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17343336 No.17343336[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any degenerates here? What drugs do you use to focus when trading/doing research /biz/? Do you take any substance to wind down for the day or take the edge off?

Pic related on occasion, also modafanil or adderall when studying/trying to make 180IQ trades and edibles to relax at night and fall asleep.

>> No.17343359

I want some kind of adhd medicines. Provide that for me sir

>> No.17343365

>enjoy your psychotic crysis and necking in the woods op
At least you don't use this shit to "have fun"

>> No.17343376

who let the newfags out? can't even greentext properly

>> No.17343384

what do you see now

>> No.17343386

Just let him pretend we want him here

>> No.17343390

Me too anon

>> No.17343391

Try Ritalin frem

Where do you but the modafinil asking for a friend

>> No.17343409

I take Modafinil for staying awake and LSD microdoses for creativity and motivation

>> No.17343432

I buy the modafanil on occasion from a buddy, I got prescribed adderall a couple years ago, I dont even think Im adhd but it was easy as fuck and the doctor was easy to talk to. But desu I don't like the way it makes me feel some of the time, I get clammy as fuck when its starting to wear off (like sweating through shirts) and I feel too sped up on it sometimes, depending on whats in my stomach. starts feeling a little too methy for my taste

>> No.17343439

>they fell for the microdoses meme
niggers gonna nig

>> No.17343452

Yeah I’ve taken adderall for months at a time before and I just don’t sleep or eat lot so I’d like a smaller dose or different drug. I guess I gotta get a doctor

>> No.17343468
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Kratom daily a few times but in low doses just to take the edge off (and avoid withdrawal)
modafinil every now and then simply because it makes me feel like a normal human being and is awesome to get shit done
phenibut once ever 1-2 weeks simply to enjoy a great day, also works the whole day

>> No.17343496

I might try modafinil desu, i'm having trouble concentrate in class.
Im not from the US so can't get my fingers in som addys

>> No.17343499

This shit will make you absolutely dominate at gaming - at high doses: https://www.purenootropics.net/product/oxiracetam/

I get kicked out of PvP for cheating/hacking when I'm on this shit. The biggest dose I've done is 10 grams - while I had savant-like powers with gaming, it gave me violent liquid diarrhea for 3 days (the kind where you end up just shitting water). Don't start out with 10 grams

>> No.17343512

Just came off kratom. 14 days and still feel like shit. I was addicted to it bad, took 20 grams per day. Shit is awful to quit be careful

>> No.17343528

2g weed
oven 290 degrees F
wrap in alluminum foil tightly
8 minutes

microwave chocolate bar

stir weed into melted chocolate

40 seconds in microwave

>> No.17343530

I’m not trying to be a fag but drugs and alcohol are a bad idea. I’ve done them, I will probably do them again. There’s really no better state of mind for me other than completely sober. I get so much more done, my focus is laser sharp, I am just the right amount of pissed off and on edge that it just works for me. Better at business, relationships, and life in general.

>> No.17343536

>Pic related on occasion
keep it on occasion. i did kratom occasionally for nearly a decade without any trouble, but i did not believe it was possible to become addicted so it eventually became a daily habit. after a year or so of 10-15grams daily, I was addicted.
Shit sucked, it's the only thing I've been addicted to. I ended up taking a week off from work to get through withdrawals; had severe anxiety and flu-like symptoms for 3-4 days.
My go to now for taking the edge off in the evening is noble kava root.

>> No.17343541

motherfuckers go crazy for addy. it'll make you insanely motivated at whatever the task (even if your task isn't productive). but its speedy and your sleep is shitty, can't eat without food having the texture/taste of grilled chicken and hard to swallow, feel like shit if you didnt drink/eat enough after, etc. but while it lasts it does feel great, definitely euphoric a little

>> No.17343543

People with severe mental illness do not like being sober.

>> No.17343559

>psychotic crysis from modafinil and adderall

>> No.17343573

>discovered BTC thanks to Silkroad back in 2012

>> No.17343636

I have heard that moda kinda gives the same motivation, i dont know if that's true or not tho.
Besides i just want to pass my exame in 8 mouths time. And i don't think i'll make og without a lil' something something

>> No.17343666


What drugs does a person like me turn to in this situation?

