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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 1024x768, SUTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17392005 No.17392005 [Reply] [Original]

Hi anons.

This is a continuation of : >>17378383

Are you buying this dip? You should be. Until this is a $5M cap and on major exchanges, you shouldn't be worried about any sort of down-trend. You should be worried if you have enough.

New website and news next week. This is only the beginning.


ALSO - TO NOTE - If you deposit to Suter's web wallet, there is currently a 7 day escrow on withdrawals. If you STAKE to a validator, there is a 15 day lock-up period. This is important to understand, tho I would not go flipping this under a $10M-$20M marketcap.

My sell targets are around 20 cents + something ridiculous for the golden bull for the second half. Good luck.


>> No.17392194

Up a few hundred from the first thread a couple nights ago. Thanks anon.

>> No.17392220

You're welcome. It's gonna be a great month or two. Don't go selling early. Still the ground floor.

>> No.17392252

kill yourself twu

>> No.17392427

Thanks for that stake warning. I got about 200k staked and 100k installed in case this thing does something insane in the short term.

>> No.17392452

Sure. I'd say uptrend will continue as normie media starts to take notice. Godspeed on the staking. 200K is a good stake amount. The 60% may be unsustainable long term, but it depends on how the Chinese play it, really.

>> No.17392587

the telegram on this is a nightmare of bots and bounty hunter beggars. is the team not worried these people will sell all their bounties for pennies and create sell pressure?

>> No.17392610

It's a Chinese project, so the English telegram will remain lopsided until the community grows. Bounty sellers will, as always, just sell to whales who could give a shit.

>> No.17392706

tg's for foreign projects are always a shit show in the beginning. not a thing to worry about.

>> No.17392784

got some bids up.

>> No.17392847

Going for 1M in this range. How fucked am I?

>> No.17392886

Plz dump to 0.008-0.009

>> No.17392918

Not very, i'd think. I'm low balling too. GL.

>> No.17393205

will wait to see the new site and """""news""""" next week, larpers.

>> No.17393341 [DELETED] 

zK-CON-snarks? Oh Boy. That said, this looks pretty good.

>> No.17393356

If theyre partnered with and upgrading NEO why not just buy NEO instead of this shit? Legitimate question

>> No.17393482

Because this is a protocol, new emerging tech, has yet to have a cycled (vs. NEO's what, 4 market cycles?) and $1M market-cap. How is this even a question.

>> No.17393663

It had a question mark at the end and you gave an answer. Thats how

Thanks though

>> No.17393690
File: 11 KB, 300x168, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the question is :

"Why should I buy a $1 billion cap project with literally the entire old market waiting to sell, instead of a brand new unmooned $1M market cap project" ?


>> No.17393756


got filled 400k last night. gonna see how the next few days plays out. if it spikes again i'll catch the next dump.

>> No.17393909

shilling seems autistic enough for me to bite

>> No.17393919

It's a good dip. Didn't even realize it hit 1.2 cents last night. I'm thinking $0.10 cent top, boys.

>> No.17394032

Got filled on the spike! Fuck yes. Based retard sellers.

>> No.17394584

It's only a $1bil cap if people are willing to buy your shitcoin you fucking shill. Now sell it to me boy, sell it to me peasant

>> No.17394655

This is a SUTERUSU board now.
Link btfo

>> No.17394919


>> No.17395140


>> No.17395411

Why is everyone arguing again

We are all literally in profit and will be if we buy now basically. I doubt this is gonna stop getting shilled on biz anytime soon. Only people that need to worry are those that buy after another 2x or something. This shit is unironically SUTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

>> No.17395523

So is this a scam or not? It sounded interesting until the Chinese team part

>> No.17395597

not a scam. low cap coin with use case of protocol making other chains private. ive already doubled my money

>> No.17395611

Solid buy up to a 5M cap as far as I'm concerned.

Think about what this *could* do. Sometimes the could is all it takes - https://github.com/suterusu-team/whitepaper/releases/download/0.1/Suterusu-whitepaper-0.1.pdf

>> No.17395645

The "could" part I like, the other C word is what I have a problem with, don't wanna get dumped on by the corona tribe

>> No.17395702

Asia is half the reason all of this shit is so high. Do you not remember what started this bull trend? Xi's "blockchain" comments.

>> No.17395716

without china bitcoin would be like $400 still, dumb shit.

>> No.17395721

Yeah, guess so. Does seem bottomed out. Are there any new exchanges on the horizon?

>> No.17395729

some anon said next week news will come. we'll see if larp.

>> No.17395748

Yeah well perhaps I'll wait until then, shall see if that actually makes me a dumb shit or not. Thanks

>> No.17395807
File: 202 KB, 1080x1121, Screenshot_20200223-120212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently they looking to list on exchanges
I don't believe they have a chance at binance tho rn

>> No.17395834


>> No.17396160

Hey hey heyyyyyyy

>> No.17396179

This looks pretty based. So I could add privacy to some shit-coin ERC-20 I make?

>> No.17396798

Yeah this basically. The fundamentals look pretty good but the TA + pumpamentals are why i'm in

>> No.17396932

who would actually use this??

>> No.17397136

Nobody actually uses anything. The point is that this is a great entry point to sell from when it reaches 0.50

>> No.17397222

this is possibly the most convincing argument to buy a shitcoin
if it only were available on a somewhat normal exchange..

>> No.17397347
File: 73 KB, 1276x772, IMG_20200223_112415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the circulating supply on coinmarketcap is wrong, it's some 3-4 times that amount, so the market cap isn't under 2 mil either

>> No.17397516 [DELETED] 

Depends on lock ups. Looks like 6 months + 3 years for team. So, circulating, but not.

>> No.17397530

Not really. 6 month lock-up for private sale + 3 year lock-up for team. They're not circulating, so, "circulating" supply (what CMC bases market cap off) is correct, for now.

>> No.17397721

staked is not the same as locked up, the team's tokens and the other locked up premined tokens aren't included in these numbers. staked means they staked it on the website

>> No.17397966

Frens, why nobody is talking about the Huobi link with one of the teammembers. Should be a matter of time before they list there

>> No.17398061

Tell us more

>> No.17398081

mxc seems pretty normal to me

>> No.17398085

Anon got a point there

>> No.17398093

Oh fuck. Yeah. Buying more.

>> No.17398294

Scam, check the youtube

>> No.17398414

How is it a scam?

>> No.17398462

ok boomer

>> No.17398767

What about the Youtube?

You guys literally find every reason to complain. Gotta wonder what you actually hold.

>> No.17398910
File: 189 KB, 1080x1080, 1581228032120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am brainlet. Where to buy?

>> No.17398936
