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File: 298 KB, 700x1090, chancellorbrinksecondbailoutbanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17356878 No.17356878 [Reply] [Original]

just a reminder that repo operations which were supposed to be temporary have now gone on for almost half a year

>> No.17356912

like ur mom on some real mean purple african warrior cock

>> No.17356977
File: 72 KB, 864x400, zappa-illusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that just as money has been replaced by pieces of paper has been replaced by imaginary digitally-generated numbers, financial markets have been replaced by a fictitious centrally planned illusion sustained by imaginary credit and a global propaganda machine and the masses are not even capable of comprehending what has been done

>> No.17357039

being early and wrong is the same thing.

>> No.17357363

john adams was against same sex marriage in the australian plebiscite.

I wouldn't trust his judgement on something as complex as economy if he was so wrong on something as simple as two people being married.

>> No.17357390
File: 72 KB, 760x752, 123123312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repo is the new normal and will be done for the next 50 years

Stocks and house prices can only go up


>> No.17357421

>January 3rd, 2009

>> No.17357646

Faggots are repulsive and shouldn't be allowed marry.

>> No.17357709

>shouldn't be allowed

Ok boomer. Literally no reason they shouldn't be able to be married. Hence why I think he is a pelican.

>> No.17357933
File: 39 KB, 2000x1331, fed-second-rate-cut-promo-1568827337935-superJumbo-v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here wee gooo!

>> No.17357959 [DELETED] 

point and laugh at this kike trying to shitpost

>> No.17357969
File: 173 KB, 888x653, 16 02 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17357985 [DELETED] 

holy shit you need to fuck right back off to twitter and r3ddit you homosexual. Gays reproduce by having sex with children. Homosexuals should be either euthanized, sterilized, or castrated.

>> No.17358020

No doubt i've been here longer than you have, friend.

Nice head cannon, but its just not true and based off your own insecurities :) The sign of a low iq individual.

>> No.17358097

>muh the end is near
rofl at these gloom and doomers who dont understand anything about central banking

>> No.17358108

probably not. 10-30% correction, more likely.

>> No.17358109

Not conforming to the values of the majority doesn't make someone wrong on a completely unrelated matter!

Of course it doesn't make him right either.
Sovereign currency issuing governments always have the power to prevent economic armageddon.

>> No.17358400

>Not conforming to the values of the majority doesn't make someone wrong on a completely unrelated matter!

I agree in essence, however the values of the majority were universally correct in this instance, and commonly perpetuated to be the MINORITY viewpoint by conservative TV hosts or columnist such as Adams himself. However at the time, the buzzword quote for delusional conservatives was that the 'silent majority' would come out and destroy same sex marriage 'yes' vote. To be so far off the pulse of the people on such a simple issue which through deductive reasoning and observing the near complete failure of heterosexual marriage in Australia demonstrates an inability to make good judgements on issues.

He's a conspiracy theorist and sensationalizes issues for zerohedge/infowars/qanon boomer types who have bug out bags ready to go.

No doubt a broken clock will eventually show the correct time, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

>> No.17358415

this. if you retards didnt buy on margin back in november then you have no hope.

>> No.17358936

You telling me they're purposefully pushed a natural economic downturn back likely by creating debt?

This is likely gonna crash harder than the Great Depression AND on a global scale.

Anyone got tips on preparing for a global great depression and possibly famine?