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File: 73 KB, 717x610, 1_U76vqbpu52DkV88AB4Cf5Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17385713 No.17385713 [Reply] [Original]

>that 50 % staking ROI
>highest in crypto
>traditional financial markets would kill for these #s
>Ethereum and Link staking don't have a chance in hell of that kind of ROI, you're looking at 3-5 % max.

Fantom is the best kept secret in not just crypto but the entire financial world. Wait till word gets out among the plebs and watch the fireworks begin. Mark my words, this will have a ripple cap next year.

>> No.17385736

Fantom is so good, that even the Fantom dev Andre Cronje would leave it to work for Perlin

>> No.17385752

articale from 2018....

>> No.17385780

Andre Cronje:
Perlin Code Review Conclusion:

I don’t know, this is terrifyingly good. I’m fairly confident in my developer capabilities, and this outplays me. All of this work in 3–4 months. I’m terrified to see what these guys are going to accomplish. This isn’t just a compute-as-a-service platform, this isn’t just an AWS EC2 competitor, this is a new paradigm.

I seriously don’t know, I’m at a loss for words. I want to work with these guys.

....... Perlin for the win

>> No.17385799

He even admits that the coding skilss from Perlin devs outplays him.

Now you know that Fantom can't be the best DAG.

>> No.17385806

you cant be this low iq right?

>> No.17385821

I can read - can you?
Or has biased blinded you?

>> No.17385846

This, the fud gets lazier every day

>> No.17385858

Andres iearn is really something he’s testing out for fantom. Kong himself confirmed it

>> No.17385867

Why not 500% ROI Sir??

>> No.17385877

Based I have 500k PERL, trying to get to a mil for when it inevitably hits a dollar.

>> No.17385928

Wait guys, now comes the best part:

Andre was hyped about Perlins coding skills and how they integrated Avalanche .

And what did Perlin?

They dumped it, because it was not good enough for them, so they build something even better!

hahaha - is this not hilarious

>> No.17385942

Its because kenta iwasaki is unironically genius tier and andre got a sense of that looking at his coding.

>> No.17386007

you smart money, you tech pro .. congrats

>> No.17386021

Because Andre is not a developer. He is a fucking reviewer cuz he can’t code.

>> No.17386035

Are you also in PERL, fren?

>> No.17386058

Wrong - pls sit down and shut up.
Of course he is a dev.
And a dev who codes for Fantom.
+ a code reviwer - because he is a dev - lol

>> No.17386182


Link to the confirmation?

>> No.17386214


Technical Advisor
BeschäftigungszeitraumJuli 2018–Heute
Beschäftigungsdauer1 Jahr 8 Monate
FANTOM is the world’s first DAG based smart contract platform that solves the issue of scalability and confirmation time of the existing blockchain technology.

>> No.17386250
File: 26 KB, 1149x133, Annotation 2020-02-22 194132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fantom is the best kept secret in not just crypto
Spamming and shitting up biz for 1.5 year straight with constant multiple threads 24/7 whining about the scam crashing, pic related, due to lack of awareness and exposure... The stupidity.

>> No.17386276

>that 50 % staking ROI
Hello sirs, new bitconnect 3.0 with 50 000% staking rewards and 7 months lock up!! Tech is same shit as Fantom with 18 tps and crash sirs, but very much better in all rest!! Staking, staking sirs. Fantom long time.

>> No.17387268

constellationfags are so tiresome. how's your fake US air force partnership? get to an 18 m marketcap yet?

>> No.17387519
File: 193 KB, 860x1200, DAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constellation will be between 1B and 10B in market cap by the end of this year.

>> No.17387893

Jesus Christ, FTM fudders are more emotional than a bunch of feminists lol

>> No.17388039

and yet they can't even deliver mainnet

>> No.17388066

What do you mean they "can't"? They will have mainnet rolled out and fully operational in mid or late March.

>> No.17388080

it is like the sixth delay, mainnet was scheduled for november. meanwhile fantom has multiple mainnets functional and staking functional. Not even Link has that.

>> No.17388151
File: 308 KB, 2566x1856, Fantom 18 tps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of your networks are functional. None of your networks have been stress tested and data delivered. On the contrary, a handful of nodes and single digit tps and your mainnet will crash. Pic related.

Constellation is dealing with frontier tech and that always involves unforeseen problems and delays. If they manage, and it's highly likely that they will, horizontal scaling, i.e. solving scaling problematic, market cap will instantly go to between 1B and 10B on that alone.

>> No.17388660

That image is clearly inaccurate and anyone that tries using the network right fucking now can see
I'm disappointed that there are no incentives to get dapp Devs making shit to demonstrate fantom apps
I'm only holding for the potential of a central bank announcement being more than breadcrumbs. I'm ok with losing this money, definitely not all in but the profits would buy me a really nice car and more shitcoins to gamble on
Good luck Fanties, the fudder is dangerous in his autistic dedication. I hope he gets Corona and fucks off

>> No.17388780

>That image is clearly inaccurate and anyone that tries using the network right fucking now can see
We already told him but he is a fucking autist.

Also I don't understand why you have to be against Fantom if you hold Constellation, they don't aim the same things, this is ridiculous.

>> No.17389604

Then why don't you try spamming http://fantom.rocks then rather than copy and pasting your tired old bullshit?

Go on, stress test it. Oh wait, you've likely tried without success so just trying to cry your depression away. Helpful hint: your life will be even worse, even more people will hate you when FTM moons and DAG goes to zero

>> No.17389789

That's not how you stress test a network. There is a reason why scammer Fantom don't do that and don't provide any data/documentation.

>> No.17389820

how do you stress test a network then?

delay it for 6 months like DAG ?