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File: 5 KB, 319x158, XTZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17350031 No.17350031 [Reply] [Original]

everybody loaded up on ALGO right?

lets all live that Tezos euphoria one more time, time for new dopamine hits, hope all of you anons are locked n loaded because its definitely fucking HABBENING

>> No.17350063
File: 112 KB, 900x506, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17350080

The most adorable powercouple

>> No.17350083

>Tezos thread
>Shills algo
This level of cringe

>> No.17350151

>makes money
>makes more money
>makes even more and more money

>> No.17350403

You are on some type of run anon, I listened and bought it too. Comfy

>> No.17350417

>make money maaake moneeyy siiirs
indian subhuman shitskin living in a curry sink

>> No.17350434

what's the next moon OP? Algo still has a way to go and so does Tezos before the retrace though

>> No.17350488

a run of a lifetime anon, hope you get to experience it one day

my three largest bags are Tezos, LINK and Algo and of course my BTC is always untouched and i have a decent bag of ETH. I dont see anything giving back those types of returns right now. Might add into ETH and ride it til the staking pump but i am happy with those bags right now and no need to make any changes

>> No.17350546

>I hold link, xtz, and ALGO.
Only Indians flex like this. I can smell the curry through my phone you filthy pajeet.

>> No.17350575

No monero?

>> No.17350594

i feel sorry for ppl like u anon, i am in Tezos since 30 cents, LINK since 40 cents and ALGO since 30 cents
i am making more money than you will make for the rest of ur life times 1000
i am in US and post every morning while in office even making more money

get sum help faggots

>> No.17350615

Monero will do well but i want the 10xs minimum
not sure Monero will give that
so far so good with my bags

>> No.17350634

"rememeber that one coin that didnt pump hard last week? Algo? Yea lets trap some more retards"

>> No.17350668

been telling u anons to buy since 30 cents
you'd be up 30% on fiat and even more in sats if you bought then
it will do 3-5x soon and ur faggot ass will still miss it, just here complaining
u dumb fucks are allergic to making money and addicted to gettin rekt

>> No.17350678


Yep, it's Jews. Get in

>> No.17350730

No your faggot ass has been telling us since last night. We arent buying your bags, you already bought ours. Get the fuck out of here Pajeet

>> No.17350763

n i g g er
i make this thread every single day and ever since i bought i put it on here and put my buy orders on here as well, check the archives, faggot

not sure why i replying to ur faggot ass anyway, do whatever makes u feel good, GL

>> No.17350802

Save anons from buying the top? You are right I really dont care. Go fuck off now and take your goodluck and use it to wipe your ass

>> No.17350822

You dont see monero going up at least to 1k? Its inflation rate is less than bitcoins and it's the epitome of digital cash, people can actually use it. Isnt that what cryptocurrencies were all about in the first place? Idk I haven't been doing enough of my own research since I got hacked when shorting everything in 2018 but I've been around since pre DAO. Can you tell me what sets Tezos and Algorand apart? I was wanting to buy some the other day just cause of the volume relative to marketcap on algo but I dont know enough about either and I dont want to chase the fat green candle on tezos. Same with link, I bought the it's a meme meme and just a json parser.been waiting on a pullback to the breakout point but idk if I'm gonna get it.

>> No.17350841

you are the hero that we dont deserve anon, thank you for all ur services, truly appreciated

>> No.17350873

Never mind, it's unironically satsgang lol


always have to wonder what this guy looks like IRL I bet he's such a badass mob boss like his Twitter profile

>> No.17350878

You are the streetshitter that we do not want nor did we invite. Go fuck off with your 3 rupees earned from all your services.

>> No.17350887

it might who knows anon, i think it should have a higher valuation than BTC, its everything that BTC was supposed to be but you just never know with these markets

i hope it gets there and higher too, i truly hope you make it :)

>> No.17350953

He was shilling Tezos below a dollar last year. Not sure why the beef and he’s right about his algo calls too

>> No.17350984

Yeah who knows really somebody could say its banned and exchanges drop it. You can still buy drugs and launder your money with it though.

Can you spoon feed me why algo and tezos are so good exactly? Why wouldnt somebody just use eth? These are smart contract platforms right?

