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File: 32 KB, 250x250, fantom-logo-cryptodiffer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17366162 No.17366162 [Reply] [Original]

Quick reminder that Fantom will beat ETH 2.0 because any developer can run an eth Dapp cheaper, faster, more secure and at greater scale and also interoperbile with bnb, eth and Opera chain. And who the fuck cares if their ETH dapp runs on a non ETH chain? If there is no downsides?

>> No.17366376

1mil comfy

>> No.17366430

market says otherwise, it didnt pump and keeps bleeding heavily and zero recovery, you will have to wait till summer to see the effect of rewards, dont expect any moon till then, not a fud just a fact and I hold 3mils, everyone is too afraid, but I will be ready to buy another 2mils if it hist like 0.005$

>> No.17366558

More lies from the slimy Fantom scammers, exposed here.

>> No.17366640

Wtf are talking about. Did I say the market recognised this fully yet you stupid fucking nigger newfag. You expect it to go to 30 billion mc a month after mainnet you stupid worthless plebbit cunt. I said there was no reason not to host on Fantom if you have to run a ETH dapp. It's better for you on all metrics. If you choose to run on eth 2.0 and not Fantom you are basically saying I prefer to pay more and it go slower. Stupid cunt.

>> No.17366646
File: 331 KB, 997x612, ftmbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, do you seriously fud on every fantom thread?

>> No.17366686

yeah its denny daggins from satsgang

dunno why

>> No.17366756

>denny daggins
this is the lowest it can go, better stop with the fud now and shill a bit

>> No.17366801

>yeah its denny daggins from satsgang
Delusional and schizo Fantom spammers, unable to defend their scam and utter shitcoin.

>> No.17366826

what the fuck you absolute retard talking about you FUCK? this says something about fantom community you fucking imbecile just die faggot, I just pointed out to others market wont recognise it for months to get rid off moonboys like you you stupid fucking faggot, you are absolute retarded newbie, now go back to fantom marines telegram you absolute pajeet cunt, I have been here since 2016 so I dont expect it to go anywhere for some time and thats what i was talking about you retard, you just cry like fuckin baby because I said it can go to 0.005 which it fucking will you faggot since btc will shit the bed, the ftm community is so disgusting, I hope you moonboys newfags die off quickly

>> No.17366870
File: 308 KB, 2566x1856, Fantom 18 tps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quick reminder that Fantom will beat ETH 2.0
ETH 2.0 will have sharding with one million tps, instant transactions. They have the largest and best dev team in the world, plus best partnerships:

Fantom lies about central banks partnership, no devs, and is nothing but a crazy tech trainwreck of a fork of Ethereum Virtual Machine, with only 18 tps, crashing to 1 tps with more nodes. pic. Fuck off with your scam and stop shitting up biz with your daily, 24/7, simultaneously multiple Fantom scam/spam threads.

>> No.17366937

fantom is on the list

>> No.17366978

>fantom is on the list
Is Ethereum on your list of partners? No? Why not, Fantom scammer?

>> No.17366986


>> No.17367035

Isn't it supposed to scale with the number of nodes? :D

>> No.17367064


So you didnt get the air drop of Ripple on bitcointalk in 2011. No please continue to explain how this crypto thing works. Fucking kek.

>> No.17367066

EEA members are there to use ETH technology and blockchain. No one is teaming up to use crashed and fake FTM technology and blockchain. Certainly not ETH.

>> No.17367072

I would not really consider this to be indicative of anything. You have no idea what was running there anyway. It's just a random excerpt from some logging test.

>> No.17367076

>Isn't it supposed to scale with the number of nodes? :D
According to the lies from FTM team, yes. Sadly their own tech and testing show that's just utter bullshit. No wonder FTM cannot and will not provide documentation and stress test regarding their insane rambling and lies.

>> No.17367080

You actually are insane aren't you?

>> No.17367096



>> No.17367105

>It's just a random excerpt from some logging test

>You actually are insane aren't you?
>t. yet another Fantom moron unable to defend his scam and worthless shitcoin.

>> No.17367142
File: 104 KB, 670x708, Nano 75 TPS Aug 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Nano is better, and they are decentralized and have done stress tests, unlike your total scam.