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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17348047 No.17348047 [Reply] [Original]

i got an invitation for an interview to be a forex trader at a singaporean fund management firm. They will provide trainings.

Should i go for it?

>> No.17348058

If it's a step up from your current employment status go for it
t. I'd give my left testicle for such a job

>> No.17348060

Enjoy corona

>> No.17348071

Did you apply or did they contact you? Where are you from?

Just wondering because I've been applying for jobs in Singapore (from Europe). Haven't had any success yet.

>> No.17348080
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But you can't drink on the job

>> No.17348082
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you could. or you could sit back, put a nice hot plate of tendies in front of you, dim the lights, chuck a small blanket over you and play your latest vidya game that you love. your choice

>> No.17348108
File: 2.44 MB, 1125x2436, 5292FFE7-9B52-4840-B277-642E25BA9362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a pyramid scheme lol.. be cautious.

>> No.17348120

2 am says what

>> No.17348333
File: 74 KB, 814x717, 1575202240214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea i am a security guard in one of those box with a button that raise or lower the bar into the housing area

i never trade forex tho and I only hold crypto..
>t. I'd give my left testicle for such a job
I just wrote in my resume that i am a comp sci fresh grad last year.. 1 year being a security guard
scripting, backtesting, statistics

need money to buy tendies and I was not on biz 2 years ago.. i only frequent /g/ and /sci/..

hi can you explain how so i know what to expect next week

>> No.17348881
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here is the email.. need honest/experienced opinion on this, frens

>> No.17348917

Yes if real definitely. Mr big time CEO.

>> No.17349015

I probably would. I might get into that type of stuff sometime soon as well. Sure beats just studying and YouTube etc while doing security (did security too). Good luck man.

>> No.17349241

I dont know about this one anon, vague as fuck. If you have no experience in trading, you almost certainly will fail. Only the best traders can teach trading to an idiot.
Its def not for everyone. If you are comfortable losing 10k$ 3 days in a row and remain focused. go for it.
Theres forex factories popping up everywhere tho. Saw like 5 diiferent forex academy ads on IG

>> No.17349383

lets say this offer is a scam or i declined this offer.. do you recommend me doing security until death (and doing crypto during guarding)?
when I apply for it on the job seeking platform, the company title is "confidential".. so idk what to make of it

>> No.17349623
