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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17368812 No.17368812 [Reply] [Original]

anyone have the nulink (nlink) telegram, discord, etc? when can i buy this? it's a fork of chainlink correct? looks like the blessed anon who created and bestowed the lucky few anons with an airdrop on 2/20 burned a bunch decreasing the supply which is good. i support this even if it is a shitcoin (aren't they all). more biz anons should be creating shitcoins and blessing fellow anons for an early entry. we're in this together, in some ways. thank you blessed anon for what you did

>> No.17368836

what is the point of making a coin then burning tokens the next day? why not just make less coins in the beginning?

>> No.17368876

Some anons are selling now on forkdelta

>> No.17368884

>He doesn't know

>> No.17368890

>more biz anons should be creating shitcoins and blessing fellow anon
Or we should work on this one. Otherwise we aren't going nowhere. C'mon anon. All the effor in one thing.
Because oracles are chaotics. We are going to solve them. Ordo ab chao.

>> No.17368926

Discord: eErPeS
Telegram: t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFf0zRuOUpOfcO__SQ

>> No.17368944
File: 629 KB, 1343x953, pndscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice PND you got there retards.
You realize this shit is literally illegal, right?

>> No.17368964

>literally illegal
How so?

>> No.17368976

good point. all hands on deck, anons

>> No.17368991

Ever heard of fraud?

>> No.17368993

Exactly. We should once and for all put our effort as /biz/ in a coin.

>> No.17369021

How is this a fraud. I see people voluntarily exchanging bytes over the Internet. Anons aren't asking money. And as I read from your pic, the images are generated with GAN. It's like saying that a movie is fraudulent because not real.

>> No.17369065

it's good he decreased the supply because it was so large and now those who got the airdrop have more incentive to help. yes, not sure why he did it that way, maybe he has a reason, who knows

>> No.17369107

he is a kike, he is posting iun every thread the same thing, he supports BSV, fuck his kike ass

>> No.17369255

>missed the 2mil giveaway
>posted in discord
>got 450k

>> No.17369296
File: 199 KB, 750x947, 1540730154044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got both the giveaway and post in discord

Thanks for the 2.5 million nulinkies

>> No.17369346

posted same address two times
4 mil
top kek

>> No.17369387

drop an address in discord if you haven't

>> No.17369415
File: 143 KB, 657x527, 1559183296517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post my address in discord yesterday
>wake up today and ask when airdrops will be sent
>"airdrop wallet burnt, sorry"

>> No.17369428

nah, I don't have discords
it's a funny game anyway, wish it had a lore

>> No.17369720

I think it was meant to be hyperbolic and not serious anon. read the rest of the comments

>> No.17370039

I like how you conveniently skip over the post by the creator. Starting there's actually real tech behind this and an actual fork of chain link

>> No.17370974

Is it only on forkdelta?

>> No.17371355
File: 351 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2020-02-21-13-17-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try retard

>> No.17371356

Anons what is the current price for nulink, please I must no forkdelta isn't telling me anything

>> No.17371440

.01 ETH/ NLINK last i heard but it probably has gone up since then

>> No.17371478
File: 13 KB, 257x272, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally no one is going to buy this shit for that much, waaaaaay too overpriced

>> No.17371599

Thats only the Beta addition NLINK people are pirating on forkdelta. the real fork that willl be available on exchanges only chosen anons who got the airdrop have.

>> No.17371612

No holders want to sell. Low volume is good indicator of future value and strength of holders. Might want to get better offers if you want some :)

>> No.17371674

Or we make a dedicated BIZcoin instead of riding the coattails of a coin riding the coattails of LINK.

>> No.17371887

discord 3bwgpf

>> No.17372333

No. NuLink it is. As chaotic as 4chan is, so it's the rising of this token. We'll see.

>> No.17372393

that's a steal. you're buying a big stake in biz's official LINK fork for under an eth.

biz made LINK what it is today

>> No.17372469

Then where's the memes then?

>> No.17372490
File: 564 KB, 1200x600, 1582244862208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17372891

wow i never looked at it like that