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File: 345 KB, 750x913, D34B7466-4717-4208-9092-D9223F19125B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17360435 No.17360435 [Reply] [Original]

US left-wing fucking loses it. Stock market banned or dividend tax raised to 90% in the next 30 years confirmed. Will receive almost unanimous support from fat Mexicans and ghetto people who think the stock market is a billionaires club. What do we do? How do we plan for this?

>> No.17360448

That Atlas shrugged thing where we move to our own island off the grid

>> No.17360452

>thinking far mexicans and ghetto people can push bills through the house and congress
This will never happen, these are lies that they use to get votes.

>> No.17360485

Why does anyone think that hard work = more wealth?
More valuable work = more wealth. A trained nuerosurgeon can slack off for one hour's work a week and make more money than a burger flipper will in a month, because their work is more valuable.
If you spend 100 hours a week breaking your back digging holes and filling them back up again it's not like you'll make a bunch of money.

>> No.17360505

Leave America. America is for brown people and white women now. If you’re a white man you are NOT WELCOME

>> No.17360506

All capital is a byproduct of labor. I’m against taxation in general but I’d gladly live in a society where income tax is abolished in favor of much higher taxation on capital gains

>> No.17360516

The first part is true.

The second part should have been:

>It's because they're smarter.

>> No.17360523

>What do we do? How do we plan for this?
Get rich, fund Nazis.
That's my plan, and I'm pretty sure it's Kek's (Jesus Christ's) plan as well.

>> No.17360537

how do right cucks perform such a spectacular balancing act between "we are the best most competent people" and "we are a terribly oppressed minority". It's incredible.

>> No.17360546

Absolutely based

>> No.17360553

No matter what society you live in you'll never get paid more just because you work 'harder'. Your work will have to generate more value. Working harder will help, but only if your labor was valuable to begin with.

>> No.17360560

The american people deserve whatever hellish socialist landscape the end up in. They voted for it. Let them rot. Fuck this country.

>> No.17360566

The economy is already on life support and still dying, if Sanders wins the Democratic nomination it will come to a complete stand still and bleed out. If he beats Trump its over, anyone with more than $5 million will flee the U.S. and the entire tax base will disappear overnight, the only thing left supporting the budget will be a small amount of STEM workers and organized crime. Every city will look like Detroit except for small ultra-wealthy areas where those same STEM workers live and work in communal areas and are constant prey to rape/robbery.

>> No.17360567

She's not wrong but the Democrats answer of raising taxes and expanding government is the biggest con in USA history.

The solution is fucking simple. Raise minimum wages.

>> No.17360576

Good excuse for a civil war

>> No.17360579

And remember that's "value" in neoliberal terms, like the value the cold caller created when they signed my 93 year old grandmother up for a 3 year gym membership.

>> No.17360582

She needs to go back to whatever spic jungle hell she came from

>> No.17360584
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>The solution is fucking simple. Raise minimum wages.

Why am I surrounded by fucking invalids who don't even understand basic economics.

>> No.17360599

It's 'value' in terms of producing something someone else is willing to pay for. That's the only kind of value there's ever been, whether it's under capitalism, communism, socialism, or even feudalism.

>> No.17360615

I hate to say it but pretty much this, if you want to be an office drone (woman) or a common criminal (black man) America is perfect for you. If you want to work and build something (white male) you have to leave America to do so, and if there is a group controlling global growth then I'd agree this is on purpose and a good thing. America is overgrown, the rest of the world needs to the worked on, and we're literally the only people that are capable of building lasting creations.

>> No.17360634

Have you played Bioshock?

>> No.17360645

Or, you know, cold calling vulnerable old people and talking them into buying things they don't need.

>> No.17360659

It's not an 'or', that's exactly what I said. Something someone is willing to pay for.

>> No.17360677

Fascism until the constitutional republic can be restored.

>> No.17360690
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>> No.17360702
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Eventually we'll have to break away. The US has gone to shit because there isn't a frontier anymore. Society needs outsiders to colonize and form our own societies because its a necessary stress relief valve, and also a form of brain drain that forces change at home. Personally i'm all in for a pacific or indian ocean platform citadel.

>> No.17360709
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God I hate commies

>> No.17360712

There's nothing wrong with what she said at all... seems like every conservative pundit is just saying "she DUM", not very convincing tbqh

>> No.17360785

nah, you’ll get the 5% of gov workers who wil end up stealing all the productive assets and enriching themselves

>> No.17360808

We literally have guns. Too bad we'll never use them.

>> No.17360838

Great, so there will be far less investment because there is no reason to assume risk.

>> No.17360852

That's capitalism only to the extent that literally robbing people is capitalism

If you're getting shit from other people through force or deception then you're not providing value

>> No.17360859
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>> No.17360879
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>> No.17360880


>> No.17360883

She's just stringing along the masses with false hope.
In reality human societies always have an underclass being oppressed and enslaved. Socialist demagogues are more insidious in the fact that they pretend to sympathize with the masses and oppress them by blunting their anger with platitudes and smiles.