>> No.17343671

I have severe mental illness and do not like being sober. Coming up on 80 days alcohol and drug free and life is shit but in that time I've gotten promoted and doubled my savings (I spent over $100 a day on alcohol). I agree with >>17343530
about being pissed off and on edge. It gives you drive

>> No.17343692

Just joking about that, this happens with cocaine.
Common junkies believe that they can control everything with drugs and shit, they all end in the same way.
Microdosing is just another way to become common junkies.

>> No.17343698

if it isn't an aphtamine, it's snake oil

>> No.17343708

Guys if your a youngfag DO NOT do adderall they hand it out like candy. your psychologist is a paid shill and NOT your "friend that you can confide in"

Srs adderall does help a bit you can focus way better and i got really good at math but its not worth it the sides are fucked up you become a meth zombie. You can focus well but you have to also be driven to succeed at school/whatever you're doing, it has to be something you really want, aka find your "why".

Thats step number 1 you can take adderall and it wont make you do your homework/whatever you have to do. You have to constantly put yourself on the right course get used to planning out your day with what you need to get done or else you'll be high on adderall playing video games all day and it wont do shit.

>> No.17343710
File: 1.67 MB, 589x250, PerfumedSmallEskimodog-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sweet embrace of death

>> No.17343727

spooky trips
there are some supplements you can get from a health store, or amazon that will help you sleep
lavender oil (calm aid, or any brand with Silexan)
L-Theanine (take like 1gram, it will knock you out)
Phenibut makes me sleep like a baby
Lithium Orotate relaxes me and makes it easier to get to sleep
It doesn't work for everyone, and don't use it regularly, but benadryl always knocks me out. It's the active ingredient in Z-quil.
If you know where to procure Xanax, those should put you down.

>> No.17343736

try drinking soda while eating a banana at the same time

>> No.17343753

Kratom might help Satan. Usually doctors prescribe benzos for sleep like klonopin. Maybe you can buy some off the darkweb

>> No.17343755

I take ashwagandha to help with my hormones. I did a roid cycle 1.5 yrs ago and coming off fucks your endocrine system, ashwagandha helps balance it, makes you horny af since it likely raises test. It also helps with my tinnitus and anxiety. I think it may make me lazy, but I smoke weed every day so yeah its probably at least 90% the weed. Fuck weed tho.

>> No.17343769

Any tips on erection? I'm 30+ and my labido has gone down, I dont get random erections from thot posts I see anymore. Any supplement suggestions?

>> No.17343791

Have sex

>> No.17343810

trying, erections arent hard enough

>> No.17343811

Modafinil these days.

>> No.17343834

buy moda . org

>> No.17343840

yohimbine hcl and zinc blow my sex drive through the roof

>> No.17343844

do you ever wake up with solid erections?
that is one way to determine if the problem is physical or mental

>> No.17343856

which one is for which? and source?

>> No.17343894

neither, i did nofap for a few months which led to some issues but they went away after i started having sex again (after getting past a few embarrassing moments of not being able to keep it up).
i dont remember the source, i just remember reading about that when i was researching it while i was afraid my dick was broken

>> No.17343897

do not go the benzo route like >>17343753 said, that shit is worse than heroin or meth as far as addictions go. its the only drug besides alcohol where withdrawal sends you into violent seizures and can cause death. there's a gruesome video on yt of a guy whos in shaky withdrawals after going off of them FOR 2 YEARS. he'd been on for 10. kratom isn't a bad move, and it's legal in most states/jurisdictions. you can have it mailed to you as well since it's not sketchy to send through the mail (not like darkweb drugs are)

>> No.17343913

work out faggot, getting fit increases testosterone/well-being/confidence/all around health. it's probably from being mostly sedentary + age. some cardio and weights will make a world of difference. if not, you might need testosterone replacement. get your t levels checked son

>> No.17343918

I wake up with erections regularly, I think they are solid. If I roll over and try to bang my gf, it goes soft the majority of the time. No more random erections from thot posting tho where years ago it was annoying to constantly get. I think its performance anxiety but need something to get me over the hump.

