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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 156 KB, 1024x538, VID2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17315604 No.17315604 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17315640

Sorry truck driver. You were right all along. Vidt is making people rich.

>> No.17315714
File: 12 KB, 512x453, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a dirty slut for fudding this even if it was for my own good. This pump takes away the shame though. Sorry friens.


>> No.17315738

No. It's a scam.

>> No.17315763

You can just stop it. There's no stopping this train. I added more fiat to get back my original position + more. There is no way this coin will not pump hard from here. There's no real fud anymore now that they gave up on VIDS conversation.

>> No.17315767

Nice fud. Try $50

>> No.17315786

Telegram Trucker-Swingee Sergay lost his entire stack trying to swing at 1100 hahahahahaha

He's too much of a fag to buy back in lolololololol

>> No.17315791

You will remember my words.

>> No.17315860

$1 EOY is FUD. More like $1 EOM

>> No.17315893
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, chadthevidtshill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah for sure multiple billion dollar companies are doing business and working with V-ID if they are a scam.. Did you forget EU Blockchain Coalition too anon?

This shit is going to make me so filthy rich that I will start a 1000 year dynasty just because of this trucker coin.


>> No.17316006


I honestly wish you the best of luck with it.

>> No.17316078

This really is /ourcoin/. It was being shilled by /biz/ since the get-go and has achieved some recognition in the crypto space thanks to the hype /biz/ helped build. They even link to the memes we made on their Welcome page for christ sake. The majority (or close to it) of hodlers are /biz/raelis. It’s kind of glorious, reminiscent of early LINK days, and slightly reminiscent of ANS

>> No.17316116

I still think it's a scam. But have at it. Who am I to say.

>> No.17316129

reminder that i hold vidt but been fudding the past 3 months

>> No.17316158

traded my monero stack for it and no regrets

>> No.17316164


What recognition? All I ever saw was stupid ass ideas and retarded shilling. The bad shilling, BSV kind stiff posting. I think it's a scam, at some extent. I see how it works but I can't really understand why any "investor" would straight benefit from it. They receive FIAT from customer then buy their token back with it? Sounds like a fucking ponzi. Token is just run in the backend. I never ever got answered for these questions really so I never bought any. Rode few waves with $200 for the lulz but that's it.

>> No.17316181

>hurrr duurrrrrrr everything is scam
You have no argument pointing towards it being a scam in the first place. Where are you pulling these big brain thoughts from?

>> No.17316208

The thing is that I don't need luck. This project is already generating 2M$+ revenue while being profitable and doing investments. They are years ahead of their original timeline. This is just a start.

>> No.17316233
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>> No.17316265
File: 188 KB, 1170x1170, 1581870155702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next stop moon!

>> No.17316403

It has not now surpassed its ath. Now was the time to do that. It will go down burning to close to 0 like so many coins we've seen. But like I said. I don't want to spoil your fun. I said it's a scam. You make of it what you like.

>> No.17316927

reminder eth was fudded at $1

>> No.17316968


Yes but did they have any good points? This is exactly what I'm talking about. I tell you why I think the tokenomics are fucked and why the project idea is flawed in some extent. Then you just say people like to fud the project. What the fuck is this shit? At least with PNK and other shitcoins you can get some discussion going on just like there was on ETH and LINK. VIDT just is satsgang bullshit so far.

>> No.17317049
File: 64 KB, 658x901, E85A37D3-127B-45E2-A69C-2C24F81ABA20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed it bros. I went to sleep last night instead of buying vid-t and I missed the pump

>> No.17317295
File: 1.14 MB, 640x1604, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't be able to be fully happy for this man
I shouldn't, not after all the endless FUD and disinformation
And yet... I am happy that this man is about to make it

>> No.17317318


GET protocol is making profit. This statement is incorrect.

>> No.17317371


No. The token is not 'just' "run in the backend" as you put it. What I am about to tell you, is not the only justification for the token - but it is an important one, none the less:

The next stage of their business involves launching the B2C avenue of the operation (which has been on the roadmap since the beginning, btw). A model that makes this work properly - a model that makes private individuals like you and me able to use the V-ID service at home - is a token model. It seems like you understand how the deflationary nature of the token can drive value, so I'm not going to to dive into that, but there you go.

I'm not going to spend 20 minutes finding answers for you from the various AMAs the team have participated in over the last tears time, but for more justification - look into those. Start with the most recent one. Justification has been provided AGAIN and again.

>> No.17317653

get a dictionary and learn the meaning of "ponzi"