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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17390472 No.17390472 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17390493

Move to a tax haven and let my money work for me while I draw up plans of the private city I want to build

>> No.17390499
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>> No.17390589

sauce for the link autistic girl who harassed ari?

>> No.17391174

If I make it I can pursue my dream of being a filmmaker

>> No.17391199

fuck thai ladyboys and do a shitload of cocaine

>> No.17391203
File: 94 KB, 794x632, Raquel#1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build a time machine, go back in time and pick up some cave bitches. The hot kind, not the monkey looking ones.

>> No.17391212

Trick roasties into think I'm going to be their betabux simp, then take them out into international waters in my yacht, strangle them, and throw them into the deep.

>> No.17392170
File: 61 KB, 597x600, BBB20CDA-0A04-43A7-BF61-5F9F4F4259B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fund my moms retirement.

>> No.17392187


>> No.17392198
File: 112 KB, 680x450, 1580330329070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cook a lot of good food for me and my dog.

>> No.17392421

Orgies, meet porn stars and camwhores. Move to a condo. Basically a bachelor lifestyle.

>> No.17392478

boomers are actually insane psychos aren't they? like, who would ever paint a table green, or anything interior/exterior related? they are obviously fucking crazy:
how would you ever talk to a boomer after this ad?

>> No.17392485


>That jar of Classico sauce

Based department

>> No.17392489

Hoollllly shit. All of them are fucking busted

>> No.17392493


>> No.17392500

your mom

>> No.17392569

thank you pls put me in your will

>> No.17392577

I'm gonna taste Asian pussy

>> No.17392778

besides two chicks at the same time?

>> No.17392809


>> No.17392888

why isnt the white chick wearing a bikini

>> No.17392896

keep investing in crypto and doing stock options and use the money to build schools and donate to honest charities and do my best to help people

>> No.17392904

Take up homesteading and serial murder

>> No.17392914
File: 966 KB, 2431x1507, 1581265663874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry about me making it, feds; I'm an XRP holder

>> No.17393014
File: 76 KB, 230x216, too_funny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only on biz could something like this make me fucking kek and almost choke on my Nestea that I pretend is a fine scotch. Bravo.

>> No.17393208

Mind my own damn business and pay my taxes and then move the fuck out of america since we are about to elect a tyrant

>> No.17393433
File: 243 KB, 812x810, 1575783317963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my Nestea that I pretend is a fine scotch

>> No.17393462

This is why i can never leave

>> No.17393524

Realise that all that money I made wont bring my dog back from the dead and then proceed to drink all my money away in the hopes that liver failure kills me quickly.

>> No.17393589
File: 8 KB, 221x229, 1581059971041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I make it, the first thing I'm gonna do is get a tattoo of a dick on my dick, only bigger.

>> No.17393596
File: 48 KB, 680x437, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already made it. still shitposting on biz.

>> No.17393694
File: 405 KB, 737x665, Hopf_Fibration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would invest in land and fund my own personal lab to achieve my goal of developing field manipulating tech to mechanically raise the consciousness of humanity and hasten the inevitable mystic destination of the universe

>> No.17393724

I don't even know, how do you define /makingit/ ?
If I earn some money from crypto I think I would reinvest like stocks or buying apartments.

>> No.17393734

Making it is having passive income without wagecucking. I'll figure what I'll do once I get the passive income.

>> No.17393738

this is the dream

>> No.17393792

Reinvest my gains and build my own empire. Then I'll move out to a beautiful village in Switzerland.

>> No.17393843

Enjoy life while flipping/renting houses & AP/PP/Rolexes

>> No.17393855


buy a house and never work again


>> No.17393886


Is there really anything else worth doing? Fuck you

>> No.17394137

Basically, become the Soros of white nationalism.

I'll contact Alt-Right e-celebs and tell them I'll give them big donations if they do X, Y, and Z. I'll get them to do real-life activity that actually matters instead of doing endless podcast grifting.

I'll set up a few organizations, such as one that gives grants to white couples based on how many children they have (ie. provides incentive to white people to have more children).

>> No.17394149

Start a dairy farm with human women where I get all the milk

>> No.17394195

Start a country in the ocean

>> No.17394662


>> No.17394710
File: 56 KB, 700x1050, madeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before making it drink hot cocoa and shitpost on biz
>after making it drink hot cocoa with marshmallows and shitpost on biz

>> No.17394746

I live in the Bahamas so I guess I'm thinking about doing the reverse of what you want to do
If I make it, would it be wise to get permanent residence in the US via the EB5 visa?
Yes we barely pay taxes here but I'm sick of hurricanes. Dorian was the last straw for me

>> No.17394867


>> No.17394914

This made me smile

>> No.17394928
File: 360 KB, 1080x1350, luyah_20200219_052609_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing is making my money work for me, so that I may never have to work again, then spend the rest of my life cumming in prime quality pussy.
Maybe I will go to some third world place and live there, could get 10 girls to suck my dick for the price of getting one back home.

>> No.17394947

Genius and high iq answer

>> No.17394952

Took me a second. Kek. Nice trips btw

>> No.17394966

Re-elect? Or what. You really think Bernie or Bloomberg have a chance, let alone would be tyrants?

