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17379530 No.17379530 [Reply] [Original]

every time i buy crypto it drops and i lose money. what am i doing wrong? i buy at what seems to be the bottom of a dip when i look at the candle charts for each timespan (day week month year) and somehow it always crashes down farther. how do you guys do it? is there a secret or is everyhing blind luck and gambling

>> No.17379539

Stop catching falling knives, wait for a Forsure trend reversal.


>> No.17379562

You are trying to call bottoms, its not going to happen. You are entering positions with no convinction trying to make a quick buck. This is not a gamblers market, don’t be confused by all the gamblers around you here. 95% of them lose money and are replaced by the next gambling idiot who thinks he can make a quick buck. The ONLY way to consistently profit in crypto is holding a coin with good fundamentals long term, don’t listen to the new arrivals who will try to convince you otherwise. This is an extremely nascent market based on an extremely nascent technology.

>> No.17379573

>what am i doing wrong?
what coins are you picking? how long are you holding?
>is there a secret
having an attention span to wait and do research

>> No.17379680

thanks. yeah thats what im doing alright. i am still pretty new to crypto. i hvae just always been waiting for a lot of reds and a dip down, and i try to buy in thinking its bottomed out already. so what coins are you favorite for fundamentals? is it just the big 2? BTC and ETH?

>> No.17379705

Chainlink solves the oracle problem for smart contracts
Ethereum is the standard smart contract platform
Bitcoin is the one every normie has heard about and the longest running working example

Do your own research

>> No.17379765

hmm, i think i like ethereum the best. what confuses me is all these other coins coming out of the same network. like why are there so many ETH based coins and are any of them doign something better than ETH besides having cooler logos? what about ETC?

>> No.17379792

They're tokens that run on the ethereum network, they are moved between ethereum wallets. Why don't you use the fucking internet to answer all this shit yourself instead of asking us to spoonfeed you?

>> No.17379833

I want to slap the shit out of all the spoon feeders. Let them doyr ur coddling them and letting them suckle your gf titties

>> No.17379834

Hey friend, welcome to our community XD!

If you're looking to make gains, I'd suggest niggercoin (NGR). It's had a rough run since 2017 but will be back to steal the show in the next bullrun.

If you're looking for good fundamentals, I'd definitely suggest jewcoin (JEW). They have token burns that reduce the total supply and adding more value per coin via scarcity.


>> No.17379848


ETH is like the computer, the shitcoins are like the programs. Only a few programs will "make it". Choose the right program, and eventually it will be able to run on other platforms, or computers; like developed in windows and able to run on linux after some code change. Link (promises to) solve the oracle problem, this would essentially connect the computer (eth) to the internet (real life smart contracts). XTZ is a competitor platform, or computer, and is already ETH 2.0.
I hold LINK, XTZ, ETH, and XRP.

This is the most fucking basic explanation I can give. XRP is a hedge bet, and dropping my full stack at .60. DYOR, and BUY LINK

>> No.17379855

what indicator/s are you using?
crypto is really volatile and most coins fluctuate based on BTC, so even if you are great at TA you can't predict when sudden sell-offs or pumps will happen; you can really only try and spot a general trend.

don't buy shitcoins, just buy btc and study charts, practice buys/sells (write buy on a piece of paper and the sell), and research different TA methods

>> No.17379861

NGR ran away with my bike so im never investing in that coin again unless its trading for 8,000 thread count prima cotton

fuck you faggot im just asking to be taught how to fish, not for the food itself. i have bad luck with crypto because im still trying to understand its inherent value and the forces that move its price wildly from literally day to day. why does it constantly go up and down wildly by 300% if its such an established method of fiat

>> No.17379874

super helpful, and ive figured out the ETH network from my own research, i just hadnt figured out what the plethora of ETH coins are used for. like ETH gem or ETH platinum or any random name

>> No.17379886

>what am i doing wrong?

Buy during a bear market, when everything is red, not when everything is green.

>> No.17379922

Dude sometimes crypto's going to constantly go down by 300%. It just works that way.

>> No.17379937

would you guys consider this a bear market? now that BTC dropped from the 10k area to 9.6? or do we have to zoom out on the timeline further and look at the last ceiling of the $7,000s a few months ago? i just dont get what calcutions to use, how are you guys knowing when the bear or bull run is over? i know you cant see the future but are you guys using anything as indicators? i like to read hill bumps up the graph the same way i look at stocks but that strategy hasnt paid off for me so far with crypto. when the graph looks like it should keep climbing i get dumped on. right now im just holding because im down from the 10,000 BTC dump

>> No.17379940

glad i could help, fren.
I'd stay away from those weird coins while you are new and not ready for the biz pump and dumps, these are the libre office coins while microsoft word is on the market for 5 bucks

>> No.17379946

also i know about the 7k$ mining costs priced into BTC . so im factoring that in as a price floor which i assume most the rest of the market is as well

>> No.17379972

I personaly have 85% of my portfolio in Bitcoin, and I have a time horizen over 5 years. I swing trade with 15% of my portfolio and am currently in Link.

Don’t believe the fools who tell you that you’ve missed the boat on Bitcoin. A global reserve currency/ SOV valued at 170B is TINY. I am projecting Bitcoin to hit $400,000 per coin this decade, about on par with the marketcap of gold.

I have a large portfolio and don’t need to take risks, but as a noob you should absolutely avoid shitcoin gambling and things you see shilled on /biz/ and reddit.

Get your feet wet with BTC, dollar cost average a large position over this year and use this time to read voraciously about crypto and blockchain. Start with the basics. Only THEN should you try to swing trade with under 20% of your assets. NEVER DAY TRADE.

>> No.17379991

yeah the day trade is whas been hurting me the most. i got sucked into the ease of it because no regulations and requirements unlike with my stocks

>> No.17379998

but if BTC gets overtaken by more promising useul tech like ETH network, would it still be 400k in your opinion? wouldnt it be obsolete

>> No.17380019

I’ve been casually browsing /biz/ for about a month and despite the whole board being about crypto I’m absolutely clueless.

>> No.17380034

Stop daytrading, its a get rich quick pipedream, it will not happen.

Bitcoins value prop will never be taken over by another coin. Bitcoins biggest value prop is a uncorrelated, uncensorable store of value. Other blockchains will exist for other things, most likely payments as well, that is not what Bitcoin is competing for. Bitcoins game theory and network effects will NEVER be overtaken by any other coin. Eth and BTC are not competing for the same prize. Be careful following that narrative.

>> No.17380127

>mining costs acting as a price floor

This is what every dumbass said throughout 2018 about the 5.8k floor before it dumped to 3k. There is no floor. If nobody wants to buy btc at 7k it will go down until a buyer exists.

>> No.17380177

fuck off pajeet. chainlink solves nothing

>> No.17380370

noted, thank you for the reminder

>> No.17380400

Take my advice anon, I turned 40K into 1.7M with crypto by following that simple guideline. Don’t overcomplicate it.

>> No.17380422

Your are doing your job anon, Smart money (me) needs liquidity (you) to get out of the market.

Thanks for taking the otherside of my trades

>> No.17380516

congrats anon, thanks for the patience to help a newbie. i will start by putting my disposable investment money in BTC. do you recommend waiting for a large drop and buying a bunch at once, or buying in smaller amount over the year? smaller amounts (maybe quarterly) sounds like it might be a better way to get a decent buy average instead of timing the market but what do i know.

what are you moving to? gold?