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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17293571 No.17293571 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17293749

Wake me up at 10usd

>> No.17293811

>under 4

I'm out, market sold

>> No.17293863



>> No.17293922


>> No.17293932

Literally dumping right now. And the only part I hate about this is the reddit cucks get to buy in at a better price now

>> No.17293945


>> No.17293949

I can't believe how weak and stupid I am. I feel sick with myself.

I bought in at $4.30 and there were a few hours of excitement and joy and then this...

I just sold at $3.95 and I'm deeper in debt that I've ever been in my life as I put this all on my credit card.

I feel sick and broken.

>> No.17293968

Goy btfo.

>> No.17293976
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You just win

>> No.17293987
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probably larp but hilarious to think about either way

>> No.17294001

>sold before the golden bull run on tuesday

fucking idiot

>> No.17294036

The guys in the other thread said LINK always crashes harder when Sergey speaks....

Why the fuck did I come here in the first place? You people are all horrible.

>> No.17294059

if that was true why didn't you wait until after he spoke to buy in cheap?

based brainlet

>> No.17294062

I literally don't believe you. Nobody has hands this weak

>> No.17294068

Chainlink is a scam, did you think all the shilling and threads we're organic? Oh my sweet summer child...

>> No.17294071

september 10usd will be bear trap? then straight to 15$?
what's you opinion?

>> No.17294086
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>Oh my sweet summer child..

>> No.17294093

I think he’s referring to the green day song wake me up when September ends

This coincidentally makes sense though
SIBOS 2020?

>> No.17294115

Welcome to 4channel dear redditor

>> No.17294136

You have to go back

>> No.17294153

>falling for this kind of bait
Holy shit can you fuckers go back already

>> No.17294321

Guys I'm tempted to swing trade to recoup my loss of the previous swing trade attempt, I just want my old stack back and I will never swing trade again... Please

>> No.17294338

you're retarded and you'll continue to lose money in any venture you pursue throughout your life

>> No.17294346

How do you cope with being ruined? I don't fucking want to sell low, but it's not fucking slowing the dump.

>> No.17294361

>btc has gone up 50 percent in two and a half months
>10 percent drop

do you really think the bear is going to devour it? call me when it's at 9k

>> No.17294400
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Anon... I'm all in on XRP and LINK...

>> No.17294417

link bull run will come, fren. XRP no idea.

>> No.17294579

>I think he’s referring to the green day song wake me up when September ends
high IQ
I didn't do that association

>> No.17294600


>> No.17294625
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>> No.17294641


>> No.17294766

Glad you saved this from the thread - mine is in there somewhere.