>> No.17395109


Fight the good fight

>> No.17395121


>> No.17395126



>> No.17395187
File: 1.27 MB, 3024x4032, 1581097013122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a nice girl like this to have children with
anyone know her name btw?

>> No.17395207

>What are you gonna do after you make it?
two chicks at the same time

>> No.17395215

you don't need to make it to get that
it's about $400-$500

>> No.17395222
File: 184 KB, 786x632, 1582255131817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they better be all male anon

>> No.17395252

for me it's the tattooed blonde fuckslut on the right
literally born to be a whore

>> No.17395259

Prep ma bunker for the end of the world because we are doomed, doomed I tell you!

How are you going to do that, escorts or flaunting your wealth to attract gold diggers?

>> No.17395260

Bloomie would be the /biz/ President we don't deserve

>> No.17395272

not for a guy like him it is

>> No.17395317

Certainly not spend my hard-earned money on some monkey-faced jungle Asian cum beggars. Although pale upper-class Thais are cute, if you can find one.

>> No.17395348

US is legit the worst place lol. There's a whole other world out there buddy, look up "digital nomad".

>> No.17395364

Buy a mobile home on a cheap land and generate all the electricty with sun collectors
And travel a lot, live from my additional income

>> No.17395366

>US is legit the worst place

>> No.17395369

extremely based

>> No.17395382

a man of taste

>> No.17395385

Yeah the us is totally worse than anywhere in the middle east, or 99% of africa, or Muslim infested Europe. Yup totally.

>> No.17395401

> islam bad

>> No.17395433

My mom always put me 2nd to herself so I don't know this feel. The idea of paying for her retirement after a lifetime of her making terrible decisions makes me cringe. If I make it I'm not even telling anyone.

>> No.17395435

>muslim infested europe
Said the burger who hasn't set his feet (that he can't even see) outside of his flyover state.

>> No.17395476

>Start a Youtube channel where i give poor people shit.
>go viral
>Make more money off of adsense

>> No.17395529

Islam is bad and objectively the worst religion on Earth and Muslim majority countries are shitholes once you look past the veneer of the fancy capital cities

>> No.17395536

so basically Henry Ford ?

>> No.17395607
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>> No.17395676

tease linklets on here

>> No.17395681

I want to go to there

>> No.17395683

Feel free to cherry pick one single thing yet not provide a counter argument.

>> No.17395770

i've had dreams about being this person before.

>> No.17395818
File: 22 KB, 528x412, Sergey Nazarov ChainLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel you, Anon.

>> No.17395930


>> No.17396024

I'm gonna put it all on red

>> No.17396811

Fuck as many 18 year old girls are possible. Get some bangmaids. Have a harem

>> No.17396937

How do you start with this?

>> No.17396962

I want to open a shop of some sort in some touristy area near the ocean and live a quiet life.

>> No.17397058

well you have to make it first of all

>> No.17397076

>5% flat tax
>stone whores
>kick faggots off of roof tops
Yep, im thinkin islam is based.

>> No.17397086

Why would you want to get thrown off a roof top?

>> No.17397141
File: 964 KB, 350x278, peanut butter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep being a disgusting shut in neet while using as much of my financial power as possible to redpill the world about the jew's and their atrocities against the world.
also fuck tons of different porn stars i coooomed to through the years.

>> No.17397218
File: 159 KB, 500x612, 1522046019943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a house and rental properties.
Travel and fuck around.
Start a business and fail.
Enjoy life on easy mode.

>> No.17397223

Why is there a hammer on your dining table?

>> No.17397240


>> No.17397251

To crack open Pod Racer obviously

>> No.17397315

man after my own heart.

>> No.17397326

fuck japanase train porn

>> No.17397356

Oh, anon...

>> No.17397482


>> No.17397726

Get money and find broke college girls. Maybe in LA where everyone is hot and things are super expensive

>> No.17397752
File: 61 KB, 743x647, 6858964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shoulder to hip ratio
>Bulge in shorts
das a berry segsi man desu

>> No.17397760

Live in a comfy house with my gf and make indie video games.

>> No.17397769

Buy dirtbikes

>> No.17397874

wtf no it isn't
why are people on here so obsessed with trannies?

>> No.17397918

I clearly see the balls

>> No.17397967

maybe you see what you want to see?

>> No.17398004
File: 476 KB, 1200x547, confederate50dollar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parents already made it. my brother is a commie sjw so he's out of the will. I studied finance and have a career and two white children. my only goal is to grow what they created and instill the same values into my children so they can grow what I give them.

>> No.17398095

porn where one party is being trained is the hottest

>> No.17398207

You retards rarely ever leave your state, you know fuck all but the prison state you've been raised in. Stay arrogant, like the typical mutt you are.
Living in Burgerland is not good, the anon that was being replied to wants to move to your shithole. He has no idea how bad it really is, neither do you.

>> No.17398894

Those prices are way too much even for an escort. $80-120 is the correct price range in US/EU. Outside US/EU prices are less than $15.

>> No.17398909

high-class escort*

>> No.17398964

Start a dispensary in the mountains and a bar on the beach, and a whore house in Thailand like OP.

>> No.17399003


>> No.17399106

good answer

>> No.17399228

we're talking 2 higher quality ones at the same time for at least 1-2 hours