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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17386231 No.17386231 [Reply] [Original]

How exactly do billionares existing make others poor?

>> No.17386248

I want billionaire money I deserve it if you dont give it I kill you

>> No.17386253


>> No.17386265

I don't think anyone says that. The argument is that they should pay more in taxes and not be able to exploit loopholes.

>> No.17386268

I hate normies.

>> No.17386270

Money is a zero sum game.

>> No.17386271


>> No.17386279

im so glad im not in that picture.

>> No.17386281

By making the system uncompetitive simply by being early adopters relative to other people of equal skill, who were unfortunate enough to have been born later.

>> No.17386285

politician meme talking point

>> No.17386302
File: 73 KB, 500x294, homeless peopleless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres only so much wealth to go around

>> No.17386313

Wealth is not zero sum though.

>> No.17386356
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The thought is that successful people benefitted from social programs and therefore it isn't right for wealth to be concentrated in a small minority. However, studies of lottery winners show that the majority of people who win end of losing it, so is it surprising? Studies of multi-generational wealth show a steep drop off by the 3rd generation. Is it really surprising a small minority doesn't follow this tendency? In reality, the existence of a very fortunate minority should be expected and means nothing. Socialists are con artists liars. They should be exterminated.

>> No.17386365


>> No.17386381
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>> No.17386384

They can exist, the argument is on the corporations.
Corporations have been moving middle class jobs from the US to India and the ones who have stayed haven’t raised wages enough to match cost of living. And that’s not some leftist bullshit either lol
It’s fact.

>> No.17386386

Do they do this soiface shit on purpose? You'd think they would be aware of the fact that they're playing into their opponents hands.

>> No.17386402

>middle class jobs moved from the US to India
Why is this? Taxes?

>> No.17386438

It's called "The Communist Mindset" and it starts by blaming all your problems on everyone else.

>> No.17386441

I’m not well versed in this but I don’t think it’s due to taxes because they can just relocate within the US to a cheap state

But they can pay $5 per hour instead of $20 for foreign labor so why not.
Probably beats even the lowest taxes.

The pajeets don’t complain either because it’s considerably more than their $1 a day

>> No.17386448

Pretty much, but the solution is to just wait and the homes will be slowly filled while poor fucks move to shitholes or die poor. It's not like you need the income right away if you're rich.

>> No.17386450


>> No.17386453

If the corporations could pay their workers fairly and not outsource jobs then I’d gladly make them pay 0% taxes but we know that isn’t going to happen

>> No.17386473

Would tax cuts help?

>> No.17386475
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>> No.17386479

probably not

>> No.17386497

they make money out of people's misery, low wages, running from taxes, etc.
at least with crypto i'm simply taking money away from retarded burgers.

>> No.17386527

Wealth is 100% relative when it comes to land and women and that's what matters in any culture that's not burning to the ground in a matter of a couple of generations. But I guess some guys are OK with paying up the ass to live in a cuck shed and marry some used up roastie if that means they get a new Nintendo Switch model for even cheaper in muh hedonic treadmill.
This christian free market utopia mindset is a lie. People will use whatever means available to seize power, and the only reason you don't see these billionaires doing it directly right now is that they have government proxies.

>> No.17386634

They don't. Here's the false-logic:

The assumption is that the wealth is present to begin with... people say that the amount of wealth in the world is static. That's not the case at all.

The amount of molecules might be, but the vast majority (well over 99% by the dollars) of our economy is intellectual. Debt and debt instruments are emergent qualities of a functional capitalist system that enable smaller entities to effectively compete in the market. As an example, the most productive nations in terms of farming today are NOT the ones with the most fertile soil, they're the ones with robust rainfall insurance. Growing something is trivial, while surviving bad years is difficult. So the most productive food exporters are the economies most free to voluntarily trade risk. The highest growth, even for physical goods, comes from effective use of intellectual property law.

What I'm getting at here is that we don't have 1 billion units of wealth to distribute, which would make it unfair to give one guy 900 million of it. What we have is infinity dollars to distribute, so it's just a question of how fast we can do it.

>> No.17386659
File: 54 KB, 475x359, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't the people that built those houses deserve to get something in return for building them?

are the homeless people even capable of maintaining a house or would they collapse a year later?

>> No.17386764

I’m not going to lie they can make a crappy tent last for quite a awhile, wouldn’t surprised if they could maintenance a house.

>> No.17386981

The problem with billionaires is not so much that they can buy a lot of products, the problem is that their wealth gives them as individuals an obscene amount of power over our government, media, NPOs, and society in general. Over time they tend to exert a persistent anti-democratic effect on our institutions , shaping them in conformity with interests that differ substantially from those of the population at large. The ideology of this class is globallism, neoliberalism, international oligarchy. Defending billionaires from populist reaction because you think you may have a networth of seven or even eight figures someday is absolutely cucked. They look at you as the outgroup, and if you don't develop a class consciousness they will divide you and herd you about like sheep before a shearing.

>> No.17387019

Literally this. If all business globally paid their fair tax, it'd most likely be closer to around 3% across the board and we'd still have more money to spend publicly. I'd love to only have 3% tax to pay, wouldn't you?

inb4 americunts avoiding tax altogether.

>> No.17387030

>*uses value-adding labor to create wealth*

whoops just disproved your entire zero sum philosophy

>> No.17387052

it's like you actually think homeless people are just average 100 iq normal functioning people who "fell on hard times"

>> No.17387191

Never seen a shelyent grin before.

>> No.17387203

man I want to rail that blond cutie in the middle of the back row

>> No.17387228

The more money you have the more loopholes and ways of not paying taxes open up to you which puts the bill mostly on the middle class (or what should be the middle class)

>> No.17387232

Fuck off Bernie

>> No.17387249

oh, but to answer your question, wealth has always been relative.
When it becomes more concentrated at the top, those at the top have much more buying power than the rest of the population.
Durable, capital goods slowly become out of reach for the rest of a society to buy.
The money also winds up being a means to coerce more power.
Money will beget power, and the power will beget money.
It becomes set in a feedback loop unless halted by some external governing body.

Like at the beginning of monopoly, when everyone starts out with the same amount of money, versus the end when you might physically have as much money as you started with, but you're feeling a lot poorer now, especially if you don't have a complete set of color properties.

>> No.17387253

Is that contrapoint next to the facepalm guy? does it make me gay that i want to sodomize her?

>> No.17387565

a crappy tent does not require any level of maintenance that a house does