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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17415763 No.17415763 [Reply] [Original]

Why do bootlickers even come here? Some faggots here would quite literally take a bullet for their employers. Is this some sort of beta cuck trait from all the so.i milk boomers and bootlickers in general drink?

What's with all the Stockholm syndrome cuckery? It's pathetic as fuck.

>> No.17415818
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Take your schizo post the fuck off my board, I have never seen on here the batshit fantasy you claim to be immersed in.

>> No.17415844

you smell of /pol/ piss off

>> No.17415860

Posted unironically from a not so subtle Bernie supporter.

>> No.17415909

Some of us got real jobs in fields we like. If you ever qualified for something beyond mcdonalds you might understand.

>> No.17416080

Sock cock
wrong, plus he's pro work, you dumbass trump supporter sheep
imagine this retard. Imagine actually liking being someone's bitch and always being at the mercy of an employer. Imagine never trying to escape the rat race and instead wanting to embrace it. Imagine wanting to wake up, forcefeed, and make a fraction of what their boss and actually enjoying it.

This is what a cucked BITCH looks like. Imagine having such low expectations for life. Absolutely pathetic

>> No.17416102

Anon I don’t know what you’re talking about
This board is probably the most anti-wagecuck

>> No.17416136

... did you not just see the comments I responded to?

>> No.17416359

He is talking about the same thing I am. You are out of your fucking mind.

>> No.17416386

Youre illiterate then. They are saying bootlickers dont come here since this is an anti-work thread but obviously you are factually, scientifically, and empirically wrong going by the literally physical evidence you can clearly see for yourself such as these cucks: >>17415909

>> No.17416405

>would quite literally take a bullet for their employers

>> No.17416407

>anti-work thread

>> No.17416427

That was half joking, idiot. Point is bootlickers suck off their employer (fyi that's not a literal joke either kek) and defend them for basically any action and any working condition they force upon them.

>> No.17416438

I swear this whole website gets a larger and larger contingent of the truly mentally ill (not just guys with life problems) with each passing year.

>> No.17416446

Why do you post this exact topic every day? We get it, you're a loser and want to steal people's shit because you have no merit.

>> No.17416461

And this guy: >>17416438

As you can see, a bunch of normie cucks like this faggot have invaded this board.

>> No.17416498

Holy shit, I knew we had bootlickers but you literal gay cock suckers are actually taking over now.

Also, shizo, I only posted yesterday and today. I almost never even make bootlicker gate threads, retard. Thirdy, "loser". What is your job again :).

The difference between you and me is pride. Im not a beta bitch. You are. I have expectations to escape the rat race. You dont. I dont live to suck cock. You do :)

>> No.17416548

literally anything is better than being a government dependent waste of life

>> No.17416581

I caught another one!
I can tell you retards are also trump supporters from the far right due to your shitty arguments :).
Did trump teach you to make baseless assumptions/straw man/put words in other people's mouths to win arguments :)

Winning biggly, huh? I am employed. Are you :)? What's your age? What's your job? What's your salary?
Cmon, retard. Dont pussy out now

>> No.17416597

Oh fuck. If you notice, not one trumptard supporter has given a counter argument. Hit and run :)
Bunch of beta pussies.

>> No.17416806

Respond back, so.i lover. You really are a pussy beta bitch, aren't you? Hit and run. Pussy move. Grow some nuts, faggot

>> No.17417717

There is just no talking to you. How do I get through to someone who is literally having hallucinations?

>> No.17417803
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I like helping out and improving processes. Everyone is happier that way.

>> No.17418319

What hallucinations? Can you specify or are you too retarded to actual give an example?

>> No.17418411

not wanting to be a bootlicker is literally the absolute opposite of /pol/ and their fascist cuck fantasy

>> No.17418473

They identify with their employer/brand and then in a reaction to job security they will defend the breadbasket that feeds them.

>> No.17418489

They think if they lick enough boots they’ll be Jeff Bezos one day

>> No.17418754

Fuck you OP, part of having a normal life is working a job. You simply can't make it without having a job. Sitting at home trading your internet monies whilst falling to anime porn and eating instant noodles won't make you rich. I would take a bullet for my boss because he is responsible for my livelyhood. Sure he can be a dick but it's all worth it at the end of the day to be a functioning member of society who pays taxes.

Inb4 based af

>> No.17418790

.........you might have a point

>> No.17418962

The topic has never changed and its plain as day. There is no simpler way to explain it to you, if you can't see it I just honestly advise you to speak to your doctor.