>> No.17360902

>Why does anyone think that hard work = more wealth?
Because it's what they tell poor people or people they want to keep poor like religious people.

>> No.17360920

>be unusually productive
>pay for Laqueefa's food stamps and 5th abortion because muh racism
i wonder why anon

>> No.17360928

Agreed it's fucking hilarious watching straight white incels REEEE about their loss of privilege. People are realizing female and minority voices are not only more creative and productive, they literally raise the amount of money a company makes when on the board. Fucking ugly beta losers, imagine being so repulsive even the women of your own race don't want you. LOL

>> No.17360939

If your taxes weren't paying for welfare it'd just be used to send even more money to Israel.

>> No.17360957

You have the right tone, but you should dial it back a little bit and go for brevity in your bait posts.

>> No.17360959
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>Stock market banned or dividend tax raised to 90% in the next 30 years confirmed
literally never going to happen, maybe 2% tax at most

>> No.17360963

Need to be more subtle anon

>> No.17360985

It's the same process though.
>white people bad, pay reparations to the jews

>> No.17361005

Who is they? Do you mean (((they)))?
I agree nobody should be told that, but I'm also not sure who is telling them this.

>> No.17361029

It's just how the system is set up. I don't think you're grasping how deep the rabbit hole goes as far as politics and religion goes.

>> No.17361037

didnt read; not selling

>> No.17361060

>video game thats scripted and not reality

>> No.17361144

Let's move to Mars. I just hope Musk manages to make it possible before communists fuck up Earth.

>> No.17361145

It’s already at 22%

>> No.17361154

No it's 23.8%

>> No.17361169

speaking of insulin

LCI has insulin coming to market soon.. gunna be huge for the company

LCI to $60

>> No.17361182


>> No.17361190

if divs get taxed 90% we'll see a huge shift towards growth stocks.

>> No.17361194 [DELETED] 

I think its actually the will of Kek to have some of us go to Mars, have Earth civilization collapse, and then have us come back to earth after some time to reconquer the fallen Earth.

>> No.17361214

less disgust, more high horse

>> No.17361216

Hit me with a qrd

>> No.17361220

Democracy was a mistake. It essentially guaranteed long term end product is communism/socialism. Republican and the Republic are terms that have been subverted by (((them))) and commie professors in the US who may have had Chinese or international funding. The Republic will fix itself thanks to Trump.

>> No.17361275

Read about how James Stuart was denied the throne after Queen Anne died and the throne was given to someone who couldn't even speak the language of the country.

>> No.17361316

Do These fucking retards Know that literally anyone can buy stock? You can do it from your fucking phone now!

>> No.17361333

She is beyond retarded. She has no idea why a stock even has value. The only connection a stock has with it's company intrinsically are the future expected dividend payments or the payout from bankruptcy. Also if it's that easy, why doesn't everyone make money off the markets?

>> No.17361359

No, she's working backwards from a conclusion. She has no room for why things actually are the way they are because politics need to have simple language.

>> No.17361392

or that some of these big funds are actually making gains for peoples retirement portfolio.. its their job..

The masses are retarded..

>> No.17361434

>Every city will look like Detroit except for small ultra-wealthy areas where those same STEM workers live and work in communal areas and are constant prey to rape/robbery.
Unironically this. This is absolutely happening in the next 75 years

>> No.17361443

Most based thing I’ve read all day

>> No.17361458

I literally meant to tag someone else in a diff thread not you. I didn’t read your shit bro

>> No.17361464

Dude, she's a single representative from one of the most liberal, nigger ridden districts in the country. If anything she's doing God's work in scaring all the moderates away from the Democratic Party. I wish she would keep it up, she's clearly an idiot.

>> No.17361468

Most based thing I’ve read all day

>> No.17361500


not a nigger, well maybe a nigger i didnt read the post, but i cant be sure he's a nigger like i can the other 2, but i cant be sure hes not a nigger wither, because i know nothing of him

>> No.17361524
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>reply to post
>post reply in different thread

>> No.17361573

I don't disagree, but I do think that it's unreasonable to tax the hardest workers at a higher rate than the fattest cats. You can't sit here and honestly tell me that a highly specialized doctor or engineer is less mentally capable or socially productive than some asshole who was born into a trust fund. Tax cap. gains and property at a huge premium and abolish all other taxes is the way imo

>> No.17361656
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I don't see why either need to exist. Neither existed before kikes came to power.

>> No.17361763

Have a cap one the amount a person can make. Redistribute wealth. It's not difficult to implement policies to curb extreme wealth. Nobody deserves to have a billion dollars

>> No.17361809

How about the government takes 10% of the increase in your monetary assets every year and then we stop handouts

>> No.17361817


>> No.17361857

>Single mothers
>Working hard

O I'm laffin. Imagine a job that gives you full benefits and 3 months of vacation a year for babysitting kids during the day. Or a life choice where you can get alimony or a free gubbermint check to fix your horrible life decisions. Now imagine thinking those two work harder than a CEO that works 365 days a year and works 20 hours a day. Even for a billion dollars it's not worth it to 99% of humanity.

