which is very likely since we were only 10% away at 300mg), someone is gonna make an offer and they're gonna do it fast before the stock pumps too high.

>> No.17417209

Wait till Friday, that's usually the low point of your average week, and with everyone so afraid of the bear strengthening over the weekend they'll pull all their stocks on Friday and the prices will go down even more

>> No.17417211

>tfw SNSS is unironically saving my portfolio
thanks SNSS anon

>> No.17417215




>> No.17417219
File: 17 KB, 300x250, ko pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17417223

>tell mom that she needed to sell last week
>she calls me up this morning
>Should I sell?
>I can't talk to my agent until 4
I love her but this is why I will never go through an investment firm. Imagine your money being held hostage while you're unable to adjust anything and you just have to watch as it decreases.

>> No.17417236
File: 174 KB, 1535x897, 2008crash_daily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for your convenience...

>> No.17417237
File: 28 KB, 484x207, CiyuAFLUYAAn8Kj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it fren. I even hope those 2 or 3 dickbags who exist only to troll me make it.

>> No.17417245

>all ive got to do is sit and do nothing for a month and im going to 3x my money
>know damn well im going to sell when i 1.25x my money which will be tomorrow

Lets hope i win next round too

>> No.17417249

it's ok, probably gonna drop later on again.

>> No.17417253

Meant to say SPCE.
> it's the next tesla guys buybuybuy

>> No.17417254

>things suddenly moving up


>> No.17417256

>creating tax events for mom
nice job anon

>> No.17417259

'When the wolves run howl with the wolves'

>> No.17417260
File: 76 KB, 744x664, mc171009m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'08 wasn't an equity bubble though, this market is pure un-adultured mania. It's going to start with a bang.

>> No.17417261

I bought 4 shares of AMD, either way you’ll have a decent profit in a week or two.

>> No.17417262

Swinging the q’s Then?

Yeah but I wish I’d bought more... and that means I’ll litereally never be able to lower my basis.

Christ... that reverse H/S is beautiful

>> No.17417282

Anon UPS is going to 70

>> No.17417299

I understood. I agree with you. There is zero reason to invest in SPCE based on reason or sanity, but it IS the next TSLA in terms of irrational mass behavior. I'm in SPCE, and will remain so for some time.

>> No.17417305


Cisco is making move boys! What do the nerds think? Time to buy the based doggo of the Dow?
(My limit buy triggered today...)

I bought at 206, suddenly bags but I’m okay with it.

>> No.17417314

Fucking right, blessings to SNSS Anon

>> No.17417317

>equity bubble
Questionable. In any case, a typical market crash has an initial drop, rally to double top or lower high, drop, another weaker rally, then the flood gates open for real. If you're expecting an instant turn around bubble top like Bitcoin or any p&d meme stock you're going to be disappointed.

>> No.17417319


>> No.17417332

"buy TLT"- Peter Schiff

>> No.17417335

I can already picture all the boomers waiting in line to sit in a flying submarine staring at a black screen with dots all over it, and my stocks flying just as high

>> No.17417336

im not sure about this desu
i mean im long term bearish on all this, but if this panic is directly related to corona, it will be weeks before we get a clearer picture of the full scope. the incubation period alone is a fucking month.
then theres the issue of reinfection, which will take several more weeks

imo the market is going to be indecisive for a bit, before anything gets too crazy

>> No.17417340
File: 77 KB, 640x435, 263E771D-84FE-4863-B96F-C16341F507A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He sold the bottom and didn’t buy more

Fucking Kek, bogged again!



>> No.17417342


>> No.17417347

Waterfall slide. Most of them are like that. If you trade rather than just buy you should be short in every crash. Easy to say of course.

>> No.17417352

Thank you for cheapies based Corona-chan!

>> No.17417357
File: 233 KB, 770x770, 4L_0YnY0av3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn’t get the memo that we close at the low of the day

>> No.17417365
File: 1.24 MB, 257x200, Mick Jagger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of them are even asian, wtf?

>> No.17417369
File: 64 KB, 1024x1001, 4B3A05FA-0ED1-4085-9155-A17BF196D2BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting tempted to buy more AMD but I don’t want to spend a lot after getting back from my vacation. Maybe if it dips down below $49 again.

