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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 172 KB, 800x800, chainlink-swift-cube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17383346 No.17383346 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17383488
File: 440 KB, 645x1260, 1570261891799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please no...

>> No.17383514

timestamp please

>> No.17383543

Lmao "i can't wait 20 years to be a multi millionaire for nothing".

Ngmi anyway.

>> No.17383978

What kind of people attend these events?

>> No.17383999
File: 306 KB, 1672x2560, 81nxqIbVUuL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not going to take that long at all. This data vacuum has been a issue for longer than I've been alive. I watched the video, it gives a lot of context, at least to me, about the direction the world is headed. Pic related.

>> No.17384334

Lmao the state of biz, OP you should have posted a picture of a brapper or sam hyde if you wanted to farm more (you)s.

>> No.17384625

Lol you fags say anything to stop people selling don't you just because you don't want the sell pressure

>> No.17384638

Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.17385408
File: 191 KB, 867x491, basedalpha2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17385851

Pretty epic presentation.
Can't wait to see the decent project that would take chainlink's market and actually manage to do its job.
I would bet it's gonna be VC funded instead of a premined shit token.

>> No.17385866


>> No.17385885

Lmao this tripfags even worse than uncle faggot. Don’t know why 4chan hasn’t gotten rid of trips after all these years, also checked

>> No.17385892

No, please no....

>> No.17385894

checked, the hype and speculation around LINK potentially solving these issues will come very soon, even if LINK doesn't end up solving them until the latter half of this decade.

>> No.17385906
File: 1.08 MB, 800x600, 1545243451311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy chainlink but am completely ignorant when it comes to cryptocurrency. I want to buy 5 coins now and then exchange them for cash (my local currency) years from now if they ever rise in value. How do I do this? I have a paypal account and some money. What website should I buy them and once bought do they stay on my account with that website or do I need to transfer them to some other website account to sell years from now?

>> No.17385960

>I want to buy 5 coins now and then exchange them for cash (my local currency) years from now if they ever rise in value
Mate, that's 20 dollars

>> No.17386003

I think that's a copypasta

>> No.17386052

how do you know this?

>> No.17386582
File: 136 KB, 250x203, 1577117880027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deez nuts.

>> No.17386749

More like an 80 year hold. Steaking right around the corner. If we hit $10 and get 10% then I'm effectively retired. If it hits 10 then we know that 1k is fud and it will only climb further. I'll keep my part time job for insurance and because my retarded wagie ass has an emotional attachment to my licenses and certifications. I will just live off my 2 days a week work and funnel linky gains into stonks/pms/moar crypto. Once my income is coming in faster than I can spend it living a nouveau fugktard lifestyle I will quit for good and do just that. Gonna build a lakehouse for fishing and hunting during spring fall and summer, play with my vegetals and cnc shop, then the entire winter season I'll find a cute ski place and enjoy saunas, skiing, and hot chocolate. I figure 300k for the lakehouse and $400/day to enjoy hotel/restaurants/and my season pass on the slopes. Maybe I'm not dreaming big enough but I have always been more subtle and reserved. A 20k touring bike will be more fun than a lambo if the travel bug hits me. So much cool shit in America I'd probably only go through Canada as far as international goes. Emphasis on through because it's a dream of mine to ride from Florida to Alaska or some shit like that. Do all the meme biker routes. I'd look so cool with a qt girl in leathers on my back. Then we hit the mountains and I'm wearing a sweater she knit for me. Then back at the lake house and we enjoy the days catch with a few pints we brewed ourselves.
Link is the ticket to your wildest dreams. Escape society and live as you see fit. Every link sold is giving someone else a piece of your dream. Steak it all and let yourself live that dream. Or not lmao cuz I'm still buying with every paycheck.

>> No.17386782

This has got to be a pasta right lmao, no way someone would bother typing all that out just as a cope

>> No.17386790

I hope you live out your wildest dreams anon.

>> No.17387808
File: 1.60 MB, 5472x3648, ChainLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