>> No.17361882

>Redistribute wealth. It's not difficult
That's where you're wrong, retard.

>> No.17361884

Nobody should be taxed at anything.
There should be taxes on imports and exports, and maybe a flat 1% VAT or tax on all financial transactions.
No income tax, no cap gains tax, no estate tax, no property tax, no payroll tax, none of it.

>> No.17361893

Who will redistribute the government's wealth?

>> No.17361913

>no property tax

>> No.17361919

Yeah, if you're referencing a time before the concept of ownership of land and resources came into existence. Idealistically I agree with you but the reality is that society demands a tax base.

It's fucked up how much I sacrifice for my work and yet instantly 40% of my income goes to uncle sam. Then I get taxed again any time I want to do anything with my fucking money. I'm on biz so obviously I invest heavily, and while the gains continue to compound they are still a pittance compared to my current earning potential. Realistically I'll be grinding it out for decades before I can live off my investments. Meanwhile some gay billionaire sits on a yacht and makes the equivalent of my annual salary every 10 minutes? That is true kikery. The game is rigged anon. The fucked up reality is that everyone in this thread faces the very likely reality of working for 40+ years just to end up old and broken with nothing worthwhile to show for it -- lurking here and hoping for a moonshot in the meantime

>> No.17361928

northwest imperative
alberta can come too

>> No.17361929

>Nobody deserves to have a billion dollars
If you had a billion dollars, would you be saying this? It comes down to violence; who has the power to take what from whom?

>> No.17361942
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>capital gains tax was formed in 1921
>you're referencing a time before the concept of ownership of land and resources came into existence

>> No.17361973

Noone deserves to tell me I cant have a billion dollars you commie faggot.

>> No.17362005
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>> No.17362060

There were no income or capital gains taxes in the US before the federal reserve was created in 1913. The year Jews took power.

>> No.17362081


Quite literally, this is what 90% of my wealth and energy is going towards once i make it... if they want to call us evil, we will be evil, we will die as evil men so our children may live in peace and revere us as good men who had to make the hard decesion

>> No.17362093

Not gonna lie. She looks kinda crazy and ugly now, but those pics of her in college she looked pretty hot. She hiding some big tits tho.

Would wife.

>> No.17362111

Yes let's pool together and build outer heaven like in mgs

>> No.17362182

And various forms of income/property tax have existed for as long as money? I'm with your idealistic take on taxation but the I also think the distribution of wealth is far too asymmetrical at this point of runaway, large scale financial exploitation. I don't even really have a point to make at this point -- but we live in undeniably frustrating times. On one hand I'm ready to throw tea into the harbor but on the other hand I wouldn't mind eating the rich either

>> No.17362208

Very low IQ. Start a business and you will come to understand how income/property taxes help to keep the poor poor, and the rich rich.
The rich will always have enough money to carefully structure their lives to avoid taxes. The poor and middle class will not. Barriers to entry are a real thing and make your more reliant on the capital that those above you have.
And 'eating the rich' sounds great until you read history and realize the countries that do that almost invariably find there's nothing left to eat afterwards.
You do what you want, I'll be in Switzerland or Bermuda.

>> No.17362239

She writes like an unsophisticated millennial.

>> No.17362253

Now this is bait

>> No.17362254

stock market is mostly a millionaires / billionaires club though, the vast majority of stocks are owned by a very small minority of people.

>> No.17362258

Wait until you see the literacy of some other prominent politicians.

>> No.17362291

Ugh boo hoo

>> No.17362380

Rich people do better in high tax scenarios than middle class people. Either they have a team of lawyers to get around as much tax as possible or the flee the country. The middle class is always without exception the ones holding the bag.

>> No.17362465

Pretty presumptuous to assume I have never started or operated profitable businesses but I'll give it a pass because I really do post like a retard. I make more working for someone else than I ever did working for myself, and it's pennies on the dollar compared to a small number of individuals above me. I think that this is a problem, maybe you're right that reducing taxes aimed at individuals could help level the playing field

>> No.17362486

fuck off boomer, go put dai in compound if you want boomer returns

>> No.17362555

She was a fucking barista before getting elected. The sad thing is she represents some historically very conservative parts of the Bronx and Queens, before the area was flooded with nonwhites

>> No.17362583

I see where you're coming from but how do you break the pattern of boning the middle class? It's unsustainable and socially regressive. Maybe you are right that easing taxes will help balance things. But even if tax conditions like that are created how will that address the current reality where all major markets are controlled by an increasingly small number of people that exploit their position to cyclically dab on the working class?

>> No.17362585
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>very conservative parts of the Bronx and Queens, before the area was flooded with nonwhites
Checked, so like most of the US.

>> No.17362601

Yup. My mom's entire family is Republican, but they all left the East Bronx and headed into the suburbs

>> No.17362640

do this >>17361884
and eliminate the current money system. Move to either gold or Bitcoin. Probably gold, but in a a decade or so move to Bitcoin.

