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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17279218 No.17279218 [Reply] [Original]

You are causing the world irreparable damage by backing Bitcoin. The mining is accelerating climate change. That is reallity.

But that is not all, there is also a massive gender gap in the blockchain space. This is forwarding desructive white patriarchal norms. Once again mr white bastard has stolen all of the wealth, whilst causing climate change due to Bitcoin mining.

Also in the real world we have copyright/patent laws, if anyone can just steal a persons invention, they would not invent to begin with and we will be stuck in the stone age. Recently Bitcoin Private announced that they will be stealing the Zcash code in an upcoming fork. If we allow this type of thing to continue, nobody will be developing new coins because other shitty coins like BTCP will just come along and steal the code.


>> No.17279565

Youre so terribly wrong, 70% of biz is indian sir.

>> No.17279601

where did you bought that news, on the precious jewspapers?

>> No.17279604

>b-but frogposters can't make money!
>fuckin.... climate change...

>> No.17279626

>climate change is the little man's fault
>the government literally has weather control technology and has been manipulating the weather for decades

>> No.17279661

>$21T of constantly printed money that induces hyper-consumerism isnt to blame
t. post-surgery TS

>> No.17279717


How much is Putin paying you? I bet he is paying you in Bitcoin Private.. That is how dumb You Trump supporters are. You would accept Bitcoin Private as payment, just because of an upcoming fork where they are stealing the code from Zcash.

>> No.17279740

>somebody wrote software
>they license it so anybody can not only review the code, but modify it and reuse it in other projects
>somebody does just that
>wait that's stealing!

>> No.17279837
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Fuck you nigger