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17393965 No.17393965 [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe I didn't buy link at 17 cents... I want to KMS now, it's 2 am and it's all I've been thinking about for the last 3 hours...help?

>> No.17394023

I first started visiting biz when link was around 30 cents. I almost put 500 bucks in. That would have been nearly 1500 link. I stopped coming here and looking at crypto for a year or so. Started Dca-ing again, currently have ~500 link.
Sometimes it bothers me too, but when I walk around and see all the people out there that have no idea what chainlink is, I remeber we are still very early.

>> No.17394072

anon your not alone. i have 900 link. but think of it like this. when there are a million link wallets, then the average amount in the wallet is 1000 link. Now imagine when there are 50 million link wallets and that number goes down by 50. just keep buying.

>> No.17394095

Youre such a faggot if you think investing in a circlejerk meme vaporware cube is the only way to wealth. You need to stop jerking off its forcing you to have a scarcity cuck mindset

>> No.17394107

i was here when link was 17 cents and i unironically have zero regrets. this shit is going to crash and crab so fucking hard. you new guys have no idea

>> No.17394117

Have you sat watching it from here since 17 cents and disliked it the whole time? I'm honestly curious. If so you would be a biz unicorn in my eyes

>> No.17394132

Oh no I'm good now, I feel better. I don't think it'll pump much more, I'm just sure that if I did more research back then I'd come to the conclusion it'd pump a lot in the coming years.
>stop jerking off
Can't do that, I take Magnesium, Zinc and K2 daily so I need to relieve the pressure. You'd understand if you had higher T levels
Thanks for the support, anons, but I don't think it will go up that much anymore, it's very overbought now, I'm looking into other coins at the moment.

>> No.17394138
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Recently invested in boomer funds and had a chat with the father. Turned out he had about $30 in BTC just for fun. Later found Chainlink and helped him trade when it was still about $3. Got myself 1k at the same time.

>Can't even be pissed about not investing in LINK since crypto wasn't even a part of my life.

>> No.17394150

where’s that higher T getting you? That’s right— no fucking where. Keep wasting your seed because of “pressure” you absolute pussy. You don’t deserve to be a man you’re a fucking female in a man’s body

>> No.17394163
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I had literally no money to invest until ~May 2019, so I was only a spectator, but yes. LINK completely goes against the ethos of BTC/ETH, and the tech is complete hogwash. The only project worth a shit (MKR) uses a private oracle (which, in case you haven't realized, every single company is going to do). No corporation, no business, no entity of any kind is going to buy a link token for use. Ever.

The sooner you come to that realization, the sooner you realize that this "utility" token is literally unnecessary and a scam, the sooner you realize you didn't miss out on much. Most people got, at most, 10x gains. ETH will outshine LINK's minibullrun very, very quickly

>> No.17394176

>I don't think it'll pump much more
remember you said this in 1 year when LINK is >$100. Lie awake thinking about it like a bitch

>> No.17394403

Yeah. Sure.

>> No.17394415

then dont buy link faggot buy perp contracts on cross leverage and you will have lots of link

>> No.17394428
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You'll see, newfag.

>> No.17394434

Cope. I bet you're salty about not being able to 20x your money

>> No.17394435

I remember laughing at linkies at 17 cents but I also bought antshares so I already got my lucky break

>> No.17394532

I once held 1500 shares of TSLA.

Yep. I had a million dollars in my hand, I just didn't know it at the time, so I sold. That's worse than thinking about doing it and not doing it IMO.

>> No.17394546

You can fix it by buying RSR right now.

>> No.17394574

Link is a scam. It’s an ERC20 artificially attached to a web scraper noone uses. They got lucky. That is it. It’s going to zero within a year because any teenager can build it in 1 hour by reading a JavaScript tutorial.

>> No.17395615
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You can still at least 100x your money. Don't be like pic related and assume the mooning is over when it's barely a blip in the long term. I mean for fuck's sake staking isn't even live yet and the btc halving is in May.

>> No.17395982
