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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17396228 No.17396228 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17396238

Why? they are physical, they might have corona, no thank you

>> No.17396257

Not gonna lie, I thought coronachan only came for the chinks

this is bad

very very bad

>> No.17396267

>this is bad
This entire website has been PRAYING for something like this for the past 15 years.

>> No.17396273

>This entire website has been PRAYING for something like this for the past 15 years.

stfu I know, you think I'm not prepped to my asshole in tins of tuna and MREs

still going to be an absolute shit show

>> No.17396274

Oh noes.

>> No.17396297

it infects European genes

>> No.17396310

Are there confirmations that they aren’t chinks? There’s over a billion of them in total, and I don’t see white people (or Italians for that matter) getting sick and dropping like insects

>> No.17396314

>it infects genes
The absolute fucking state...

>> No.17396328

I bought silver just before the world ended last time. When I buy silver, it stops the world from ending. I'm not helping you people survive this time.

>> No.17396329

Crypto doesn't infect you. Gold can

>> No.17396340

>killed less than the flu did
literal over hyped memevirus

>> No.17396339
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>what is genetic susceptibility

fucking retard

>> No.17396366
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what are exponential curves?

what is mortality rate?

how does anything work?

>> No.17396376
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>> No.17396393

serious condition doesn't mean critical. the virus is contagious but not very potent, if I would get it then I would be absolutely confident to walk it off like any other flu.
When China develops a virus as contagious as this thing but with actual power then shit will hit the fan, but not with this virus.

>> No.17396396


>> No.17396402
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imagine buying fucking silver instead of gold for the end of the world




how is anyone going to identify your shitty silver over any other piece of shit worthless silver metal

buy some gold and keep it in your sock draw

>> No.17396430

This. The mortality rate is ~2% (the actual is probably lower as most people walk it off), This is similar to a stronger flu. It's only dangerous to old people, and faggots with HIV.

>> No.17396448

steel > gold
just a reminder

>> No.17396456

> The mortality rate is ~2%
> This is similar to a stronger flu
Flu has mortality rate <0.1%, so Corona is at least 20 times worse.

>> No.17396459

how does your brain work?
it's literally just a meme flu strain

>> No.17396485





>> No.17396498

It's really not. Corona virus has been around for millennia and is nothing more than a flu. If you live in a 1st world country, really all you have to worry about is not being an 80 year old smoker.

>> No.17396544

>it infects genes
lmao fucking moron at least you found google

>> No.17396579
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>> No.17396586

at 1-2% mortality rate it ain't gonna do much

>> No.17396606

Going to do even less considering it's just old people dying.

>> No.17396646

is the mortality rate 2% with hospital care or does this include dealing with it at home too?

>> No.17396667

imagine being an unhealthy fuck. get /fit/ faggots

>> No.17396678

Silver is antibacterial.

>> No.17396681

lmao at the absolute state of /biz/
I've been following the virus since the beginning because I'm in china
>not dangerous
it sends more people to the hospital than the flu. around 15% will be critical, 2% will die.
the boomer thing is a myth, healthy individuals in their 20s and 30s die (non smoker, no diabetes etc)
it is asymptomatic transmission. you can not show symptoms for 14 to 20 days and still be spreading it like wildfire, making it way more contagious than sars, Ebola, the flu etc.
the scariest part is the 15 to 20% becomes critically ill, meaning they will need hospital intervention, ie oxygen and mechanical ventilation or they will die. even if the 80% will have mild symptoms, because it is so easily widespread, those 15% will overwhelm the hospitals which is what happened in wuhan. the 2% death rate is if all ICUs are up and running. For an example, a city in Japan may have 100 ICU's but most of them are filled at any one time. so 26 is a heck of a chunk. one chick infected several hundreds in South Korea

>> No.17396699
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I dont care

>> No.17396726

This one is a biological weapon based on the coronavirus. The Chinese government is even officially admitting it's a bioweapon.

>> No.17396728

>Not bullets and seeds


>> No.17396905

Go back to Twitter Pompliano!
Nobody here wants to fuck your mom in the mouth, pussy or ass!