>> No.17351051

How the fuck do you know it was him shilling last time? either you are a fool or you shitting on the street along with him

>> No.17351055

ETH already went through a market cycle and topped out @ 1400, ICO was below a dollar, everyone buying today is buying bags, period

i like to eat with everybody on the ground floor, my avg Tezos entries are somewhere 60 cents, i will ride it all the way to the top

algo ICO is 30 cents, ground floor and will ride it to the top

the only thing i hate about ETH is i didnt get in on the ground floor, anyone who hates ETH just to hate ETH they have no clue about the space, ETH is beautiful but again i just hate that i didnt get early with everybody that did at the time

>> No.17351125

I remember seeing his posts early 2019 and unfortunately I didn’t buy Tezos. This time I listened and I am glad I did. You really need to chill

>> No.17351169

anon, there just no hope for certain ppl
u will literally spoonfeed them and they still get rekt
fuck this faggot, let em be

>> No.17351175

what do you think about hashgraph and the google partnership?

>> No.17351189

never looked into it, have no clue about it but congrats if u rode that insane pump recently

>> No.17351202

Thanks for the advice! I just made so much dude thank you. Bitch

>> No.17351236

speak proper English first and dont forget ur medication anon
we're all pulling for you

>> No.17351250

no i didn't unfortunately. everything online says VC scam and all that. But I took some time to research it, and they have IBM and Google running nodes. In their whitepaper, it said they will be interoperable with Hyperleder. I think the reason why people don't like it is because the total supply vs circulating is crazy. Also their code is not open source, so the muh decentralized crypto community is not fond of that.

But it is on bittrex. The reason I ask is because they don't do staking yet, but they are similar to algo in that sense of it being a staking coin with high supply type thing.

And algo seems to be different in that most people look at the market and its supply as an indicator of future success. But then you have Algo coming along, which would initially deter people away, yet it still pumped.

I'm not trying to shill, I'm genuinely talking about it because you seem to know what the best projects are.

>> No.17351251

Bought 50k yesterday, am I gonna make it?

>> No.17351277

Yeah eth was my first investment when I was in high school. I only bought though when I heard that EEA announcement around 5 bucks. That was the catalyst for me. Before then I just wanted to buy lsd on the internet.

But I digress you're saying that they're fundamentally extremely similar protocols but cheaper leaving more room for speculators like us to pump up the price? Are the programming languages better or anything? Are they faster? Better partners? More efficient? I know almost nothing about these projects except that you stake them and apparently give you money. If algo say used something like python for making smartcontracts and was way more efficient I could see that, or maybe a not so autistic but just autistic enough development team with serious backers that's something. But really what sets them apart?

>> No.17351321

Plz spoonfeed me I'm a retard and dont trust a lot of the tech jargon I see thrown around.

>> No.17351348

if you hold long enough u will, it will eventually be staked on CB, ride that pump and dump it in the middle of that insanity

Tezos is going to be the ETH of this cycle, ETH pumped on ICOs hype, Tezos will pump on the STOs hype, they already have Billions lined up you really should DYOR, if you're serious about this market n you should really look into Tezos

>> No.17351352

Says the Indian typing like a ghetto nigger. Fuck off and take your own medication.

>> No.17351375

will do anon, thanks for the well wishes :)

>> No.17351393

Also thanks for spreading the word on Algo. Cant wait to dump what I have left on your gay ass, figured the scam had a little juice left but you just confirmed it

>> No.17351396

So the right move would be riding this cycle and move the funds to Tezos? I was actually planning to ride this cycle and move it to LINK as I could finally get a 10k stack.

>> No.17351413

kek shut up, he is living rent free in your head now

>> No.17351440

Ok Linklet

>> No.17351482

Tezos is 10x more decentralized than algo. Keep the algo and tez threads seperate before I cringe

>> No.17351509

i hold both and everybody should hold both (Tezos n Link) they both should be your largest holds
actually if you held both since the bottom of the bear in Dec 18, you're having a better run today than the 17 bull run, at least thats the case for me

i wouldnt put it in Tezos right now, it had an insane pump and correction will come eventually. Try timing the absolute bottom and then get in and ride it to the top

best wishes anon

>> No.17351533

no doubt Tezos is in a league of its own, but we're all here to make money anon
we all eat

>> No.17351698

Algo pumping hard tho

>> No.17351899

Who's here getting ready to hold some bags kek

>> No.17351919

hope it goes below .00003 sats or 30 cents, i will buy more and dump it on ur faggot ass when its full bull

>> No.17352068


that's like saying you've got heavy bags of BTC or USD

>> No.17352098

No its like youve got heavy bags of worthless shit

>> No.17352135

This has literally done nothing but dump since OP posted. Thanks OP.

