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File: 804 KB, 936x936, west-57th-street-tower-new-york-shop-architects_dezeen_936_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17323250 No.17323250 [Reply] [Original]

My parents pay for my college. So what should I do with all the money

>> No.17323264

donate it all to your favorite streamers

>> No.17323289

Donate it all to white nationalist organizations

>> No.17323302

Donate it to me

>> No.17323303

Only a small portion should go into crypto. Stonks so long as this bubble continues and bonds. Maybe purchase a garage to rent out every few months if you are in a metropolitan area.

>> No.17323331

buy link

>> No.17323349

Also that tower is shit and an eyesore

>> No.17323368
File: 128 KB, 941x775, 1581837323233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you making 3k a month doing nothing?

>> No.17323460

yeah totally blow it all on shitcoins and food, definitely don't invest in yourself or start a business or anything actually productive.
your parents pay for college, so either put all your effort into that, get good grades and land a 6 figure job straight out (you _are_ doing a degree that's worth something arent you?), or set up businesses in your free time.

>> No.17323679

I made a Roblox game Christmas break 2018-2019 that made about 7000 dollars, and now I made another that I launched mid January that’s already made about 3.5k

>> No.17323912

found the wagies

>> No.17324291

cope lmao
You'd turn down a 6 figure job at age 25?

>> No.17324352

nobody makes 6fig with only a college degree retard

>> No.17324753

Check out the defi trend, Finnexus FNX is leading the way with its amazing features

>> No.17324822

lmao ok so you just don't know, i take back the 'cope'.
FAANG software developer, Investment banking, Sales (Enterprise software, Medical) - anything where your compensation is also tied to you performance. Not many people realize quite how much you can get paid if you have a good GPA (as well as actually know the subject material), people skills and know what's possible so you can aim for it.

>> No.17324905

i see. good info.. maybe idk anyone in my life who make 6fig using their degree.. i got an offer to be a proprietary trader, should i do it?

>> No.17324919

Looking for low-risk investment with massive profit potential then check out tachyon protocol IPX .

>> No.17324950

wow you are in every thread huh? i take it you are trying to sell your bags?

>> No.17325075

>i got an offer to be a proprietary trader, should i do it
hard question, probably yes.
What's the proposed compensation structure? Base rate + % of your profits?
I have a friend working as a prop trader and the negative is the learning curve & finding your own style & getting comfortable (removing emotions) seeing wild swings. Positive is your compensation is theoretically uncapped.
Without knowing the firm or more about the position i can't tell you much more.
Any job where the compensation is tied to your performance will also feel much more rewarding than wageslaving away - probably more stressful because "woah i might not make rent money this week" but depending on your base rate this isnt a worry.

fuck off pajeet no one's touching this obvious scam

>> No.17325171

Put all of them into CENNZ and you get a lot more than just 3k

>> No.17325950


>> No.17326099

>Roblox game
first ive ever heard of it. what type of coding expereince do yu need for this platform? is it the "webbuilder" of video games with premade shit and no coding required?

>> No.17326120

make more money

>> No.17327036

dude im doing comp sci at stanford and if i dont make at least 150k post graduation with a decent sign on bonus ive fucked up badly. attending an elite school is terrific for money post graduation, and thats ignoring the friends and a fantastic education.

>> No.17327103

Donate it to Hezbollah

>> No.17327118

don't listen to this idiot. Go all in on PNK

>> No.17327147

leave thousands in cash in the pockets of used for sale coats at different goodwill clothing store locations