>> No.17362679

If you got rid of all the shitty taxes and fixed the monetary system that allows the govt to print money and pass it on to asset speculators (the rich) who in turn loan it as debt to the middle class and poor, the problem would fix itself.

>> No.17362696

dem trips

>> No.17362700

>Nobody should be taxed at anything.
Correct. The exchange of value should be taxed. Not the production of value. So sales tax and tax on trades but no income tax or capital gains tax.

>> No.17362718

Add to the fact that they literally just want to stop arresting niggers and plan on emptying the prisons because Le prison population is Le too high.

>> No.17362720

This but unironically

>> No.17362742
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>what are qualified dividends and what is the difference between long-term capital gains and short-term

>> No.17362760

They don't think it's a billionaires club, they think it is a loser's game.
T. Chicano

>> No.17362779
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>> No.17362851

She;s a literal left wing nutjob that worked as a bartender and became a senile boomer involved in politics, dream over night. There's many on the left side that are nuts that hate her.

The Dems are fucking done. There's no one that's left wing that has a clear cut set of ideas that doesn't fuck the hardworking citizens over. It's different forms of socialism or it's taking away constitutional rights. At the exact notion of that, they want more big government and dependability on the government to take care of you like a helpless child.

Greatest thing that could happen to mankind is the death of the west.

>> No.17362865

More whites on welfare.
Whodathot 1980s Reagan Era thinking still lingers?

>> No.17362932

CEO , god the epitome of humanity

These cucks work avrg 3/5 yrs at a company and get a 3000000000 severance pay. Company fails, guess who’s paid first?
Sure seems like you fell for a scam bucko

>> No.17362950
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More white people on welfare because there's more white people by a wide margin in the country. There's more black on black crime and black on white crime. Minorities do more harm than good. Affirmative action is bullshit.

>> No.17363006
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>The Dems are fucking done
Not at all. The Republic is dead, dude.

>> No.17363020

>Raise minimum wages.
you want businesses to hire younger people and those who live out of town and can't reliably get to work have to wait until they are too old and artificially priced out of the market?

>> No.17363043

>Company fails, guess who’s paid first?
By law, everyone BUT the CEO gets paid first, actually. Retard.

>> No.17363108
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its due to the prussian schooling system, if you were public schooled, you were instilled with this belief in order to lubricate your servitude. you were designed as servant class from the start. why do you think more expensive schools teach shit like latin and greek? its to make the study of logic, Trivium in particular, easier for upper managment and ruler class children so they can navigate life outside of just doing what their told and question what they are told instead.

muh hard work is a meme that is self evidently untrue and you can see this cognitive dissonance from this lie starting to boil up with twitter commies seething because they aren't getting 15 dollars to put a refrigerated patty on a hot plate, yet still clinging to their programming regardless, instead expecting the people that gave them that programming to come down to their artificially created level

>> No.17363121

society is pretty much run by the same kid that would scream MUM SAID ITS MY TURN ON THE XBOX IM TELLING ON YOU and somehow these cretins got behind the monopoly on force

>> No.17363125

I know. The true America had its blood sucked out and injected with poison. On a collision course to nowhere. Things won't get better because there's been too much damage done.

>> No.17363142
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Explain how learning Latin makes logic easier?

>> No.17363162
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Who injected this poison?

I know biz seems to like the Jews. I’m just an anti-communist. But who really is behind Communism? Is it the Jews?

>> No.17363197

Get a load of this guy.
Sees a white guy once—-“only thing that’s good! Anything else, kill the world!”
Self cuckery at its finest.

Talk to other people man, some simple, mundane jobs have very intellectual folks working them. Have fun and talk to a waitress for once. Government of the people for the people, rip corporations bud. That’s all there is, no muddying the waters.

>> No.17363200

ever read a legal text book?

>> No.17363216
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Not if we can win back hispanics. How do we do that? Most are conservatives/traditionalists, but they vote Democrat because of “muh racism” and “free gibs”, which are just brainwashing from the media. The real question is, how do we take over the media to fix this country?

>> No.17363217


Bloodlines that have evolved over millennia have control over the world when it's all said and done.

>> No.17363230

Nah nah nah.
Bailouts, severance, bonuses, they all float to the CEO.
That’s why they jump around and circle jerk.
“All companies were formed to change the word, until the stock holders come in”
Just pay the workers not 2000% to the CEO

>> No.17363232

>What is rampant inflation for $200 Alex?

Did your parents have any children that survived?

>> No.17363239
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>win back hispanics
Absolutely disgusting.

We don't win back hispanics. We send back hispanics.

>> No.17363249

Alright, which country do I go to then?

>> No.17363285

Go fix ur trash neighbors before you cry about systematic oppression of people and how they never break out of it.