>> No.17417380

why would you buy an ETF that has a shit ton of exposure to asian semi production?
why not just buy specific semi companies that are in direct competition with the ones getting quarantined in asia?

>> No.17417383

and is still fine until the guy says "well selling right now isnt the right move maybe we can see how it goes tomorrow and decide" but then tomorrow comes and you are in even deeper hole so you can't sell anymore

true story.

>> No.17417389

I wish AMD would pump, if I could recover even half of my call value i'd be thrilled

>> No.17417391

Just bought spx 3230 March puts

>> No.17417399

>If you trade rather than just buy you should be short in every crash. Easy to say of course.
I did some testing on best statistically advantageous place to short the index. For almost all historic market crashes, the place to do it is on the back side of a rally to lower high or double top with a stop loss at that most recent high. Trying to call the top is very foolish and very low percentage chance.

>> No.17417401

"manufacturing isnt coming back to the US because of corona" - Peter Schiff


>> No.17417410

Because the virus is going to subside once the weather warms up. After Q1 it’s all mooning again. I’m accumulating cheapies all the way down.

>> No.17417427

I bought at 37 I can't sell yet

>> No.17417438

Are you an idiot? Do you think it's cold in Singapore right now?

>> No.17417443

Invest in chinese homeschooling

This will chronically effect their society for decades(just the fear of the virus not the virus) and parents will isolate their kids for a very long time

>> No.17417445

Pray tell, you DID buy the dip, right?

>> No.17417458

tell that to singapore
its had no problem at all existing in ~90F weather for weeks now
granted, their quarantine was much more preemptive and well done than say china or korea, but it clearly has no fucking problem with warm and humid weather

>> No.17417463

If I was Chinese I would just leave the country, coughing and spitting on everything from China to where ever I ended up.

>> No.17417466

No to mention living inside a feverish human body pushing over 100F

>> No.17417469

youd be surprised how many people have no fuckng clue where singapore is desu

>> No.17417477

Go for it. You cant lose betting against this shitty company.

>> No.17417478

maybe it will just move to the southern hemisphere, which will be going into winger as the northern moves into summer

>> No.17417479

You guys are okay.
Don’t invest in the stock market tomorrow.

>> No.17417480
File: 212 KB, 1600x1155, homeless-men-asking-desperate-starving-old-sitting-cold-ground-begging-food-kind-businessman-man-143211579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please somebody....

tell me how I can make a GUARANTEED gain of 1% in the next 30 minutes, please i really need this

>> No.17417492
File: 710 KB, 1023x723, ddvvxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can not believe my eyes right now
They just melted through my second and third BWL.a buy walls

>> No.17417499
File: 75 KB, 542x491, 877EC6A4-494E-4D9A-9FF6-DADE890F760C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... well then..

>> No.17417505

Its not a tax event, they can adjust her IRA without it being taxable. Same principal as a rollover essentially. She won't have to pay taxes until she actually withdraws.

>> No.17417509

Cant stop the ZOGmachine. I think they can beat the Corona scare and push us back into bull market for another year

>> No.17417510

Dow will gain 150 points in the next 40 minutes

>> No.17417511

I'm moving shorts into UK.

>> No.17417512

Its where the pirates go to in pirates of the caribean

So its gotta be british but also carribean

But somehow gooks are there

Africa is basically the middle of all of that

Singapore is in gambia

>> No.17417521

sure, but in this case its more important to observe how it can exist OUTSIDE of the body, and in what environments

ive heard reports of up to about 9 days on surfaces in general. havent heard enough data from singapore to determine if its different in a more "summer-y" climate

>> No.17417524

Who here didn't buy SNSS and are kicking yourself?
Good news!
You still can. You will still make money. I have maintained since last July that anything under $1 for SNSS is an absolute buy, without question, and I maintain that assessment.

>> No.17417525

>SPCE mooning

>> No.17417526
File: 10 KB, 258x195, D4AA7586-AADA-45B8-B092-29CE232D9DFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the markets are recovering

>> No.17417532
File: 49 KB, 620x376, wy-09-distmarkdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing and doing are different things though, it's choppy as fuck up there. In 2008 I had a 5k IB account kek, and an idea that I wanted to trade YM. did a lot of staring at screens in horror and not much trading.

