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17379936 No.17379936 [Reply] [Original]

Should I go work at a call center or be car salesman?

>> No.17379947

It's the feds spamming anime? Makes sense when you think about it

>> No.17379960

Both of those jobs make you dead on the inside

>> No.17379968

two entirely different professions
if you have the stomach for sales, go for it

>> No.17379976

I'm already dead on the inside just knowing I have to work them. I've been doing pizza delivery for the past few months to make ends meet but even I know long-term financially this isn't going to work. I'm leaning towards car sales because I don't see car lots that busy very often and I'd rather have all the pressure on one sale than a constant, never-ending stream of calls.

>> No.17379978

go to college

>> No.17379984

I was just buying a used car today. I love car salesmen. They are either based alcoholics or just total brainlets. I enjoy talking to them, feel like car shopping is just a competition of who can be a bigger Jew.

>> No.17379985

I would sniff her asshole all day long

>> No.17379986

I did and look where I ended up.

>> No.17380030

Most car salesman I've met will give you what you want at the lowest price they aren't being competed on for if you're straight up with them and know what you want.
I think most of the job involves selling to retards who are "just looking around" though.

>> No.17380047

guarantee it wasn't even t50

>> No.17380058

Probably not, I couldn't afford to go to a good one. I couldn't afford to go to this one either. And I ended up having to trade computer science for a fake major anyways so it wouldn't have mattered where I went.

>> No.17380093
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Hello there.

>> No.17380103

private schools give way more aid than no-name public schools... shouldve dyor

>> No.17380110

Only if they accept you.

>> No.17380112

just don't be stupid, lol

>> No.17380118

I wasn't, in everything except calculus. Which I still got an A in the class, but the AP test ruined me.

>> No.17380142

you probably couldve gotten into a decent school, so long as you had ok sat scores. did you even bother applying?

my dumbass sister didnt even bother applying anywhere decent, and she's going to suffer the consequence for the rest of her life. she's going to fcking university of nevada.

>> No.17380186

I dunno what SAT was. Something better than average but not great. Like 1800 or something? I can't remember. I don't know what but my family basically put the fear of god into me about going anywhere out of state, talking all this shit about how awful and impossible it was going to be for me to go anywhere but in-state and I myself had no idea what to go to college for as my still-untreated depression had reached moderate status. As a young autist I just kind of was floundering around wondering what the fuck I was supposed to do and only having my parents and grandparents' experience to rely on (big mistake) who weren't interested in hearing about how bullying made me feel unfit for life, just that their big boy was going to college and that they got to be a family of a disadvantaged kid (though not disadvantaged enough to actually make their lives harder in any way). SAT score must have not been good enough because I remember applying to Cornell or something and not getting it.

>> No.17380219

there are colleges between the ivy league and random state schools...
you should try getting into some kind of government position. private sector is a joke for where you are currently.
you could try
i) becoming a police officer
ii) getting further education at an ok state school to become a teacher
iii) last resort, joining the military (assuming you aren't too old)

>> No.17380253

Probably won't have what it takes to become a police officer for at least a year since I need to lose weight. And I don't want to take on further student debt to become a teacher (which pays really awfully in my area and has few benefits. We're constantly having teacher strikes over here).