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17395468 No.17395468 [Reply] [Original]

In Europe, you can have 0 net worth and be upper class, and be some lame hiphop artist earning 200M per year and still never be it, since you need to get born into it

>> No.17395486

You mean like the haughty retards who would rather burn in flames than stoop so low as to bend the knee? Basically unlike the subservient RLC cuks

>> No.17395489

Because in America, people who are so unsuccessful as to be paupers are not coddled and told that their titles make them important. If you're "upper class" with zero net worth, you are a pauper.

>> No.17395605

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>> No.17395649

If you have zero net worth. What makes you upper class? Are you saying that Europe has a class system like India?

>> No.17395734

The way you behave primarily determines whether you are middle or working class in the uk. There are mannerisms, speech patterns, fashion, choice of entertainment etc endless unwritten rules that are near impossible to fake. It's like being the only sober guy at a party - other people will quickly notice you don't belong.
To make the transition from one class to another means completely reinventing yourself into a new version of normal, something which most people are extremely resistant to doing.

>> No.17395769


Ooooh noooo btc is predictably going down again, following the obvious trendline it's been on for weeks.

>> No.17395789

we never had royalty, lords, holdfasts or keeps.
we've only had the kind of wealth that freedom offers us.



>> No.17395828

So you're telling me if Charles, William or Harry started dressing and acting like wiggers they would be considered low class?

>> No.17395886

being part of royal family, having an upper class name, being part of the house of lords, being the heir to some big castle or company for example. getting invited to the right parties, something a guy like Donald Trump or Elon Musk never will be

>> No.17395892

>we never had royalty, lords, holdfasts or keeps.

good answer actually!

>> No.17396083
File: 129 KB, 570x567, D01584EC-8473-4DA8-A086-02E6B17D9122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American class system is based on race not titles.
1. Jews
2. Black Men
3. White Women
4. White Boomers
5. Hispanics
6. White Men
7. Black Women
8. Indians/Asians although this class is on the rise and will surpass white men in the next decade or two

>> No.17396102

>something a guy like Donald Trump or Elon Musk never will be

And yet who among these two categories wields actual power, rather than power that's merely a deference to tradition?

>> No.17396115

so? Has nothing to do with the question

>> No.17396118

Do europeans really go onto anonymous imageboards and post retarded slide threads about americans?

>> No.17396139

Everything is true except the last part.
>since you need to get born into it
Upper class can be top doctors and accomplished scholars in important institutions, and important businessmen which are a pillar of their community. It's not the money that makes these people upper class, but their position which is a high achievement naturally brings some degree of wealth and recognition to them. If you are not born into the upper class you can obtain a high position in society by extraordinary effort and become upper class yourself, but you are competing with people who have a head start since birth so although it's possible it really is uncommon.

>> No.17396374

What good is ancien-regime upper-class status when that status is basically a fossil?