>> No.17363306

Sorry for sounding like I hate every race but whites. Not true. It's really the system and how it's kept this race down and that race at the helm. Government's are like religions. Covering the true tracks of communion and spirituality.
They draw boxes around you and tell you how things are supposed to be. People fall for a lot of the shit, but when you open your eyes to what's going on, it is then that you can stop blaming your neighbor and blame the system. Don't allow yourself to disrespect yourself because other people are baiting you into doing that. The stereotypes of different races like blacks in the hood. Pop culture and the media don't help. A lot of bad idolizing going on today. The only group of people I suspect that is behind it are the Jews. Not your every day normal Jew that was born Jewish.
You know which ones I'm talking about.

>> No.17363315

No they don't. You FUCKING retard. It's literally illegal for the CEO to gain even 1 cent before any other employee from any of the company's money if it fails.

>> No.17363319
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Latin in a language based on and in logic. Most of it's words are for defined concepts or for individual quanta. Even English takes the majority of words that have any real world meaning directly from Latin, the rest just strings the ideas together with English syntax.
Try learning some simple Latin and see where it takes you.

>> No.17363344

There has to be a cascade of events that will fix our problems as human beings. It's nearly impossible to say stop what everyone is doing and focus on self improvement when the system of society around us won't allow it. Starting tomorrow, every single household would have to wake up, point out there flaws, and face them head on. Not going to happen. This is the disease of planet.

>> No.17363364
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It’s all falling into place who the real enemy is.

>Who still uses Latin today?
>Who hates the Jews (think: scapegoat)
>Who is set up like a Communist organization? (think: monastery)

>> No.17363371

Nah dude, that was our parental generation.
They’re about to retire and go back to Mex, living off their rental properties they fixed up themselves.
Their kids are liberal. They won’t get the whool over their eyes like the iliterrati who love fuck ups and con men

>> No.17363382
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Eat shit you retarded faggot. You may not like the pay CEOs get, but that kind of stress and responsibility most people can't even fathom. It's not sitting at your desk with your feet up smoking a cigar. I've seen the lives they have and the money and luxury they have is completely overshadowed by how they have no lives outside of work, get very little sleep, and the stress of having thousands of people's jobs and livelihoods in your hands, where a wrong decision can destroy the lives of everyone that works for you. That's why they get paid so much, and even with the typical high salaries they get its still a fraction of a percent of the company's revenue.

>> No.17363396

if there was a 1b cap on wealth then socialist faggots would say "no one deserves to have $X"
One of the reasons billionaires bother accumulating that much money in the first place is to be able to defend themselves from socialists
Who would win: a couple million commie soibois, the majority of which have no combat training, or tens of thousands of Jeff Bezos' elite mercenaries?

>> No.17363420

>a book by Ayn Rand is reality, not a video game based on a book by Ayn Rand

>> No.17363430

Omg is your daddy a ceo? Poor cuckarino really trying.
Show me one who’s life is really like that, you got a Hollywood fetishization of this scam role. Truth be told dude. An Ice road trucker has more lives at stake in the frozen tundra.

>> No.17363446

Hope you guys realize the underlying PSYOP these guys are imploring

Propping up shitty democrats on purpose
They’re all shit compared to trump
Election day comes in dumb money shorts because they think trump will lose
Smart money longs

Shorts get burned market explodes even higher + more trust in market than ever before

All for a longer lasting pump to keep up the fiat ponzi scheme

>> No.17363453

Showing ur age dude, (3rd grade, twice flunked)

They’re just 1 paycheck away from being “a million commie soibois ”

>> No.17363460

It's human nature to never be satisfied with what they have. Everybody wants more. The leftists criticize the capitalists for accumulating "too much wealth", and the irony is that no matter what happens, nobody will be equal enough to satisfy them. They're permanent revolutionaries.

>> No.17363480

Fuck yeah you have to be. Ever live?

>> No.17363485


>theft is bad and I'm against theft but theft is okay

Never going to make it, not enough abstract reasoning.

>> No.17363504

well, isn't this precisely what the jews say?

>> No.17363568

an ice road trucker has a fraction of the power and influence a CEO wields
you and many other people might disagree, but unfortunately, you're not the ones with the money

>> No.17363600

Investing is a huge part of the economy and if you just tax the shit out of gains, nobody is going to want to risk their money by investing it into companies/projects/people who need it to create the next big things.

>> No.17363628

We are in the endgame, get right with God.

>> No.17363648

I'm in on building our own mother base how do we start?

>> No.17363677
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We'll need a weapon to surpass Metal Gear.

>> No.17363852

she has no idea where the money comes from
if you say that you will end the FED to her, she will probably cry that the nigger feeding bin is empty now that they can't print more money

>> No.17363898

kikes use every tactic possible, they are not human and have no sense of empathy

>> No.17363954

>not especially smart nor skilled nor wealthy
>made 100k trading stocks
>people i try to explain don’t understand and rather spend the money on material shit or muh holidays
Somehow that’s the fault of rich people

>> No.17364139

Weaponized autism

>> No.17364163

Riot: The Video Game

>> No.17364213

she's right you mongs

>> No.17364253

hispanics with native blood have a better claim to the land than whites. go back to europe whitoid

>> No.17364267

>t. spic

>> No.17364276
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Well you see... the asshole has over 9000 wagecucks under his command and doctor only has himself and 1 secretary.