>> No.17419056

Translation: I’m proud to be a slave. I would take a bullet for my master

>> No.17419172

Aka you cant greentext because there are no examples for you to use. Down syndrome

>> No.17419204

Absolutely beta as fuck.
> I would take a bullet for my boss because he is responsible for my livelyhood.
on the other hand, your boss sees you as an asset and not a human. They feed you to keep their business running, not because they care about you, retard

>> No.17419218

you also wont get rich without investing, dumbass. That's a fact.

>> No.17419488

Also, you dumb conformist bitch, the owners of walmart for instance havent worked in 3 generations.

So its okay to be a neet so long as you inherit wealth, huh? You FUCKING retard. Conformist bitches

>> No.17419535
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>> No.17419683
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It saddens me to see that /pol/ level retards are on this board, you must be incredibly new here as well. It's apparent you lack critical thought and cant see satire. You take everything at face value which is so typical of a /pol/ user. You're the kind of person who would say nulink and PNK are scams when true /biz/ browsers would talk about how its revolutionary, as to go with the joke.

Theres so much anger inside of you, it probably comes from you being a filthy wage cuck.

No one who has ever made it is like you, enjoy slaving away

t. Chad neet with a trading bot.

>> No.17419765

Retard. People that you were pretending are real (literally look at the dumbfuck bootlickers on this thread) so you expect me to catch that satire given the level of bootlicking witnessed here??

>> No.17419779

*pretending to be

>> No.17419792

I have a great salary plus commission and I work alone. Find a better job, incel.

>> No.17419834

Your the incel. Actually calling a SALES job some "dream job" LOL.

>> No.17419946

Anon, did you actually expect people on this board to take your post seriously? This is /biz/, nothing is serious here except for tax posts.

Dial back the anger, you can get your point across without the aggression. You're sounding like a socialist nigger from New York.

Learn to accept that some people want to work a job and don't know that there's alternatives or wish not to take the alternative. Calling everyone an incel because they disagree with your point of view is just childish. You're better off channeling this energy to pursuits that will help you make it.

>> No.17420142
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The man is clearly deranged, your remarks will only provoke an incedent of violence. He should be on a watchlist.

>> No.17420382

Youre literally retarded. All you can say is "d-deranged!".
I ask you to green text and you run away from me like a bitch :)

What the hell are you talking about? They ARE taking it seriously hence the bootlickers getting depressed over what Ive been saying. You cant read?

Also, idiot, I called literally ONE person an incel. The one that called me one first so...? Are you retarded?

>> No.17420400

To make your comment shorter, youre basically saying "stop making fun of bootlickers".

>> No.17420577

Nice cope but you’re still a slave

>> No.17420615

>arguing with self-loathing tranny shills

>> No.17421008
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Incoherent ramblings are not an arguement. Not that it matters, he has abandoned his thread.

>> No.17421061

It's brainwashing. Most whites are told from the day they are born "you're going to college, getting a good job and putting money away for retirement and if you don't follow through with any of this, I will throw you on the street like a piece of trash". It took me a long, long time to shake this scam and wake up.

>> No.17421069

Still here but I'll be leaving to work soon.
Secondly, rich coming from the guy saying im hallucinating without an actual quote from me to prove it

>> No.17421089

tb.h, I fell in the same trap. It was because of that that it took me a while to even get into investing.
I just thought all there was to look forward to was being someone's bitch until I realized how shit being an employee is. Escaping is the only way to win

>> No.17421259
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u r so fucking dumb its unreel

>> No.17421357

People who say bootlicker played too much skyrim

>> No.17421388
File: 159 KB, 820x836, mmmmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it amusing that people who unironically use the term "bootlicker" are often the most pathetic and subservient members of society, in the lowest position of wage slavery, such that there is almost no difference between what they do, and actually licking boots.

>> No.17421427

you cant argue. Retard

Not possible. Never played it

> are often the most pathetic and subservient members of society,
hiw so?

> lowest position of wage slavery, such that there is almost no difference between what they do, and actually licking boots.
looking at statistics, that is actually the majority of americans. In other words, you are applauding a system that fucks over the majority. Lol
Again, stockholm syndrome. You are trash

>> No.17422113

Shut the fuck up, class traitor. There is a 99% chance you yourself are a wage slave

>> No.17422180

After the revolution, we'll keep people like you around as human bidets.

>> No.17422204

There is no good or evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it.