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17402780 No.17402780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The impeachment went sour and made a mockery of our justice system. There was nothing on Trump. It was about to turn on the Democrats and someone was about to be held liable for a falsified and totally made up lie being proposed in the court of law.

The intelligence agencies in this nation are working against the president. It's not even a joke. During the last government shut down is when the FBI showed they were prepared to generate stories and create media chatter to put pressure on the administration. Glow niggers were worried food stamps and other strings were about to lapse (they would have had it lasted another 2 or 3 weeks) leading to unrest, then began fabricating stories. If you remember, this happened when concerns were at their highest during the last shut down.

Corona virus took the impeachment sham off the front page. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat's willingness to make a mockery of our nation and lie cost innocent lives. Democrats are friends of China. Democrats and China both hate the president to his core. China uses the Democrats as an extension of themselves into this country. They want this nation weakened and divided so they can conquer.

The Democrats were about to get wrecked and be guaranteed to lose the next 2 or 3 elections because of their little stunt, and the Chinese were hurting bad because of the trade war. China sacrificed part of their population and unleashed the Corona Virus to take the impeachment off the front-page, distract people, and force a 'coming togetherness by crisis' which is typical of socialist regimes.

Democrats and CCP have mutual interest. They are not your friends. Innocent people are suffering because of politician and CCP lies. Majority of the population does not have the attention span and doesn't pay close enough attention to realize this.
It was supposed to be a controlled burn but they may not actually be able to control it
Also long MSFT

>> No.17402796

Fuck off back to your echo chamber polcel

>> No.17402806

I know the Democrat party works for China, nigger monkey. That's why I got Trump elected. You're welcome

>> No.17402837

I am not even from Pol anon

This is blatantly obvious and it's affecting the markets. Look at the price of gold - there is fear and people are hedging.

Nothing stated in op is wrong.

>> No.17403079

Oh yea, keep believing that buddy. The only markets you know are in world of warcraft

>> No.17403161

Op’s not wrong
We haven’t forgotten though anon
I’m going to vote republican out of spite for some time
The markets are reacting because Bernie may be the nominee. I don’t think I need to tell anyone him being president is bad for the stock market
Large investors are simply buying gold now just in case

>> No.17403313

>Democrats and CCP are working together

This is 100% accurate. It's not a coincidence that Feinstein employed a Chinese spy as her chauffer for 20+ years. She was selling the Chinese secrets through him the whole time. Multiple Democrats have been found doing similar, but since the media is the same organization none of them ever face public cries for justice.

>Thinks /pol/ is an echo chamber

Confirmed brainlet who has never been there.

>> No.17403336

world of warcraft markets are unironically more real than the dow jones propaganda index

>> No.17403350

We are in a cold war with them. This is a fact.

They're own people realize they are scared to speak out.
Instead of huge spy networks like the Russians had, all they need is a few valuable assets over here and good hackers.

China is not our friend.

>> No.17403381

Makes sense desu

>> No.17403511

China supported the Venezuelan state while their people resorted to eating rotten meat and died from a lack of medicines. Their own soldiers were defecting. Russia supported them as well.

God himself is punishing the commies.