>> No.17364290

I'm from western europe

>> No.17364307

90%? Nah, jews won't allow it. Besides, where do you think people higher up the demchain get THEIR money? They won't be hurting themselves intetionally. The tax might be raised, but not that much.

>> No.17364309

>I'm from western europe
Sure you are.

>> No.17364350


>AOC Calling out jews
>Implying most millionaires and billionaires make money on lol stocks and not...idk... their fucking businesses
>Bloomberg is a private company, no stocks sold to anyone, yet he's still rich AF.
>A stupid spic still hasn't learned that people who work harder are usually the dumber and least valuable person in the chain.
>Plenty of dumb people work doing stupid useless shit and expect to get paid more? TF is a janitor doing other than just picking up trash. Is trash collection worth ANYTHING in the grand scheme of money making? HELL NO! No wonder they dont get paid a lot.
>A former boston bartender with big tits complaining about people doing less work and making more money
>A woman complaining about people doing less work to get more money
>A liberal politician complaining that people that do less work make more money

How stupid can she be?

>> No.17364351
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>> No.17364393

It’s not even take over, just dismantle the idealogical stranglehold on it. Let all sides please their case. The punishment for fake news or disinformation should be death, in a free society.

>> No.17364417
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Here, have an old photo.

>> No.17364448

>something happened once to my fucking senile grandmother which invalidates the definition of value and capitalism
kill yourself, retard

>> No.17364473

Isn't this literally the Mercer family?

>> No.17364521

Raising mimimun wages is an act of colonialism, since us dollar value is based on poorer countries using it as safe currency and petrodollar.

>> No.17364547

>Leave America. America is for brown people and white women now. If you’re a white man you are NOT WELCOME
This is pretty much the case wherever the jew reigns supreme.

>> No.17364586
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Relax guys. Stock market owned by Rothschilds and other kikies. They'll take care of it.

>> No.17364631

About 50% of people invest in the stock market.
The other 50% don't realize you don't have to be a millionaire to invest in the stock market and blame capitalism/society/the 1% for their fiscal failures.

>> No.17364876

Why is she stupid? This socialist whining has paid off well for her, and all of the other parasites below her. This is a society where it pays to be a leach. The stupid ones are the people giving this spoilt bimbo a voice

>> No.17364988

Good if boomers want to ban crypto we all go down including the stock market.

It's time they realize that we must all hang together or we shall all hang separately.

>> No.17365134

is that cut marks on your wrist or are you just old?

>> No.17365383

Lower income taxes so that people can escape wagecuckery

Keep capital taxes low because otherwise you discourage capital

Look at housing in cities like NYC, San Francisco. The more you accumulate little hinderances to building and maintaining the wealth of the society, the fewer people who will do it.

Now take the bullshit housing situation in those garbage cities and imagine that as the end stage for literally every other kind of wealth as leftist Democrats stack more and more little restrictions on businesses and wealth.

You'll find prices getting higher for shittier quality goods and services over time for no obvious reason, just like how housing is getting shittier and more expensive in San Francisco and NYC.

>> No.17365468

>muh hard work is a meme that is self evidently untrue
People are stupid.

They copy something they see someone successful doing, but without understanding why they do it. Some of them get lucky and "hard work" perpetuates its own lie.

The truth is hard work is necessary but insufficient.

A good poker player is not going to win every hand. They're going to grind and grind and only make money in the long run, making sure they make good decisions with positive expected value and don't take risks that are too high for their current level of resources.

Meanwhile retards think if they work hard at something stupid with a negative or low expected value they will make it, then get pissed off when it doesn't succeed.

Or worse, they get lucky and they do succeed, like a newbie poker player, and then go tell everyone that the thing to do is work hard, even if all you do is work hard at losing money like a bad poker player who keeps playing despite not realizing they fucking suck.

There's a lot more to it than hard work and focusing on that leads to stupid shit like how if you have kids or work at Walmart then you're already working hard and deserve a billion dollars more than the evil billionaire.

>> No.17365537

How much is much higher?
Corporations pay 21% tax on profit and then investors pay another 23.8% on gains from those corporations.

After both those taxes are applied, investors get 60.198% of what was originally going to them. That's an effective tax rate on your investment of about 39.2%.

And the first of those taxes was 35% before Trump and Democrats want to raise it back and then add more capital gains taxes.

Just undoing Trump's tax cut will result in an effective tax rate of 50.47% again. People hate companies who offshore their profits but you'd want them do the same thing if you were an investor and saw iterally more of your income going to the government than to you.

People act like capital gains are too low when taxes on capital were over 50% for long time, are still have near 40%, and will likely be back to 50% soon.

People can talk about income taxes on workers being too high, but they are higher on capital right now and have been for a long time.

