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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17360126 No.17360126 [Reply] [Original]


What the FUCK is that
Is this literally the start of the next ANS run? I'm literally thinking it. You do realize that Binance became popular because they listed ANS before others? Only older-fags know this. Obviously these guys are connected. Connect the fucking dots. Cap this, not fucking around I am shaking

>> No.17360147

Im getting strong chinkscam vibes

>> No.17360544

I'm not

>> No.17360609

> he misses the next antshares

>> No.17361578

Saw the announcement yesterday. I'm strapped the fuck in. 10x minimum, frens.

>> No.17362260

My only question is how much to make it?

Also did you stake? 60% APR LOL

>> No.17362319

Circulating Supply: 181 440 000 SUTER
Total Supply: 10 000 000 000 SUTER

pls explain

>> No.17362359

Stop sharing. We've all tried letting other frens know for the past 2 weeks. Let us accumulate. The ones who haven't bought are fudders or low iq

>> No.17362622

Nodes + staking. I'm betting on a big burn.

>> No.17362627

+ mining

>> No.17362635

250K for a suicide stack.

1M for fuck you money at $3-4 like XRP

>> No.17362646

this. also
>investing in chinkcoin when they're going through a pandemic

>> No.17363124

Corona Chan is bullish for Asian privacy coins.

>> No.17363586

Patience will be rewarded frens. Next week should be just a beginning.

>> No.17363594

I think I've had enough antshares vibes for the evening.

>> No.17363990

Green ID says otherwise.

>> No.17364138 [DELETED] 



>> No.17364174

Holy shit. Alright, MXC it is. They better not pull some ARPA style shit on me.

>> No.17364348
File: 12 KB, 225x225, suitpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early call on biz for once that isn't 100% up already. Are we unironically /back/ ?

>> No.17364398

That's why I bought. I love unpumped shit.

>> No.17364766
File: 527 KB, 1077x609, flowerpatch.app.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do i buy this even

>> No.17365235

MXC, for now. That will change next week. ;)


CNTRL-F Suterusu :

Blockchain firm Suterusu is currently working on implementing ZK-Proof-enabled privacy as a second-layer solution on top of Bitcoin and Ethereum’s blockchains. The company’s chief technology officer Huang Lin — who claims to have researched cryptography for over a decade — told Cointelegraph:

“Efficient zero-knowledge proofs, when they are applied to decentralized anonymous payments, can significantly improve both its privacy and performance.”

Lior Yaffe the co-founder and managing director at Jelurida — the firm behind blockchains NXT, Ardor and Ignis — also said that ZK-Proofs can have a very positive influence on scalability. He explained:

“Instead of generating large blocks of transactions and propagating them through the network miners can use ZKP to generate small data sets only showing the account balance changes plus a cryptographic proof that no double spend occurred.”

>> No.17365279

Looking good on the media up-trend. If this gets a major exchange it's money town. Didn't someone say news next week? Bullish AF on low caps since most haven't mooned and the trend has always been them going last.

Good intel here. Buying 500K chunks in case of Asia JUST.

>> No.17365863

It's literally starting to moon as we speak

>> No.17366182

can't say "moon" until 1-2 cents.