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File: 103 KB, 621x691, looklikeanengineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1734771 No.1734771 [Reply] [Original]

Can you all just stop majoring in computer science?

It's literally a meme degree and the market is already oversaturated with you splergs.
Even if you do a get a job, you'll just be on a $50k salary with $100k in student loans working a meaningless codemonkey and wanting to kill yourself everyday.

Be smart and do a trade job instead. Even flipping burgers is better .

K thanks.

>> No.1734777

3 years bsc for round 2,4k euro's in Europe.
1 year major in for msc 1k euro.
3,4k for a major in computer science total in a 4year course.

I don't see the problem?

>> No.1734788

she would look better w muh dick in her mouth just sayin
-her dad

>> No.1734789


have fun with it in your socialist country.

I was mostly talking about americunts

>> No.1734792

I'm making 180k at Google right out of college. Sure glad I fell for the meme.

>> No.1734835

I'm making 15$ an hour on meme trade job. Good thing I'm still young and can change memes still.

>> No.1734860
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Oh yes you are, in your dreams.

>> No.1734861

>Be smart and do a trade job instead
No. I learned a trade because I fell for the memes saying that tradesmen have no issue finding work.

Everybody still requires at least 3 years worth of experience, and I only have 1 year if you can even count trade school as proper experience. Now I just back to square one, unemployed

>> No.1734869

I don't remember my dreams so I wouldn't know.

>> No.1734886
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Not only an online liar but a smartass too

>> No.1734894

I'm not lying.

>> No.1734912

shut up moot

>> No.1734923

Long term most of software development jobs are moving to India and Phillipines because 90% of work is building CRUDs that any monkey can do.

>> No.1734926

then the monkey coding will be automatized and the pajeets suddenly ind themselves unemployable again.

>> No.1734952

seeking muh employment with a degree is indeed a meme. programming and even being a code monkey is great because you can target almost any business with it. SaaS is taking off, all it takes is equal amounts of programming and entrepreneurial skills.

>> No.1734957

Anyone can do CRUD the difference is having business skills to identify things that don't need to be done or using it to give highly in depth statistics that wouldn't be possible in any other way. Literally every place I've been a programmer at, I ended up also effectively becoming the manager and eliminating a massive amount of work.

It's not just relational databases, it's that plus knowing how the business works.

>> No.1735016

>having business skills to identify things that don't need to be done
Jesus Christ, the last startup I worked at was horrible at this. It was insane. Planning for fucking huge retarded features months/years in the future when we didn't even have a minimum viable product. Or doing things extremely inefficiently because it was "better" when in fact it easily doubled the development time while not providing any actual benefit whatsoever.

>> No.1735023

I'm not op above but honestly 180k isn't that much. It's not like he claimed to have made $1 million a year.
Is everyone in this board really just wage slaves who dream of 50k/yr jobs?
$100k/yr is very easily obtainable as long as you have some social skills and half a brain.

>> No.1735033
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$180k/yr is kinda shit pay if he lives in CA bay area and he's an oldfag like it sounds. I don't understand why anyone would humblebrag here. Seems like huge douche awkward as fuck

>> No.1735051

Yeah it's awful, everyone around there makes $250k - $500k straight out of college.

>> No.1735057

Yeah right

>> No.1735141

>right out of college
>reading comprehension

CS is only a meme if you don't strive to accomplish anything. If you actually apply yourself, work on projects, get internships, it's an incredibly interesting field with a high barrier of entry.

If your shitty school's CS department doesn't require you to take advanced math or ignores theory (you should never have to take a class about "mobile application development" or some other bullshit you can learn on your own) then you're paying for a meme. CS is essentially all mathematics and data structures, and your average CS major probably has a weak grasp on both of those subjects.

>> No.1735145

Haha! Well LARP'd my friend!

>> No.1735147

I'm not lying.

>> No.1735153

>If your shitty school's CS department doesn't require you to take advanced math or ignores theory (you should never have to take a class about "mobile application development" or some other bullshit you can learn on your own) then you're paying for a meme. CS is essentially all mathematics and data structures, and your average CS major probably has a weak grasp on both of those subjects.


If a CS department keeps talking about "practical" learning and "preparing you for the workforce" then dip the fuck out. Your six semesters of node.js and game development aren't going to land you shit.

My CS degree had a math minor written into it.

>> No.1735155

Where'd you go and what's your job title?

I've got three friends that went to Google and their starting salaries were ~$98k-110k depending on where they were going. So unless you didn't get a recent grad job, you're lying through your fucking teeth.

>> No.1735161

I never said 180k was my salary. Your reading comprehension skills are awful.