>> No.17365598

The future looks like seattle or san fran or nyc and thats fucking terrifying. I think they really truly do want to make everyone equal in that they’re all miserable - from the brown barely intelligible in english kid begging for money on the train to the wealthy but not wealthy enough finbro who has to deal with it to the dunning-kruger low point morons agitating for no police in the subways and free fares for non whites. Everyone crushed under systemic rent seeking crony capitalism (why does it cost 2-3x as much to build in nyc?) and giant forever expanding government.

>> No.17366024

What's going to happen in the next US election, is it got to be Trump against Sanders?

>> No.17366071
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>on your way up to the seven thousand steps, Klimmek?

>> No.17366314

All left-wing policies are based around jealousy and envy. It is so painfully obvious that they are jaded and angry, and want to commiserate by making sure no one else can be more powerful than they are.
It is the "make everyone else poor so I can be rich" strategy.
When will people realize that life is fucked up, and that there HAS ALWAYS been a poor balance between those with power and money, and those without, since the FUCKING DAWN OF MAN. Some forms of government work better than others to keep the worker bees happy, and at least Capitalism give everyone a very small chance they might maybe be able to be very successful IF they pick the right field, work hard enough, and are smart enough. Every other form of government relies upon solely where you are born.

>> No.17366639

Kids are the worst subset of human beings. That's why you don't have any.

>> No.17366671

Run for president

>> No.17366730

Relax. The economic boom from trade, industrial capacity, and consumerism will take us to the moon. Just don't hold on to boomer shares.

>> No.17366782

We will find out in April after primary votes are counted. And then superdelegates pick whoever they want.

But yes, because if it's not Sanders, Trump already wins. Unless Buttigeg wins everybody's hearts and minds, kek

>> No.17366808

Your children will listen to rap music and spend their allowance on sneakers

>> No.17366841

The real definition of value is whatever I can use to pretend people unluckier or poorer than me are genetically inferior.

>> No.17366845

>single moms work as hard as billionaires and thus are just as valuable to society

This is your brain on socialism

>> No.17366864

>t. Some /pol/ faggot who also complains about women not raising babies and muh White people dying out.

>> No.17366887

B b but women are disloyal and full of cooties. It's not me; it's biology.


>> No.17366904

If you don't think too hard it all checks out

>> No.17366924

>combining corporate tax and capital gains tax
Uh by that logic you should combine corporate tax with worker income tax too, you fucking retard

>> No.17366927

>t. Some post wall roastie with 2 mutts and a blown out vagina

>> No.17366943

>dude you can buy $50 worth of stock on robinhood
>like, society is perfect now

>> No.17366956

Oh no, logic

>> No.17366970

>t. A moron who will never get a million dollars, let alone a billion.
Keep on chuggin, America

>> No.17366996

I'm sorry your mom left you with a nanny while she partied with chad. Not everyone turns out a brat.

>> No.17367005

Yes, we're envious of sane countries with sane policies like nationalized healthcare. Very jealous of people in countries who don't have to deal with lolbertarian tools like yourself, also.

>> No.17367012

Once you taste the boot, it's hard to stop licking

>> No.17367037

How does a marginal rate at/above ~$1bn affect small biz?

>> No.17367075

Cum laude in economics and international relations...

>> No.17367100

Well because they'll lose all incentive to work hard dude!!! Unless everyone knows tax rates for billionaires are low, nobody is going to start a business.

>> No.17367101

Have you met a hardworking citizen? They are not happy.

>> No.17367149

>win back hispanics
Lol i missed this gem. What a cuckservative

>> No.17367185

>All capital is a byproduct of labor.

Capital is produced at a rate vastly disproportionate to the labor required to produce it. Labor is worthless

>> No.17367228

Civilization wouldn't last a day without this so-called worthless labor. Seriously grow up

>> No.17367273


>> No.17367325

>greatest thing that could happen to mankind is the death of the west

You mean death of the Left.

>> No.17367386

Yes, you are dumb

>> No.17367427

Billionaires should be taxed they are modern day slave owners

>> No.17367431

Healthcare in the US is shit BECAUSE of government involvement/crony capitalism. Pharma & Insurance OWN the politicians and guarantee that the system works 100% in their advantage. Enacting a nationalized healthcare plan won't improve anything unless this aspect is removed, because the bad actors are the ones enabling it in the first place, our elected officials. So your plan is to further empower the people that fucked it up in the first place. Nice.

>> No.17367445

do you understand how easily replaceable labor is? your position is laughably outmoded

>> No.17367496

Haha. They set the prices and that’s that in UK. They simply won’t pay 100k for the hep c drug so the pharma company sells it for 50k to them. That’s it.

>> No.17367536

the real question is why we accept this kind of ppl (like AOC) on the continent at all.