>> No.17396927

No whites have died the 78 year old man in italy and the 27 year old lady where both han chinese by ethnicity

>> No.17396950

You are a fucking brainlet. Do you only trust what the bullion dealer tells or are you actually unable to tell real from fake silver? You act as if people did not create fake silver rounds for centuries, and for centuries those idiots were exposed. You will die in the next coming weeks

>> No.17396952

>Corona virus has been around for millennia and is nothing more than a flu.
Holy shit it's a literal brainlet. Quick tell us what coins you hold

>> No.17396959

Its a virus tho

>> No.17396989
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>Survival knowledge
>Able to make traps

Ready to roll faggots. Comfy waiting for societal collapse in the coming month or two. After that, everything is fair game.

>> No.17396994

This fagoot wasnt around for SARS or madcow. He does not understand that its more of the economic collapse he has to worry about. Hey idiot what happens when trade is halted and goods are scarce because of that?

>> No.17397008

SARS was a literal nothing burger compared to this, even in economic scale

>> No.17397028

If the economy goes down at this level of globalization, billions will starve and all controlling systems will lose all power. More will die of famine than from the actual plague.

>> No.17397038

Well we can agree on that, this is gonna be one hell of a ride

>> No.17397082

Lmao gold and silver? No one cares about boomer rocks, not now and not in a happening. If this happens some spare gas masks and toilet paper will be worth more than all your coins.

>> No.17397088


>> No.17397137

How fucking sad so you have to be to believe this shit. You’re really good little goys aren’t you. Controlled by fear and the media. Did you know that last year 10 million fell ill from TB and 1.5 million died? Do you hear about that shit? That’s fine, I’ll still take all your money. The world needs less sheep.

>> No.17397139

Yeah i am no matter how this goes. Well prepped if shtf, big link stack otherwise.

>> No.17397144

>European genes
only one of these options, you may pick

>> No.17397174

> It's just TB bro!

I don't think Big PPE lobbies exert as much influence as you think.

>> No.17397281

>Not living in Australia where people infected have already recovered and have been let go
Finally the world will be just australian shitposting, a new age

>> No.17397592
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Hedge with $nCoV coronatoken.org

>> No.17397607

It's antimicrobial (virus, bacteria, and fungi)

>> No.17397612


>> No.17397616

What about abos

>> No.17397622

based boomer

>> No.17397833

a bunch of boomers dying is not going to collapse the economy, instead it will free up trillions of dollars per year in wealth for doomers and zoomers

>> No.17397844

The weak hands are really showing themselves this weekend. You cowards run to gold every single down tick.

>> No.17397913
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caption this meme accordingly
le shiggy man represents those holding metals

>> No.17397920

You forgot to prep for the intermediate scenario i.e. weimar Germany. Financial collapse but no societal collapse. That's where metals shine.

>> No.17398056

Eat shit, fearmonger. We survived fucking Ebola this is nothing

>> No.17398075

It's low if you have a handul of cases that can be closely monitored by medical staff
Once you reach 100+ in a country and infections start going parabolic Hospitals go in meltdown with people flooding even if they have the flu
That's when it becomes more deadly

>> No.17398151

italians are european you fucking nazi. Even during nazism for nazists mediterranean race was considered the second most europid race after the nordid

>> No.17398548


Doesn't work like that Skippy. You still have to get out and do more than just eat tendies and dye your hair blue.

>> No.17398554
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OMG some wops got the snuffles, it's LITERALLY THE APOCALYPSE!!! Kys, happeningtranny.

>> No.17398659

chainlink is immune to the coronavirus
you still need oracles even when dying, after all you want to go to heaven right?

>> No.17399448

Yeah if we go full pandemic it's the physical gold and silver at the top of everyone's priority list... genius call...

>> No.17399543
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Most Italians are white, Southern Italians are a little further away from the main white cluster but nevertheless all Italians are very closely genetically related to whites. If it effects wops, it's going to fuck up the rest of the Europeans too.

>> No.17399547

I'm glad that people aren't selfish with their wisdom. But the stupid will never prepare.

