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17411910 No.17411910 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everybody on crypto twitter talking about coronavirus like they are some expert?

>> No.17411932

I noticed it's how people talk about sports too. Like all the public info is available to the public, yet everyone is an expert andknows more than the other guy kek

>> No.17411964

Because its obvious to anyone who's been paying attention that its more severe than the government is stating. People interested in cryptocurrency by their nature are going to be more skeptical of government than other groups so it goes without saying that theres overlap between people concerned about the coronavirus narrative and crypto advocates.

>> No.17411977

haven't you heard? everyobdy with a twitter account is an expert on anything and everything

>> No.17411995

mortality rate is 2% or less and median age is 50 and above
how is it severe

>> No.17412005

in a month you'll find that governments have suddenly ramped up their 'estimates' and concerns about coronavirus once the effects of it can no longer be denied ... using the plausible deniability of 'well... we know more now and are increased our initial estimates'.

the truth is they've known for a long time and intentionally misrepresented the threat because they'd rather risk the publics health on the chance that it doesnt take significant hold here rather than causing a panic by admitting how severe the virus truly could be.

>> No.17412028

For the same reason you talk about crypto and corona virus...pretty amazing how social media websites parallel each other!

>> No.17412034

First day on the internet?

>> No.17412039


Mortality rate is not the issue. The mortality rate will only increase as hospitals become flush with new patients. I'm a burger so I expect this to be the straw that breaks the camels back in terms of the economy. IF, if it gets big. Not saying it's conclusive that this will be "a thing", but the signs are all there and in my lifetime I have never heard of something that made China quarantine this many individuals.


To add to this, many of us have become pretty adept at analyzing without bias.

t. at least 2 years on /pol/ at least 3 years on /biz/ and many more on other boards oldfag.

>> No.17412054

Please go back

>> No.17412063

mortality rate is significantly higher due to the methodology for diagnosing coronavirus in china as well as what criteria they use to determine if cause of death is attributed to coronavirus. Test shortages prevent majority of people from being 'officially' diagnosed with the virus, and if someone was not tested for whatever reason and dies from the resulting liver failure/fever of an undiagnosed coronavirus case china doesnt mark it as a coronavirus death. Ask yourself if it was really this insignificant than why is china going to such severe measures to contain it including culling pets, enforced quarantine camps, burning bodies without funerals, etc.

>> No.17412077

>To add to this, many of us have become pretty adept at analyzing without bias.
>t. at least 2 years on /pol/ at least 3 years on /biz/ and many more on other boards oldfag.

Oh yes, blaming everything on Jews makes you an analytical powerhouse.

>> No.17412104

if 4channel is the only website you go on you’re definitely not going to make it

>> No.17412128

good point too. keep in mind that the R0 could be as high as 7. (per one person infected, on average they'll infect 7 people) even if its not fatal there's a critical mass for how many people can become infected and still maintain current supply lines.

Even if it doesnt spread beyond china, with chinese based manufacturing forming the backbone for most developed countries economies you can see how that could at least cause a logistical problem for the world.... did you know most pharmaceutical drugs are produced in china?

>> No.17412136

Yea, surfing Twitter is definitely gonna help you get rich. You’re all poor idiots.

>> No.17412275
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>> No.17412297


because people on crypto twitter only care about exploiting the emitons of the fools that actually care what they think in an effort to influence investment decisions

>> No.17412310

My dad works at Corona virus and he says we're gonna start coughing blood BEFORE all you, hah!

>> No.17412358

15% of patients need intensive care or they die.
It's only 2% now because we have enough machines to keep people alive, once the number of patients rises and all machines are occupied the number will get closer to 15% mortality rate.
And that's before the virus hitting the bat populations in South America and mutating itself into god knows what LMAO

>> No.17412388

coronavirus is likely coming from bats and practically according to my research it's not really harmful, nothing to be worried about, it's just another strain of flu

>> No.17412402

Also you can get reinfected ad infinitum and it gets worse every time kek. Combine that with the long time it can live on surfaces and the long incubation period and the fact that it's airborne. How is that not concerning to you?