>> No.1735162


>> No.1735166

>I'm making $180k

So you wanted me to immediately assume you're including stock and bonus, or are so autistic that you can't even communicate to people through text?

>> No.1735172

My first year income was:
110k in base salary
15k sign on bonus
9k bonus (which was only for half a year of work since I started in the summer and they pay it out in January, would be around 15-20% over an entire year)
62.5 shares of class C stock, which was worth 47k
9k 401k match

>> No.1735174

I hate how people disparage theoretical things by saying "it's not practical." "Practical learning" means you can only replicate what other people spoonfeed you. If you have the theoretical grasp, you can do virtually anything because if something doesn't work the way you need it to, you can just replace it.

My ultimate trigger is people who take courses specifically on the basis of them being easy. Do something worthwhile with your time and actually learn something interesting or useful. Especially if they then complain about how worthless a college degree is because they spent four years on blowoff courses.

>> No.1735180

Why would anyone not living paycheck to paycheck care about base salary?

>> No.1735187

>If you have the theoretical grasp, you can do virtually anything because if something doesn't work the way you need it to, you can just replace it.

Yep. I actually had an epiphany while studying for interviews shortly before I graduated.

The reason I was getting these questions from the book wrong was because I was so focused on the answer to the question, not the process.

As soon as I realized it was more about how I get to the answer as opposed to the answer itself, they just got easier and easier.

>My ultimate trigger is people who take courses specifically on the basis of them being easy.

The only time I will give someone a pass is when they're already taking a heavy ass course load, and it's the difference between taking another 4/5000 level class, and actually surviving the fucking semester.

The first semester of my senior year I was taking 19 credits. I dropped one of my upper division math courses that semester and fucking took business writing. Because fuuuuuuuck that.

>> No.1735188

>being this autistic

>> No.1735192

I don't think I've ever had anyone tell me their maximum compensation if the topic of salary came up. It usually goes

>"Oh yeah, they pay X, with xx% bonus, stock and 401k matching"

Or something along those lines.

The only reason I could ever think that anyone would go, "I make 180k" when they really mean they make 110k + compensation is because they wanted to make it sound like their salary was 180k.

>> No.1735209

>he went to a shit school
>he slacked off and didn't take any useful classes
>he failed Calc I three times
>he can't get a job in industry
>he blames it on his degree choice instead of his ability or dedication
>I'm the autist

ok bud :^)

>> No.1735225

>majoring in austism

>> No.1735231
File: 162 KB, 500x500, 1425481651647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a trade school, it got me a $13/hour job doing moderate physical labor. I move 50-100lb parts around 90% of the time and operate a CNC machine the other 10%.

All day I dream about getting a CS or CE degree, but my job barely covers my rent/food/car insurance/student loan, and I'm nowhere near a decent school. I'd have to move, and with no savings, no job, no house, no assistance from parents, and just enough income to not qualify for federal/state grants, I'm looking at like $25k a year? Is there any other way? That's such an insurmountable number to me that I almost want to just keep slaving away until I inevitably get hurt at work and become a welfare cuck.

Really I just want to use my brain more, thanks /blog/

>> No.1735233

>implying I'm majoring in CS

I'm majoring in CompEng, friend. I can assure you that I don't suffer the same insecurities that cause you to self-hate on a Kyrgyzstani shepherding message board.

>> No.1735235

I got a CS job through self study and no debt, so suck it.

>> No.1735236

Define "Advanced math"
My math requirements for my uni are as follows:
Calc. I
Calc. II
Calc. III
Calc. IV
Engineering Statistics
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Differential Equations

Then some mathy ECE courses like algorithms and physics I/II

>> No.1735256

>playing world or warcraft and league of legions
>watching anime
>cystic acne

>> No.1735259

>not an animefag
>learning shit

keep projecting, friend. I don't mind, as long as it helps you be less depressed. Maybe you'll even tell your customers to have a nice day after handing them their Big Mac. :^)

>> No.1735263

Computers are the way of the future. A degree in CS prepares you for more than just being a codemonkey, but there's still plenty of money in that for now.

>> No.1735277

go back to /r9k/ faggot

>> No.1735279

What the fuck do you think I would do there?

>> No.1735283

What OP thinks he's saying:

>Can you all just stop majoring in computer science?

>It's literally a meme degree and the market is already oversaturated with you splergs. Even if you do a get a job, you'll just be on a $50k salary with $100k in student loans working a meaningless codemonkey and wanting to kill yourself everyday.

What he's actually saying:


>> No.1735434

Someone didn't do an apprenticeship.