>> No.17352146

stay poor rakesh. do a little research on algorand's tech. come back when you're ready to talk with the adults

>> No.17352148

right on

>> No.17352193

Yea OP is a fucking scammer thats why. Yet he wants to start calling me rakesh at the end. Damn shitskins really are trying nowadays arent they

>> No.17353140

stox, Crypto selling off
Gold popping
shaky times ahead

>> No.17353724

LMAO this shit is dumping so hard now
Classic satsgang pump & dump

>> No.17353779
File: 9 KB, 745x125, algo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am expecting a re-trace but serious question anon, wheres the dump

>> No.17353796

if this is a dump, sign me up for these dumps every single day

>> No.17354374

LMAO it's dumping from 4700 sat now already below 4200 sat and going down hard!!!
>Who here dumb money
Satsgang scam P&D coin

>> No.17354427

sum of us have a longer time frame anon than 6 hours u dumb faggot
i wish it goes a lot lower, need one more buy to have a massive stack, fingers crossed it wicks

>> No.17354508

LMAO I have to give you some respect the way you shill your bags and dump on these incel newfags here on biz.

>For the record Algorand is a P&D scam by the satsgang and will drop so fucking hard.

Good luck 2iROW8c selling your bags with a nice profit on the dumb money buying

>> No.17354554

i posted my buys on here a month ago and if you like to post em again i will
i will post my sell orders once i decide to sell
til then suck a fat cock

>> No.17355054

So you agree it's a shit project without any fundamentals implying it's a scam pump and dump.

>> No.17355107

i didnt agree to shit
i am here to make money, i dont give a fuck about what you think or feel u fucking faggot
this will do well, get in, make ur money and get out u dumb faggot
do i literally need to spoonfeed u faggot ass?

>> No.17355301

>this fucking guy
you're such a sad fuck, I even kinda don't want algo to pump where it's headed to because I know you'll simpy neck yourself

>> No.17355308

Just by saying you didn't agree with me does not mean it is so.
The facts are you know it's a scam pump and dump coin by satsgang without any fundamentals.
It will dump so hard but that doesn't mean you can't make a profit.
Let's keep it polite here otherwise I will fucking rape your ass jailstyle push your shit back in your tight tiny virgin asshole.
>Trust me will make you feel like a female!

>> No.17355323


>> No.17355336

Thread is full of salty incels and algo just pumped mere 20%. Now imagine what gonna happen to them when we're at 2 bil mcap. Holy fuck it will be such a pleasure to watch them reeeing. Probably even better than money

>> No.17355339

hoollllyyyyy shit this n i g g er is fucked in the head
take ur meds anon, again we're all pulling for u

>> No.17355373

I thought I was gonna buy but posts like this are definitely fudding me

>> No.17355378

can't tell if he's either larping as a schizo or unironically braindead
>I will fucking rape your ass jailstyle push your shit back in your tight tiny virgin asshole

>> No.17355398

>implying if anyone here fucking cares if he buys or not

>> No.17355406

Then why are you here shilling retard?

>> No.17355407

red pill me senpai, i have a nothingburger for brainz and need to be spoonfed. why should i even buy algo

>> No.17355443


Am I doing it right?

>> No.17355459

I don't shill honestly I'm just enjoying my algo gains and autistic screeching of >>17355308

>> No.17355467

>good tech, not larping actual good tech and solves the scaling issue in the space
>smart devs behind it
>huge funding
>headed to CB
>headed to CB staking
>just cut 80% of its supply

>> No.17355575

You need to buy Algo because the scam pump & dump group satsgang bought and they need to dump their bags on innocent investors like you.

>Best thing is to buy EOS and Ethereum.

Agrees with me that Algorand is a scam shit coin with retarded scam tokenomics, just take a look at the people who are running the foundation.
>You will laugh your ass off!!!!

BTW it's dumping AGAIN get prepared for a new All Time LOW

>> No.17355724

This. Let these incels burn, there is a reason they are incels in the first place: their genes doesn't allow them to win.

>> No.17355834

Are the same fucking person LMAO
LARPING samefagging suckpuppet!

>> No.17355922

wow amazing detective work, we are busted

now seriously take ur meds

>> No.17355976

How fucking gay and fake this shit is FUCK OFF STINKY INDIANS

>> No.17356149

Schizo monkey

>> No.17356164

poo in the loo action

>> No.17356337

Fuck algo for a minute, do I buy tezos now or wait?

>> No.17356546

Buy now if you want to be a multimillionaire

>> No.17356579

this is the weakest FUD i've seen on this board in 3 years. there is literally no decent fud i've seen against algorand.

>> No.17356647

Yes they are probably street shitting Pajeets.
Why do you people shit on the streets?
Just take a look at the foundations members LMAO

>Algorand is already dumping because it is a scam pump and dump by the satsgang scammers