>> No.17367560

They settle for less and honestly fuck them they should. They don’t need that level of profit. We’ll pay more if their drug is effective enough to make it worthwhile. That’s why uk pays 50k for harvoni. They won’t pay that for the 50k drug that extends survival by 1 month Bc fuck the pharma company

>> No.17367582

Haha what stfu why we accept fuckers like you at all who live in moms basement

>> No.17367828

>They set the prices and that’s that in UK
They set the prices here too, and that is the problem. Everything is marked up 1000% or more on average BECAUSE of Medicare & Medicaid pricing wizards.
Typical ex.
>Break leg
>Need crutches
>Use insurance, private or gubber version.
>Cost through insurance = $400+ for a pair of aluminum crutches. $20 co-pay with private insurance. Possibly 0$ co-pay with gubber.
>Actual cost of crutches - $30.
This is how the scam works. They overcharge, you pay your monthly & your co-pays, and think nothing of it because it is still cheaper than paying for it out of pocket because you already pay into that pool. Insurance never pays out anything near what they charge, and they keep the remainder. It is essentially nothing more than cooking the books.
The solution is to limit insurance involvement, not increase it. Get it out of the equation for a lot of basic shit, go back to a more catastrophic-type of general insurance plan. People don't even use their "free checkups" that they get with their insurance plans anyway.
Everything is reactive and not proactive/preventative here.
Pharma is by far the biggest most-expensive issue. Fat fucking unhealthy pieces of shit are huffing pills they don't really even need, insurance being billed $1000 for a bottle, they actually pay way less and profit substantially and work in concert with elected officials to allow this to continue, but you don't care because it is only a $15 co-pay for that bottle of statins you wouldn't even need if you just ate right.

>> No.17368220

What is Zimbabwe?

>> No.17368448

>starts with a fact to hook brainlets
>throw some leftist propaganda

kek farewell america

>> No.17368499

zimbabwe is for cecil and the boys

>> No.17368502

The reason medicare/medicaid pay so much is because they are legally prohibited from using their massive bargaining power to lower the price. Gee I wonder which industry came up with that law.

You just don't know what you're talking about. Not everything is solved by FUCK TEH GUBBERMINT sentiments.

>> No.17368580

yes, our economy is terminally ill, it was obvious when the fed had to roll back interest rates.
we are on the cusp of a very big recession, the fed will just print more money to try and hold it back.

>> No.17368643

Both of those statements are correct though? I don't see the issue with this tweet.

>> No.17368691
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Buy guns, frens.

>> No.17368803

>fascism is the answer
Fascism leads to war against people you can't beat. Didn't work last time.

>> No.17369029

Surgeon don't create wealth. At least not directly. They take money, but don't create wealth.

>> No.17369048

Same here. All future money will go to a Christian Nationalist movement taking back Europe and North America.

>> No.17369056

> I’d gladly live in a society where income tax is abolished in favor of much higher taxation on capital gains
I would gladly live in a society were exchange value is abolished. No more half measures.

>> No.17369059

Mass adoption of crypto can be hastened by the use of Defi tech like FinNexus, this is also a smart investment Due to the fact that the FNX tokens can be converted to USDT after the sale even if the price drops by 10 times

>> No.17369122
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Nothing is set in stone. War is not inevitable.

>> No.17369135

Doctors maintain the workforce which enables wealth creation.
Can't become a code monkey if you die from a complication of an appendicitis at 12.

>> No.17369158

By that strained logic stay at home moms deserve equal if not greater salaries than surgeons

>> No.17369281

>what is supply and demand
You just have to take some dick in the pussy to become a mother, becoming a doctor takes a decade of dedicated training.

>> No.17369310

all of the rich people leave take their money with them and then watch as the country literally becomes brazil

>> No.17369325

>he thinks good moms are plentiful, and that raising good children is easy.
You're probably just an incel

>> No.17369380


This is also fucking happening in the European Union as well. Currently looking into getting the fuck out of this place before the entire thing implodes. Let's not forget that the EU has pushed for laws to enforce mandatory registration of people's onshore and offshore holdings, effectively compiling a rich list in all of Europe.

I don't know what will happen but I don't want to be around this doomed continent if the plebs get really rowdy and want to seize assets for gibs.

>> No.17369383
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>modern women
>good mother
Top kek just stop posting you dumb slut
Like some dumb sheboon and her 3 niggoblins are worth more to society than a doc lmao

>> No.17369750

Gated communities in major cites will be halarious

>> No.17370058

>Gee I wonder which industry came up with that law.
thinking industries come up with laws and pass them is why you don't get it. The fucking Elected officials are the ones selling you out, but you think they will solve the problem.

>> No.17370772

*begs white people to come back pathetically*

>> No.17371181

Whether I make a billion or not isn't the point here. You or this retarded fucking idiot bitch you support will never have say over how much money I can make. If you weren't a low IQ dipshit with no goals happy with the status quo you'd realize how fucked up your line of thinking is. Dickless faggot.

>> No.17371713

I'd rather live in a communist country. Fucking idiot.

>> No.17372071
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>> No.17373214

You have that backwards nigger
America is for white people and brown women(sex slaves)

>> No.17373401

this is so good

>> No.17373575

I love how she knows never to mention the federal reserve pumping everything

Never bite the hand that feeds you