>> No.17399573

Silver cures the virus. You just shove some coins up your ass and you'll get cured

>> No.17399580

Dude, we DON'T. GIVE. A. FUCK. I'm not buying your coronavirus-related shitcoin. FUCK. OFF.

>> No.17399591

no wonder our lungs have different cells

>> No.17399595

No because i have good crypto holdings.

>> No.17399601

Italian detected. Excuse me while I beat my chest and shake my ass in an effort to communicate with it.

>> No.17399644

As do I but I'm not so delusional as to count on highly speculative assets doing well in a financial collapse.

>> No.17399666

source pls

>> No.17399709
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>nothing more than a flu

>Chinese have only just down production
>700 million people under martial law
>Incinerating the bodies
>2 week incubation period
>can be sick for weeks
>can recatch the virus
>virus is alive on surfaces for weeks

IT'S JUST THE FLU BRO! We know who will be wiped out first and it will be dumb asses like you. THIS THING IS A BIOWEAPON!

>> No.17399721

*Shut down manufacturing and exports

>> No.17399731

kek underrated

>> No.17399890

>uses nazi as a pejorative
>proceeds to use nazi standards of white in the next sentence

>> No.17400020

Not gonna lie bioweapons and chemical weapons are my favorite thing. Even better than ultra hyper mega sonic nuke rockets that you can't stop.

>> No.17400057

correction: if you waste money on "precious" metals, you are the retard.

after a full on societal collapse, that shit is completely worthless.
>can't eat it
>nobody will trade with you for it as they can't do anything with it, so it's essentially just a shiny paperweight
>you could maybe make bullets out of it but that's neither practical nor cost effective. ingots of lead would be worth more than ones of gold in SHTF.

you'd actually be better off spending the money you would waste on metals, buying cartons of cigarettes, bottles of liquor, and ammunition.
gold and silver are going to be worthless in the event of a "END OF THE FUCKING WORLD" SHTF civilization collapse.
what a waste of money.

what gold and silver are meant to be is a cushion. something you keep and sell before the collapse happens, so that you have a bunch of cash you can then spend before collapse hits.
after a collapse, it's fucking useless. unless you have the capability to be manufacturing precision electronics like in satellites and missiles (microchips) etc.
after a collapse, the vast majority of people won't even know how to build a simple steam engine. do you?

as for the "buying gold to keep and use as a cash injection just before a collapse happens" - you're far too late for that. if this really is "THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD" as you put it, then at this point you're way too late to the party and you would literally just be wasting your money buying metals now.

gold is an indicator of financial troubles ahead. gold price rising is not a good thing. if you have gold, sell that shit and buy land, equipment, gear, supplies, guns, ammo, build yourself a home, etc etc etc.
if you are so inclined and believe, as OP seems to, that the world is going to end and civilization is going to collapse. (it isn't. not even close. there will probably be a recession but it won't last more than a couple of years at most, and won't be anywhere near the levels of The Great Depression)

>> No.17400112

>over 2000 chinks dead
>over 10 whites dead
>not even a single black dead, not even infected
White Race BTFO

>> No.17400156

stupid chinks! i was trying to buy a couch in australia but the chinks wont ship it for 16 weeks!!! bought australian made instead. take that china

>> No.17400165

they keep finding more gold, that shit is not scarce at all
drooling mongoloid tier "investment"
Over 3,000 Tonnes of Gold to Shock the Market; Still 21 Million Bitcoin Though

>> No.17400211

Why do you even care?

>> No.17400269
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I know silver is only antibacterial, but the thought of sleeping with silver stacked all around you to fight off infectious demons is comfy af.

>> No.17400393

>not even a single black dead, not even infected
If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.17400406

26 people? Damn you're right we're finished

>> No.17400424

Corona can't live outside a host.

>> No.17400443

I'm more worried about economic consequences; at G20 summit, french minister of economy said they were ready to take any action necessary, probably meaning they are going to decimate entire forests to print enough $ but as long as Sergey doesn't die it's good for chainlink so idc