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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17395659 No.17395659 [Reply] [Original]

> /adv/ is broken
>need some advice
>I trust your for seeing between the lines and find the best value of a situation
>will post something irrelevant
>pls forgive me

>be me
>want to move out to another city
>4 hours away
>get stressed about how to organise the viewings

How do you do this? Should I do daily trips (4hours to go) whenever I find something to view?
Go to an airbnb for a week to search?
The first option is cheaper but what do I say to the agents? They won't agree to wait for me a couple of days..

>> No.17396014

I have no answers for you but /adv/ works if you use a different browser. It's not woking on Chrome for me either

>> No.17396028
File: 6 KB, 181x250, best for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an advice for you

>> No.17396045
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Opera phoneposting didn't work either..
God forbid, Will I have to open Edge won't I?

>> No.17396137

> /adv/ is broken
Mine was also broken before i turned off adblock

>> No.17396161

airbnb sounds nice
you'll also get to taste the city you're moving to