>> No.17412407

yeah, china just decided to stop everything for a strain of mild flu. you're a smart one eugene.

>> No.17412429

Oh yes, I remember the last time the flu sent 10% of the human population into lockdown and 15% of infected people into critical condition. Happens every year lmao.

>> No.17413213
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>To add to this, many of us have become pretty adept at analyzing without bias.

>t. at least 2 years on /pol/ at least 3 years on /biz/ and many more on other boards oldfag.

Which coins do you hold? I need to compare how well you assess your own critical thinking ability with what it actually is.

>> No.17413223

Its math time nigga!!!

Italy has 7 deaths.
Numbers from wuhan show a 10% fatality rate for terminated cases.
This means we can conclude based on the 7 deaths that 70 people have had the disease and their cases have terminated.
The total lifecycle of the disease takes about 50 days, again based on numbers from Wuhan.
This means that 50 days ago there were AT LEAST 70 infected people in italy.
People become infectious after about 14 days.
The r0 is ~7.
This means that 50-14=36 days ago there were 7×70=490 new infected.
36-14=22 days ago there was 490*7+7×70 =3920 new infected.
22-14=8 days ago there was 3920×7 + 3920=31360 infected.
And in 6 days there will be ~31360×8=250880 infected.

This is in italy alone

>> No.17413246
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>Its math time nigga!!!

>> No.17413263
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It does though.

>> No.17413280

Oy vey never forget the 6 gorillion italians that died in the coronacaust

>> No.17413298

If this was true, there would be way more infected in China (tens of millions), as the virus has been active there for months.

>> No.17414091

and there is 'way more infected' than the official numbers that are reported. china is downplaying the number of infected and dead as there arent enough test kits in the first place, and people who die without being tested arent tested post mortum. in other words... if someone dies of a complication from an undiagnosed case of 'flu-like symptoms' or renal failure brought on by the coronavirus they will not investigate that death or count it towards the official numbers.

They only have enough test kits to diagnose about 1/10 of the patients that show up at the hospital exhibiting symptoms, and the more people that get sick the harder it will be for china to meet the demand to manufacture those test kits.

>> No.17414099

Dunning kruger, its exceptionally apparent on /biz/ too, even more so than twitter

>> No.17414146

You are missing the point. There may be more cases than reported, but the guy I responded to pulled his "math" directly out of his smelly trannyhole.

>> No.17414181


LINK RLC Golden Chadfolio.

>> No.17414209


> Brings up Jews
> When I didn't mention Jews


>> No.17414378

all math is pulled out of some trannys hole, be that the CDC or WHO. I'm going to err on the side of caution and treat the virus with a level of preparedness that corresponds with chinas disparate response compared to 'official' numbers and guidance provided by WHO/CDC.

maybe its excessive, but I will implement full decon procedures in my apartment and stockpile on many months worth of food and water.

>> No.17414522

t-there he goes, mentioning the jews!! back to /pol/e with you, inclele xD

This post paid for by the Taxpayers of America Stand With The Governments of The United States and Israel Foundation, a not-for-profit organization

>> No.17414544

China has been cooking the books. If you want the real picture look at what is going on in Italy or Iran.

>> No.17414655

Hard kek

>> No.17414695

lmao this is why sports talk pisses me off. Especially since people most passionate about being spectators tend to be pretty dumb

>> No.17414793

Ah, so you are a confirmed retard then.

>> No.17414835

They have gone full paranoid lately. They think everyone is talking about them every time people mention something bad happening or some crime committed.

The paranoia and accusations is merely a projection of their guilt.

>> No.17414894

It’s a very contagious HIV/Flu mutation that is now airborne...

>> No.17415032

I've been browsing 4chin for 14 years, kid. Kill yourself.

>> No.17415059

They were turned into pizzas!

>> No.17415071


>> No.17415197

you mong, ask yourself how many CEOs are 50 years old or more? how many governors? how many doctors?

this shit is just getting started

>> No.17415295

Its not even from bats retarded, seems like the last time you read something about the subject is december 2019

>> No.17415311

Imagine trusting the data from the Chinese government while they have 100 million people quarantined