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17386776 No.17386776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are young men dropping out of the dating market?

>> No.17386793

because west is doomed

>> No.17386803

When will 2019 be published?

>> No.17386809

because its a fucking waste of time. an unbelievable amount of effort for a 1/1000 chances at success. fuck that shit.

>> No.17386814

27%? That's a lot.

>> No.17386820

Fuck off incels, back to pol and r9k with the other helpless virgins

>> No.17386832

coz dating apps girls just want braindead sex

top 10% get all the sex

its like the wealth equality but worse

>> No.17386844

Sex is greatly overrated.

T. Non virgin

>> No.17386854


No thanks, markets are relevant to this board

>> No.17386856

80% 20%. It's the fault of social media, tinder and instagram

>> No.17386872

are we just doomed?

what can the lower % do?

t. ugly neet

>> No.17386877
File: 41 KB, 225x225, 948C7ED1-8C99-4202-8CA7-196471858166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are boring and a chore to deal with
wet hole is a meme and none of these broads are fit to be mothers

>> No.17386912

checked, based, redpilled and true

>> No.17386915

A. No sex before marriage so I have no interest in non virgin women
B. Seemingly few quality women in the age bracket of 18-27 (Not dating anything older than 27 unless she meets all my qualifications AND is extremely attractive)
C. I'm not spending a dime on a woman I have no interest in marrying.
D. Unrealistic expectations from women some of which contradict her own requirements
E. Annoying talk about people she hates or what Stacy did at work

>> No.17386920


The 80/20 rule is true, but you're ignoring that the bar is so low that being top 20% is not that hard. I started from living in my parents' basement at 23 (literally) to easily getting sex by 26 from tinder.

>> No.17386928
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How does an options trader get a girlfriend?

>> No.17387015

>D. Unrealistic expectations..
jesus christ anon.. either you are delusional about your own "worth", or you are really handsome and rich.

>> No.17387021

bitcoin is a better investment

>> No.17387058

just let the little social butterfly you have deep inside of you come out. Just be yourself, man.

>> No.17387059

Getting a girlfriend is going long on a depreciating asset with high maintenance expenses. Have you considered polygamy?

>> No.17387073 [DELETED] 

I honestly like my hobbies more than chasing pussy.

>> No.17387087

Cause they're literally inside playing video games all day lmao!

>> No.17387092

very well put

>> No.17387127
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i'm in my 30s and only had one gf for a little over a year, she was a huge chore and caused sleepless nights and drama constantly
i don't think i want to deal with that again

>> No.17387137

or even friends, or having romance with

>> No.17387287

>>17386776 (OP)
I honestly like my hobbies more than I like chasing pussy.

>> No.17387310

so we longing this or what?

>> No.17387317

>Have you considered polygamy?

>> No.17387328

>zero FEMALE sex partners

Females are obsolete.

>> No.17387349

Just take the milf cougar pill. I work as a personal trainer and I've met so many milfs through the gym. Living the dream. No kids just lots of horny older women and sex

>> No.17387387

He is right, diversification is a meme that brokers started to avoid lawsuits, but with women it's the inverse of that.
Most people are pussy whipped and divorce raped monogamists, while the best men can have multiple partners.
Sounds wonderful. Any tips for scoring this kind of women?

>> No.17387421

I bet the share of horse drawn carriages and payphones are down too. We have bigger and better things to do than women these days.

>> No.17387444

be careful with rape alegations if/when you reject one

>> No.17387459

porn and videogames

>> No.17387491

Honestly? The initial approach differs little from dealing with any other kind of women... So be aggressive. The big difference is just dealing with their baggage and their lives. You want to make things fun, don't talk about their work too much,none of that, keep it fun and light. Don't talk about marriage or kids or anything unless she brings it up.

You have to have a certain personality for it. If you are a serious person with the women you date it won't work. If you are fun and easy going, they'll love you. Also you can let it rip with sex, none of that lovey dovey shit. These women alot of them are sex deprived. They want an intimate deep pounding from a real man.

I'm actually seeing this horn cougar tonight, her husband is away. I usually don't enable cheating women, but her husband is a real prick, and she's a great person. So she deserves the deep ducking I'm going to give her.

>> No.17387783

I hate this world

>> No.17387820
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>tfw priced out of cunny
>forced to become the girl

>> No.17387840

Low T, that’s why. Getting puss is easy if you make decent money, workout, and put a little effort into style and hygiene. Finding a reliable/tolerable woman to impregnate is the challenge.