>> No.17417540



>> No.17417550

i only have $50 cash. thanks though

>> No.17417553

my dude, just figure out the semis under quarantine, look for who competes with them directly, and youll be a ok
just take it easy on the 3x leverage memes. VIX being above 20 means there will be plenty of action with just straight stock

>> No.17417554

work out 3x a week, dont eat processed garbage, start talking to ugly girls, casually, then work your way up to a turbo hottie as you build confidence. ez.

>> No.17417561

was in toronto for business, literally zero face masks. everyone walking around like nothings happening. oh boy.

>> No.17417563

if you've been trading since 2008 you must be rich by now?

>> No.17417581

And by this I mean that I can see it going up to -700 before close

>> No.17417589

i bought the dip, how fucked am i? this knife is gonna cut right through my soul isn't it?

>> No.17417590
File: 22 KB, 500x327, 1533403518750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have his gold puts on

>> No.17417596

i have been burned by SPCE twice despite making some money

fuck this retarded stock.

>> No.17417601

Here in NZ corona doesn't even make the news

>> No.17417608

Fuck this I'm hedging with VIX calls

>> No.17417625




>> No.17417630

dca chad with dubs.

>> No.17417635

Soooo... do I buy some gold or GOLD or KL now that shits dippin?

>> No.17417638

its actually wild how polar opposites, marks and the general public is. markets realize how fucking sick this is, but the public is like 'meh the government will take care of me. i have full trust'

>> No.17417648

No because I jacked it in 2008 kek.
I came back later and fucked around, now I make a living but on very short term forex. I think I'm going to make good money eventually because it's starting to feel stupidly easy some days and I have cowards discipline. The Dow I am going to have to look at again this day is a joke my meme free indicators have called most of the swings.

>> No.17417666

Im longing NVTA

CEO is a very motivated genius savant

>> No.17417675

SPCE isn't something to day trade. It's something to put some throw-away money into and then just ignore it for a few years.

>> No.17417678

Buy some April $1 calls for SNSS. You will make money. I am certain of it.

>> No.17417683

Take the money you plan to put in gold and do 50% gold and 50% TLT

>> No.17417690
File: 8 KB, 409x104, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only baggie and pendy are spared. That is if pendy didn't already neck himself from holding GALT for too long.

>> No.17417701


people have no idea or think its a nothingburger. little do they know they are interacting with chink germs from ghost spreaders and will come down with bat flu in 2 weeks

>> No.17417705

So has memeology finally taken over quant trading?

>> No.17417731

thats literally what the koreans are doing

>> No.17417795

Hey investor fags , if the stock market supposedly collapses will that make apartments cheaper because i'm planing on buying one and i want to know if i should wait for this to happen...

>> No.17417809


>> No.17417816

im too dumb to know how options work so i only buy shares

>> No.17417831

Housing across the board will get cheaper because so many will die

>> No.17417837

hard to say
this is mostly effecting asia
as we all know the amount of chinese that own properties over here is stupendous. if theyre hurting for cash, or are trying to get some extra USD, they might be willing to sell for a much lower price

idk tho
real estate aint my thing

>> No.17417865

even if this goes full on pandemic, the economic effects are going to kill MUCH more than the virus
were staring down the barrel of the possibility of the entire global market screeching to a halt

>> No.17418047
File: 16 KB, 677x430, eject.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not sell now, and re-buy in 2 months when things are really low? I'm all in indices so might not be legally possible even.

>> No.17418416
File: 98 KB, 724x247, gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

git gud

>> No.17418509
File: 48 KB, 639x347, 1582535687558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DCA barely beat out lumping on 4 times over 40 years
If you couldn't see this coming, and weren't positioned to profit, you're a smoothbrain

>> No.17418551

What you really want to look at is whether interest are going up or down.
Interest rates go up, less people can afford mortgages, people default on loans, housing prices go down.
Interest rates go down, loans are cheaper, more people can afford mortgages, less people default on loans, housing prices go up.
Stock market is more of a symptom to be viewed alongside housing prices than a cause of price fluctuation in the housing market.

>> No.17418658

Bags like bowling balls