>> No.1735441


Not completely true. My course was packed at the beginning, but all the gaymers dropped out and the intellectuals "upgraded" to engineering/mathematics. Classes are more and more empty by the semester.

>even if you do get a job...

I have the most fucked GPA and getting an internship was surprisingly easy. You get inundated with job offers/opportunities in the last year or so. There is just no shortage of work hiring. More and more commercial infrastructure requires tech.

>$50k salary...

Heading to an interview for a job tomorrow that is $69k starting. Not even halfway through my degree yet. Best part of all, the job description is literally "have a passion for this and that, no commercial experience needed".

>$100k student loans

thank god i'm not a meriburger

>node.js won't land you shit

It's fashionable to shit on node.js, but the reality is there are a disgusting amount of job opportunities for someone competent with node.js.

I do agree that mathematics and theory are incredible important, though. That was basically the casual filter in my course, all the gaymers and idea guys mysteriously disappeared afterwards.

>> No.1735487

>Calc. I
>Calc. II
>Calc. III
>Calc. IV
>Engineering Statistics
>Introduction to Linear Algebra
>Differential Equations

Those are all general engineering math courses. Everyone has to take them.

Algorithms is close, but courses like numerical analysis, number theory and discrete algorithm optimization are more what I'd expect from an undergrad CS degree.

>> No.1735685
File: 68 KB, 744x1064, All the things I need to graduate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got Discrete structures if that counts.
Pic related I just captured my requirements.

>> No.1735919

I feel for you man. Here's a (you). I'll be praying for you desu.

>> No.1735930


Tips on theoretical stuff? I'm slowly reading Hamacher's book on computer architecture and going through georgia tech's OS Concepts udacity course. Gonna get a book on that too because I want detail.

I have a copy of CLRS but I'm trying to supplement it with internet stuff since I find algorithms are the main thing I struggle with.

>> No.1736008
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>courses like numerical analysis, number theory and discrete algorithm optimization are more what I'd expect from an undergrad CS degree.

Whoever called autism earlier on in the thread was spot on. After working for a few months, this is prior to graduation, you realize what total bullshit this is.

>> No.1736011
File: 15 KB, 523x287, 1483071237304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google's total comp for new hires out of university is around $150,000/year (100k base salary)

If you're gonna lie, at least do some research first

t. someone who works in the area at a similar company

>> No.1736022
File: 94 KB, 580x387, 1481352318256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't see this post before I replied

These numbers are actually realistic, though claiming you "make" that much is very misleading.

Congrats on the gig at any rate

>> No.1736442

only autists can generate wealth in CS

>> No.1736449
File: 104 KB, 528x396, malemodelsmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you cope with the fact that you are dogshit and invisible compared to a good looking male working in McDonalds?

>> No.1736458

that's the equivalent of 80k or so in flyover country

rent and taxes will eat you alive in california

>> No.1736462

also: doing something that actually fucking works

if you hand a project to pajeet you better have a few good whites around to clean up after they've shit on everything

>> No.1736463

now ask them about signing bonus, annual bonus, stock options, 401k or equivalent and other benefits

even in a normie job the salary is only part of your total compensation package

>> No.1736711

no its salary thats misleading
its how tradecucks try and impress everyone even though they have a garbage benefits package and work twice as many hours for overtime

>> No.1736731

>$69k starting
>not in america
no one cares what you make in australian dollaridoos, chum

>> No.1736750


Gotta agree with this. When comparing my salary with friends it would be misleading to leave out my benefits, which are stellar. I have friends making $10k more but they also live in a more expensive area, and I get full health insurance covered, 2.5x overtime, free meals, 401k contribution, equipment, etc. Salary is only one part of your total compensation.

>> No.1736993


I'll graduate debt free in Canada and then come steal your job. ;)

>> No.1737221

I have two friends. One is an engineer and the other is a full stack developer. They both graduated from the same school and make around the same $$. This is a troll thread. just do what you like/what you are good at as long as its not some bullshit liberal arts you will be fine.

>> No.1738058

I do think your being honest.

People also need to factor in that you had to have studied very hard and come from a very good school to work there.

Also the cost of living is very high in your area. In life there really isn't a free lunch desu.....

>> No.1738139
File: 27 KB, 540x599, 1475248847433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a non-meme degree that will get my a job I actually enjoy?

>> No.1738141


>> No.1738142



>> No.1738144

a-alright you lads have any strategies on how not to be(come) an alcoholic then?

>> No.1738151

What do you enjoy doing?

>> No.1738152

>making 180k at Google right out of college
screencap your payroll

>> No.1738161

>screencap a lie

You're asking too much of him