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File: 17 KB, 987x981, zcash-icon-fullcolor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17403394 No.17403394 [Reply] [Original]

Will this shit go back to $2000?

>> No.17403456

No it has massive inflation, this is not 2017 now this coin has to compete with coins that have 3% inflation

>> No.17403496

Halving end of year

>> No.17404301

and then....?

>> No.17404384

>No it has massive inflation

CMC says it has max supply 21 million like bitcoin, is that wrong?

>> No.17404398

Think it’s 8 mill actually

>> No.17404407


it says 9.1 mil circ supply and 21 mil max

>> No.17404517

monero is better and monero sucks. think about that.

>> No.17404548

ZEC is literally the kike coin of the future. You're dumb if you dont hold any.

>> No.17404619

privacy coins:
50% XMR, 50% ZEC here.
Let the best one wins.

>> No.17404644
File: 59 KB, 1077x635, inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine unironically investing in a kike backdoor with 58% yearly inflation.

>> No.17404651

any opinions on zcoin?

>> No.17404713
File: 107 KB, 400x600, 5BD4E364-9AE2-4F94-A816-A5B60D889A53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cap this post, this shit is going to $30,000 by EOY 2026
>thinking powell was talking about the terrorist drug dealer pedo coin when he said we need a private digital currency
Abnormally high IQ
Smart but you’re going to throw your stack into ZEC when ZEC flips XMR
>kike backdoor
That’s why you invest in it, you think the federal reserve, which is but a mere control branch of the royal families, is going to lose?

>> No.17404835

You buy it for one and sell for two then use the profits to buy up good projects, dummy.

>> No.17404929

>Cap this post, this shit is going to $30,000 by EOY 2026
What will be the catalyst for this?

>> No.17404931

except the one you buy will be worth 58% less by the end of the year you retard

>> No.17404937


>> No.17404981

What about Mnuchin’s comments recently

>> No.17405011

nwo is looking for a privacy coin with backdoors, zec is perfect for them.

>> No.17405071

Yeah but what are they gonna do? Have a mass media campaign saying ZEC is the new Bitcoin? Not sure of the angle to go along with this tripfags conspiracy.

>> No.17405137

ZEC, ETH and BSV are the only coins that stand a chance at another bullrun.

>> No.17405141 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 690x853, f7dec18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but more like 20,000 per ZEC

>> No.17405157

regulations, look at GDPR to get an idea.

>> No.17405271

Imagine not knowing about REN

>> No.17405278

what is the inflation again?
>terrorist drug dealer pedo coin
using glow nigger terms to describe an actually fungible currency is really making you sound smart anon
>ZEC flips XMR
yeah because it's going to more than double in market cap despite having literally no use case
>That’s why you invest in it, you think the federal reserve, which is but a mere control branch of the royal families, is going to lose?
bitcoin isn't controlled by kikes and it is doing fine you faggot.

>> No.17406102

Tachyon TCP makes use if the handshake, acknowledgement and retransmission mechanism to ensure reliable deliveries.

>> No.17406234


Fungibility is nothing more than a legal construct though

>> No.17406447

I fucking love ZEC OP
Im in deep, got at $37
Holding til EOY minimum

>> No.17406537


>> No.17406574

The devs are holding the other 12m

>> No.17406658

You are mistaken with your favourite shitcoin i guess.

"Zcash’s supply model is extremely similar to bitcoin’s, with a fixed and known issuance model that is cut in half approximately every four years. As well, there is a maximum of 21m units of both Zcash (ZEC) and bitcoin (BTC) which will be mined over time."

>> No.17407004

this is literally the second coming of BTC

this is the crypto that will change the world. BTC waas the test protocol

>> No.17407019

It pumps with the success of bitcoin like any other project, it doesn’t have to work, just go along for the ride when we go parabolic or a few billion USDT are minted

>> No.17407728

collapse of USD and or just privacy needing to be invoked. Get everyone on the digital realm we can just shut off their device, listen to aaron russo on the rock’s
what comments? I’m not concerned with these here today gone tomorrow cabinet members/politicians at worst they are useful idiots at best they’re frontmen
Not using buzzwords ironically thats really what its used for, plus there needs to be a backdoor, XMR has no backdoor

Kikes can shut bitcoin down next day of they wanted too kek, why would they though they’re still making free money off it

>> No.17407834
File: 65 KB, 757x696, 82CC22B9-9B28-405A-8A97-2B1011D3DB95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZEC is also going to go PoS eventually, cap this
Based and very high IQ

Pic related, these guys really don’t get it, they hate it because of founders reward, but don’t realize who the founders are. Snowden shilling was just confirmation this was/is (((their))) coin. Snowden is controlled opposition false flagger feeding half truths, you guys have no idea what they’re really doing with the tech they got.

>> No.17407897

You should be buying SUTER instead. This has so many bagholders it will never, ever, ever be above $150 again. Seek new 2019 - 2020 privacy shit.

>> No.17408287

Is it too early to get a position in ZEC atm wouldn't it be better to find shorter term value and develop into a sizable ZEC stack? Or is this more imminent?

>> No.17408820

depends on btc price

>> No.17408827

yes & higher.