>> No.17343941


fokken LOVE phenibut. i used to wake up early, load some phenibut in my water bottle and go hike the green belt while listening to new music. made everything just nicer. but not in a hippy/420blaze it way. just very subtle.

i highly recommend it as long as people keep it to once every 2 weeks or so. (makes you more chatty in social situations too for you anxious bros)

i used to take modafinil but i ran out. it was alright, just made me feel alert throughout the day as opposed to just the 2 hours after ive had my coffee. got a script for adderall once (it was stupid easy, i told the dr i was trying to study more courses for work and needed help studying. they gave me some questionnaire that is easy to BS. but when i said (lied) that i was prescribed it in high school the dr pretty much throughout the questionnaire and wrote the script on the spot. i think he literally said 'oh why didnt you say so'. seriously its the easiest thing to get a script for. but i dont like it. i feel like the comedown turns you into a completely different person and i wasnt even taking it every day.

nowadays i just do l-theanine with my coffee, and 'microdose' shrooms couple times a week. i dont have a scale so i dont know how much im taking.

i recently left one of my jobs though and would be interested in trying something to keep me creatively motivated 4 days a week though. suggestions? modafinil again?

>> No.17343951

>yur mom.

>> No.17343979

I went through a couple-month spell with my gf where I couldn’t get it up. I’m 23. It was all mental and what >>17343913 said and I’m back to bone town. It was bizarre and caused big arguments/fights where I had to explain it wasn’t that she wasn’t attractive, it was something broken with my cock (but hindsight it was mental)

>> No.17344029


ZMA + pumpkin seeds + 1 cup of pomegranate juice a day. mix that with HIIT or TABATA 3 times a week and youll be golden.


ZMA before bed. strenuous work/exercise during the day. 10-15min of stretching each morning and night. 10 min of meditation/breathing exercises a day.


my problem with addy is i always had to time it just right because you will focus on whatever you happen to be doing as soon as it kicks in. i would take it before trying to make music with the intention of getting a lot of writing done but if i happened to have an EQ open as it started working then i would just EQ like hell for 4 hours straight. with mixed results. addy really aint it kids.

>> No.17344090

>f i happened to have an EQ open as it started working then i would just EQ like hell for 4 hours straight
been there kek

>> No.17344108

writing music on stims like straight-up amphetamines is always terrible, your lateral thinking is shit. as in, you see just the tree, not the forest around it, so to speak.

>> No.17344205

is like ritalin except i don't get nauseas and that gross methy feeling, it also makes me more sociable

>> No.17344215

fuggg i'm scared. did not realize this would turn me to an addict

>> No.17344252

it's really not that bad. I came off cold turkey after using 5 -7 grams twice a day for months, it was fine

>> No.17344253

I was at a point of taking 5-6gs every day in the evening for a couple months, had no withdrawal when I quit cold turkey. My friend, with an equal time, would have cold sweats and trouble sleeping

>> No.17344275

Junkies are almost worse than niggers.
There's always this sort of junkie pride in their words.
If you die junkie you definitely respawn as a dicklet nigger.

>> No.17344283

That's probably around what I use. I just do one spoonful in the morning and the evening. It doesn't seem like much but it keeps me going all day. I wake up in withdrawal(and with a throbbing boner) every morning and I'm pretty sick of it so thats why I wanna get off the shit

>> No.17344298

Been dropping some lsd lately and trading Tesla options.. stopped modofil but it’s a great way to stay focused and awake

>> No.17344308

I'm disturbing, probably one of you will be forced to take some shit to contain the anger.
Yes, take some other shit, some more, now take that shitty powder, definitely your body can't take it alone, it needs some add.
Disgusting junkies.

>> No.17344339

Modafinil got nothing on addy. Modafinil keeps your concentration up like in the mornings where you just woke up. While addy enhances your capability and speed at 150%

>> No.17344340

Im a neuropsych, i researched nootropics for my PhD. I avoid a lot of nootropics due to what they can do to the brain.
I generally take L-theanine, caffeine and oxiracetam together. It improves my focus so much i can literally see what i think in front of me.

Going on keto and having coffee with a fuck tonne of MCT oil also makes me feel wired af.

>> No.17344347

Fucking losers

>> No.17344357

You might be deficient in magnesium. Grab a bottle and take the recommended dose a day for a couple of weeks. Helped me with sleeping but your results may vary

>> No.17344375

microdosing psychedelics can be very effective.

even on large doses, but only during the come-down.

>> No.17344379

never had LSD before but structurally its similar to magic mushrooms. Microdosing it is incredible for trading.

>> No.17344482

See >>17343755