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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17361308 No.17361308 [Reply] [Original]

> no amount of chainlink gains will ever bring old /biz/ back.

>> No.17361326

kleros is the chemo that will cure new /biz/

>> No.17361327

what was the old biz like anon?
myself being a recent reddit convert I want a taste of the olden days so I may emulate them

>> No.17362274

fuck off

>> No.17362277

we had the whole world at our feet

>> No.17362283

it really has gone down hill. when you visit this place daily its harder to notice the gradual decline

>> No.17362295

This is true but I do feel like some old timers are more active of late with the recent signs that things are accelerating.

>“On the enterprise side, you're going to continue to see us working with large enterprises in different ways,” said Nazarov.

>“The architecture we came up with, with Google in using BigQuery and making hybrid cloud watching applications—I know that people are building using that architecture and I know that some of the things that are getting built are planned for production release,” said Nazarov.

>> No.17362313

so they were very stand-offish?

>> No.17362389

>implying when link goes 1k the old fags won’t organize link orgies

>> No.17362434

its utterly garbage now, the only reason i stay is because i dont want to go to reddit and have to speak to those cunts.

>> No.17362476

/pol/ and pajeets

>> No.17362490

In a word: it was fun.

Now it's just pathetic, link bagholders single handedly destroyed this entire board with their shit.

>> No.17363173

Once link hits $1000 and nobody will believe anyone here has more than 1,000 link, /biz/ will find something new to meme.

>> No.17363187

That was the most reddit response I've ever seen

>> No.17363280

it had fewer people like you

>> No.17363370
File: 1.82 MB, 2448x3264, 1477882531276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you never knew old /biz/, im guessing you came here during 2017/2018?

like for christs sake this poster >>17362277 is talking about a post from late 2017. legit newfag central

>> No.17363390

this board got ruined when people like you came here